Macro-evolution is a fantastical myth unsupported by observation.
could you please, simply and precisely, define what you mean by "macro" evolution as opposed to micro?
I see it as a continuum, not a dichotomy. I ask you, where is the line?
As for "hearing the other side", I HAVE read "Darwin's Black Box", and I have spent
many many hours at AiG and other similar sources.
I have also read very powerful and articulate rebuttals to nearly every argument
ventured, and I am in the middle of carefully weighing the evidence.
I also find it interesting that Michael Behe BELIEVES IN MACRO EVOLUTION! Yes, HE
only draws the line at certain microscopic machines, but on every thing else in the
animal kingdom he accepts the Darwin model INCLUDING that we came from apelike
ancestors. Is he really someone you want to claim for your side?