Always nice to catch up with old freinds and see were you both are at now.
And steve2 is rite there is one hell of a good life outside the JW's.
he was up in my area visiting relatives.
it was so nice to see each other in person after well over a decade.
we have been communicating by e-mail and phone after connecting on facebook a few years ago.. we went to a local restaurant and talked for almost two hours.
Always nice to catch up with old freinds and see were you both are at now.
And steve2 is rite there is one hell of a good life outside the JW's.
i am a newbie to ttatt.
i have been reading your posts for a few months and joined in a few times.
thank you so much for taking the time to write you experiences it really helps us newly awakened ones.. so here is my story........ my name is 70wksfyrs and me and my kids are victims of domestic violence at the hands of a so called jw.
Holy spirit at a J.C!!!!
Belive me i'm not makeing this up.
J.C ,D.F's a guy turns out one of the elders on the commite was haveing an affair with a married sister.
Guy appointed an Elder while he's ripping of people for millions of dollors,Serves on J.C's D.F's people....ends up going to jail for 3 years.
So were was the holy spirit when a guy who was haveing an affair gets on a J.C and were was it when a guy is appointed an elder while ripping people off for millions???
it was the national headquarters for the jehovah's witnesses for 30 years.. but the 7.5ha wattle downs property has now been sold to elim church and could soon house a new christian college.. jehovah's witness minister george gray says advances in technology mean the property is no longer needed for running the church's new zealand and south pacific activities which will now be administered from australia.. elim church bought the property for its growing south auckland congregation and volunteers helped transform the site in just a matter of days.. pastor boyd ratnaraja says the congregation moved in on a sunday straight after morning services at their much smaller weymouth rd premises.. "they have done a superb job of setting up," he says.. the church will hold services for its 450-strong congregation at its new home as well as running counselling sessions and operating an op shop and a weekly soup kitchen.. "we believe in reaching out to the community.
we want this to be a centre of hope.
steve2 there is a good chance john and lorraine went to Australia (i asked my mum) some did the rest were put out to pasture somewere around NZ.
The bethel would have been sold to the highest bidder no favours there.
years ago you read my horror stories about being raped by a jw.
i was nine years old when this took place, now the man has been getting all his works in order.
what do i do to stop the seventy-year old pedophile from getting his position back?
I agree let him be appointed then let all hell brake loose.
Let everyone know this will make anyone holding a position suspect..if they have appointed one how many more out there??
If everyone is made aware of it the more people will ask questions.
You are not breaking the law by letting everyone know.
Good luck with whatever you do.
have you ever come across words that resonate with you?
it doesn't have to be a great gem of wisdom, just something that is meaningful to you.. please share, and if you want to, tell us why it's meaningful to you.. here is something that made me nod when i first read it.... .
"fortunate are those who have learned to see, in the wild things of nature, something to be loved, something to be wondered at, something to be reverenced, for they have found the key to a never-failing source of recreation and refreshment".
a women drove me to drink and i never had a chance to thank her...w.c.fields
if you threaten the commmitee with a lawsuit, each of you.
will hear from my lawyer if you df me today.
all you have, every penny.
Just get the 1st ammendment done away with and your on your way.
peter garrett is definitly a can short of a slab.. the australian goverment and the new south wales forestery service were presenting an alternative for the nsw sheep farmers for controling the dingo population.. it seem years of the sheep farmers useing tryed and true methods like shooting them and traping them,peter garrett environmental minister and nsw forstery service and other tree hugging greenies had a more humane solution.. they proposed the animals be captured alive and the males be castrated and wait for it let loose again.. therefore the dingo population woul'd be controled.. this was actually proposed to the nsw sheep farmers association.. finally one of the old boys at the back stood up and tiped his hat back and said "son i don't think you understand our problem,the dingos aren't fucking our sheep they are eating them!!!!".
there was a roar of laughter as garrett,nsw forestery service and green tree huggers leaft the room "very sheepishly".
you couldn't make this up.. .
sooner7nc,its not a joke!!!!!!!!
peter garrett is definitly a can short of a slab.. the australian goverment and the new south wales forestery service were presenting an alternative for the nsw sheep farmers for controling the dingo population.. it seem years of the sheep farmers useing tryed and true methods like shooting them and traping them,peter garrett environmental minister and nsw forstery service and other tree hugging greenies had a more humane solution.. they proposed the animals be captured alive and the males be castrated and wait for it let loose again.. therefore the dingo population woul'd be controled.. this was actually proposed to the nsw sheep farmers association.. finally one of the old boys at the back stood up and tiped his hat back and said "son i don't think you understand our problem,the dingos aren't fucking our sheep they are eating them!!!!".
there was a roar of laughter as garrett,nsw forestery service and green tree huggers leaft the room "very sheepishly".
you couldn't make this up.. .
Peter garrett is definitly a can short of a slab.
The Australian goverment and the new South Wales forestery service were presenting an alternative for the NSW sheep farmers for controling the dingo population.
It seem years of the sheep farmers useing tryed and true methods like shooting them and traping them,Peter Garrett environmental minister and NSW forstery service and other tree hugging greenies had a more humane solution.
They proposed the animals be captured alive and the males be castrated and wait for it let loose again.
Therefore the dingo population woul'd be controled.
This was actually proposed to the NSW sheep farmers association.
Finally one of the old boys at the back stood up and tiped his hat back and said "Son i don't think you understand our problem,The dingos aren't Fucking our sheep they are eating them!!!!"
There was a roar of laughter as Garrett,NSW forestery service and Green tree huggers leaft the room "Very Sheepishly"
You couldn't make this up.
lived there for 10 years till 2005 nothing....now every night a drive by shooting up a house.
what happened sydney!
we feel like te us now..
When Joh was in power Queensland police were the best money coud'd buy.
despite everything, i still have a lingering admiration toward those who serve or have served in bethel.
it is not that i believe it is gods organization in any way, shape, or form.
Steve2 is spot on.
Bethelites are used to being like rock stars everywere they went they are treated like royality.
After they are moved on from bethel they will go to a congro somewere and be welcomed with open arms.
After a while they will just be a number in the congro and they have to get on with their life lie everyone else,The problem is they are not used to liveing like the rest of us,They have to budget to eat,power,phone,rent ect and most likley with little money behind them and if they are advanced in years little chance of getting a decent job.
After a while they will realize the dream of liveing at Bethell for the rest of their lifes was just that,They will become John and jane publisher like the rest of them.
Even if they are leaft out in the cold they will cling to whatever hope they can find...saddly for them it will not be at bethell like they thought.