This would be a good opportunity for them to say the flooding is the start of Armageddon.
Well, I rather think that the JW are searching for their place in the community since the big A is still not coming.
i don't know if you are aware of the flood that is currently devastating big parts of europe.
tschech republic, austria and the east of germany are hit hard by the water.
the record levels of more than a century have been exceeded - and it has not yet ended.
This would be a good opportunity for them to say the flooding is the start of Armageddon.
Well, I rather think that the JW are searching for their place in the community since the big A is still not coming.
h20 was a smashing success for a long time, even with many moderators.
the board rules were basically good common sense, and expressed some issues as to matters of law, such as not violating copyright, etc.
i don't understand why h20 went down the tank.
sigh. I used to be a apologetic member at the old h20 when I still believed in a reform that I thought was already going on. I remember my first comment with the pseudo "Waiting". Man, was I excited and feared to be traced by the elders. ;-)
It was some kind of secret in the beginning: I remember first there really ought to be JW in somewhat good standing only. The Sysops remained anonymous. I was like a fifth coloumn. :-) Soon, the Top Apostate like Kent et al entered. That was a change, I remember some were offended but the board lived in.
I remember some fights I had with Kent et al. :-) (p. 141 of Kings, The Nazi State and the New Religions). I was not a regular contributor but I read it almost every single day. (Same with JWD.)
h20 helped me to think about some things and discuss my thoughts anonymously. I would not be the guy I am today without h20.
When h20 went down I came here. I don't remember if that was after some time and how I learnt about this place.
i don't know if you are aware of the flood that is currently devastating big parts of europe.
tschech republic, austria and the east of germany are hit hard by the water.
the record levels of more than a century have been exceeded - and it has not yet ended.
No, I didn't know the elder who is from east Germany. My region will be hit next week but I am personally am not at risk.
But everybody in Germany is at least emotionally touched by this national (and European) catastrophe.
i don't know if you are aware of the flood that is currently devastating big parts of europe.
tschech republic, austria and the east of germany are hit hard by the water.
the record levels of more than a century have been exceeded - and it has not yet ended.
I don't know if you are aware of the flood that is currently devastating big parts of Europe. Tschech Republic, Austria and the east of Germany are hit hard by the water. The record levels of more than a century have been exceeded - and it has not yet ended. 100'000 of people have to flee the water.
In Germany, among the many helpers are also more than 1'000 JW (mostly from the comitees for building KH) are helping to fight the flood. Among the 10 people who died while trying to rescue people is also a JW Elder. I heard of two KH that have been damaged.
Edited by - GermanJW on 17 August 2002 5:24:54
i'm curious to know if anyone has noticed different behavior from their dub family and friends since the aug. km about disfellowshipped ones.
i've noticed that my mother is no longer emailing me, nor is she responding to my emails.
i really wish that she would just come out directly and state that she will no longer talk to me instead of just ignoring everything, thinking i will go away.
No, theological there has been no change. But especially in Germany - where the Society is seeking registration - the PR department is saying: Nobody is being shunned.
German PR Speaker Bernd Klar even appeared on a local TV station stating that "If I said today that I didn't want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses, nothing at all would happen to me. My brothers would speak to me, they would come along and ask why I don't want to be a JW anymore."
I think too many r&f JW believed the crap the PR Dep. said.
does anyone know of any actual studies or published statistics about jw's and mental illness?.
mike pence
Please also take a look here:
i was trying to remember the correct german word for the state of attitude towards others.
that witnesses often show - i believe it is "schaudenfreud" - happiness felt when observing.
I sometimes regret it does not exist in English.
It does exist in English. It is schadenfreude. So many English words have entered into German that is should not be a problem for some German words to enter the English language.
the jws have been happily proseletyzing & lying about thier 'faith" for a while now, until someone alerted some other people.there are about 5 or 6 whitewashing the truth about their practices in order to gain converts & sumpathy.
look at this bully!
sensationalizing child molestation?
the donation arrangement is only used in countries where the government might disallow tax-exempt status to the organization if they continued to sell the literature.
No longer true. The donation arrangement has been introduced worldwide in 2000.
i don't know anything about this movie but the cover of the dvd strongly reminds me of something:.
Compare the 'W' with a Watchtower magazine and it's the same. Ironic or what?
Yes. Also take a look that the small-lettered, uplifted definite articel 'the' in "The Two Towers" :-))
the worst magazines i tryed to place was about 13 months ago i think 1 was the watchower on witchcraft and the other was the elderly commiting suicide.i thought how the hell am i going to offer this mag on witchcraft, i think i ended giving them to the pioneers,i mean what sort of presentation could i use with this witchcraft article i suppose i could of spoke about the blair witch project and tell them how c:@p it was,i mean i loved horror films.and to make things worse the magazine about the elderly commiting suicide "oh god" that was a bad one especially when i had to offer it at an old peoples home.
so anyone on here what mags did you find terrible to place.
I remember the Watchtower with the Headline "Does the Devil Make Us Sick?". It was one of the first Watchtowers I did not even take to Service but left it at home and threw it away after some time.
I looked it up: 9/1 1999.