I normally do not let myself be dragged into discussions like this, although I do enjoy a lot reading them. However, this time I'm going to put my 2 cents in.
First, nobody is editing your comments. You're just either, not paying attention to what you're doing, you do not know how to F O R MAT your comments, or you just RUSH to press Submit without checking first that everything looks the way you want it to look.
Second: Talking about what the disciples did in the first century. They had themselves a belief and yes, it was that BACK THEN the kingdom would be established. That is NOT wrong in and of itself. The BIG problem and the BIG difference between them and today's so called Governing Body is that the latter has PUBLISHED their beliefs for millions to believe as the truth; for millions to see it as a promise of the Creator himself for of humanity. As an example, go to your KH and take an Awake! volume from before 1995 out and look at the masthead. It is a FACT that they presented their OPINION or WISH, if you want, that the generation that saw the things of 1914 was going to be the generation who would see the end of this system of things. This was presented as the Creator's promise and was printed MILLIONS of times for LOTS of years.
Then, it did not happen. The generation that saw the events of 1914 died off. They changed their masthead and the CREATOR'S PROMISE, that was so prominently presented and published all over the world in many, many languages, turned out to be a LIE. Believe me, there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between what they've done and what the first century christians did.
If you can show me where in the Bible, an apostle or a first century christian PUBLISHES his OPINION of when the end is for the rest of his christian fellowship to believe it as truth under the threat of disfellowshipping in case of not accepting it, I will agree with your comparison. The apostle Paul almost gets there when he talks about the rapture in 1 The. 4. Where he says, "we, the living who are surviving", implying that the end would be there before his demise, which, of course, did not happen. But that's now off topic.
You also keep going on and on with "it's a way of keeping on the watch". Well, I'll just mentioned the very fitting example of the "BOY WHO CRIED WOLF". He did KEEP ON THE WATCH in a very similar way like the GB does. What was the result of his KEEPING ON THE WATCH and CRYING WOLF so many times without base like the GB does? The sheep got eaten by the wolves!!!!
Something similar happens with a lot of the witnesses. They are just tired and show it by not being as zealous as the WTS would like them to be.
Third: Your comparison with Moses is definitely not even close to what happens today. Moses, according to the Bible's report, had more than once proven that he had, without a doubt, God's spirit. Just think about it, they had just witnessed ten supernatural plagues that occurred EXACTLY as they were foretold and the opening of the red sea by the power of God. Of course they deserved punishment for murmuring after having witnessed all that. But, what can the GB show for themselves as proof of having God's spirit? The fact that they keep repeating over and over again that they have it, does not count. The fact that there is increase, doesn't count, the fact that there is 'forced' unity under the menace of disfellowshipping and shunning, doesn't count either. Like I said before, they are just like the boy who cried "wolf".
And lastly, the Watchtower Library CD suffers from something called 'revisionism', things get changed and modified to hide or minimize what they actually asserted in the past. Of course, some things were repeated so much over and over and over again, that they cannot just make them go away. For quotes that you can look up on the Watchtower Library CD about 1975, take a look at this and at this (on these two sites, you'll find scans of actual Watchtower literature that you can look up on you CD).
So, what can we say in conclusion? The way the present GB acts is, in no way, even close to what the disciples of the first century did. They did not, generally, published their opinions and, when they did, they said so. And nobody was kicked out just for not believing a false hope. In other words and to use your own example, nobody was kicked out for NOT BELIEVING that the end would come in 33 AD.
Just my 2 cents, even though it looks more like 3.