There was a thread a few weeks back on this video, so I will re-post my comments here:
I'm not sure this video is entirely fair... every witness I know would
readily admit that the cross was once used as a symbol. It's in the
PROCLAIMERS book for goodness sake. When encountered at the door with
this objection, no JW well-read in their own literature would claim it
was an "apostate lie" that the cross was used.
The shunning thing... Well, I guess some witnesses might be dense enough to deny that disfellowshiping = shunning, but when pressed, I think they would admit they are effectively the same, and agree that "not talking" to a DF is Org policy, not a personal choice. The video makes some very valid points, and even a few funny ones, but overall, I find the video slightly bitter and uninformed, with an unpleasant aftertaste of the pedantic and preachy. I LIKE parody. I think the absurdity of Witness thought and behavior is a rich well of mostly untapped humor, and I very much enjoy a well done and witty expose of such absurdity and the underlying nasty ego required to be loyal witness... However, for parody to work, it has to be insightful. I guess living 25 years disconnected from the witnesses has left the maker of this video with only a tenuous grasp of the nuances of witness thought, and what is left is a caricature shell of lingering anger and injustice. I hope making this video made her feel better, becuase I sure don't. [ink]