JoinedTopics Started by leaving-jws
The SHOW must go on!!!
by leaving-jws ini remember when i was a kid in "the truth.
there was an elderly sister that had a heart attack during the meeting.
she made loud gasping sounds as she was holding on for dear life.
Can the holy spirit be a person???
by leaving-jws inmy mom and i got into a debate about the trinity doctrine.
she claims that the holy spirit cannot be a person which invalidates the trinity doctrine.
she says in genesis that the holy spirit was depicted as "roving about the earth" as an "active force".
you know you are an apostate when.....
by loosie inyou buy a plush rabbit for your collection and you see that the name of it is " flip flop" and you think of the wt society rather than a summer sandal.. .
add your own....
WT-Says Moms Should not Work
by leaving-jws inthe feb 1, 2008 wt has an article on p. 28 called finding fulfillment as a mother.
the article basically states that moms should not work outside of the home but stay at home with their kids to teach them things about jehovah.
it also states that moms that want to work outside the home full-time do so not out of economic necessity but to boost their self worth, to obtain financial independence or to pay for luxuries.
I've just become a father
by jwfacts ini have been married for 10 years and have two wonderful step kids, 15 and 21. being a jw i did not want a child as life seemed so pointless.
things changed for the better since leaving and i am now the proud father of a big baby boy zac - 9pounds (4.1kg), 52cm long and huge lungs.
my wife is filipino so the baby looks very asian at the moment.
My first visit to the Kingdom Hall
by FlyAway2 inlet me just start off by saying wow.
never thought the day would come i'd see myself write that kind of title.
so, you may or may not remember me from my post a few weeks ago about my ex-jw g/f from europe wanting to see what a meeting was like in the states.
Field Service Antics ...
by writetoknow indo you remember all the munipulation and antics witnesses use to get out of actually going to the door and talking to people about the bible?.
i only bring this up because in another thread i posted someone made the assertion that if witnesses voted as a group they would change the election.
it like saying the witnesses go to every door in the world with the good news and their the only group doing the work!.
Did you have any self righteous holier than though in your congro??
by karter inwe moved to a new congro when we got married there was a pioneer couple who looked down on anyone who wasn't as good as them.. my wife was pioneering i was working my butt off trying to save some money to buy a house (we did) these 2 looked down on anyone who brought anything nice ,we found out they were running down to the welfare for a free handout at the expense of hard working people like me just to look good.. take away the label pioneer they would probably support themselves.. another solo mum living on welfare used to rave on how she pioneered lets face it having the state pay you to bring up one child she had plenty of time on her hands.. i was working on council houses and helped her get one even helped her move into it ,soon after she married the father of her child (he became a jw) after the help my wife & i had given her we didnt get an invite to the wedding they only invited elders , ms , regular pioneers one of my mates who was a pioneer said '' don't know why they invited me don't even know them''.
fast forward after much , much ass licking (you had to see it to believe it ) he became an elder only to be removed a few months later.
was anyone actually proud and happy to be spreading the word(ministry)
by looloo ini can only think of one person who actually seemed to have "joy in her heart "on the min when i studied , and even the dubs used to hate being put with this person, it all seems so obvious now that it has nothing to do with a love for god , but doing whats expected of you
My wife is attending an "Assembly"?
by Shadow1 inmy wife has gone to attend an "assembly" can anyone tell me what goes on at these meetings?.
-"un-believing mate" still very new to all of this.. .