What NBC news coverage? I've been a bit busy and haven't been on here as much this past week.
Posts by feenx
Keep on the Watch brochure - WT back track
by The Scotsman inhello folks.
interesting move from the org regarding the january offer of the keep on the watch brochure being cancelled.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/147814/1.ashx.
((if its true that is)).
SO freakin frustrating! Gnostic Gospels ebook...stupid PDF
by feenx inhey everybody :/
so i bought the book the gnostic gospels off ebook.com as i was impatient and wanted to read it versus trying to order a print version and wait for it.
i figured it would be the best of both worlds because i could read it on my work computer in my down time and then i can print out whatever i wanted to read elsewhere.
Hey everybody
So I bought the book The Gnostic Gospels off ebook.com as I was impatient and wanted to read it versus trying to order a print version and wait for it. I figured it would be the best of both worlds because I could read it on my work computer in my down time and then I can print out whatever I wanted to read elsewhere. WRONG. Silly me...I totally spaced checking the permissions and the PDF is locked. It's encrypted with what it calls "eBook Exchange - EBX_HANDLER 128 bit security v.4." I have scowered the net trying to find a way to break this encryption so I can print off various pages, but I have yet to find anything. Every reference I've found to that specific encryption is written by people in the same dilema as myself.
Are there any tech peeps out there that might know a work around on this PDF? Or is there anyone that has an unlocked ebook version of this book? The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels. -
They want to make me an elder :-O
by outofthebox inthis is the third elder that tells me that the body of elders will recommend me as an elder in the next visit of the co.. what do you think i should do?
some facts:.
i am still 'in' because of my family.i am ms.i am doing 10+ fake hours (well, some months it is fake), so they see my "spiritual" progress.-ootb.
I agree that it's a personal choice, based on your own feelings and mental stamina. It would be a shame to get sucked into that life further with nothing to come out of it. On the other hand you would have the chance to help many people both in the org and on here. I don't see it so black and white as dishonest or honest. The entire org operates on rationality. This is simply another instance of that same practice. And really the only reason you would accept the position, as far as I can see, would be to help people. If they feel you're earnest enough to hold the position of elder, then that is a choice they have already made. How many elders strive to have such a position for reasons other than what is officially stated or believed throughout the org? Plenty. The question is how much of yourself you are able and willing to devote to this, because it could be very taxing. Sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, and sometimes the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many. That's your choice.
Jehovah a Dyad?
by feenx inhappy f*cking friday everyone!
so i am reading the gnostic gospels by elaine pagels, and on pages 49-50 it presents a very interesting concept, as related in multiple gnostic texts, in reference to jehovah.
among the many things gnostics believed contrary to jw's, one thing was that jehovah is/was a dyad, a duality of masculine and feminine.
So I am reading The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels, and on pages 49-50 it presents a very interesting concept, as related in multiple Gnostic texts, in reference to Jehovah. Among the many things Gnostics believed contrary to JW's, one thing was that Jehovah is/was a Dyad, a duality of masculine and feminine. Some apparently had questioned the passage at Genesis 1:26 "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Notice the use of "our." They wondered who Jehovah was talking to.
I seem to remember from back in the day (honestly it's hard for me to remember every tidbit of BS fed to me as a kid) that JW's seemed to feel that implied Jesus since the heavens were created prior to the Earth. However Jehovah was the only one ever credited with actual creation.
In any event, I find the thought very interesting. In fact, so far, all the Gnostic views of Jehovah seem to make much more sense to me, based on growin up a dub. And the book itself is very interesting. It does a very good job at describing how, even if inadvertantly, religion and politics played off of each other and were deeply intertwined from the VERY beginning of "Christianity."
Thoughts? -
Opinion: Gnostic view of Jehovah
by feenx inhey all :)
so i've been reading up many things gnostic (i know, better late than never right?
) and when i read about their theory on jehovah my jaw just about dropped to the floor and i found it to be a very interesting and intriguing that in many ways made sense with how jehovah was/is portrayed by the jw's.
Hey all
So I've been reading up many things gnostic (I know, better late than never right?) and when I read about their theory on Jehovah my jaw just about dropped to the floor and I found it to be a very interesting and intriguing that in many ways made sense with how Jehovah was/is portrayed by the JW's. E.g. God is Love is and his creation of the Earth was an act of love, only good intentions, but when his authority was challenged by the Devil and mankind was sold into the slavery of sin suddenly expression of that love was based on the proper use of freewill.
Regardless of what's true and what isn't, since at this point I can't say YES that is something I firmly believe, to anything in any realm of beliefs, whether it's Christianity or Eastern religion or whatever. Well other than Scientology. I can't ever see myself taking anything whacko Tom Cruise says as accurate. But the thought that Jehovah was/is an arrogant under God or lesser God and that in fact the serpent "enticing" Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and bad was a good thing, to incite true knowledge instead of what was presented to them, is a fascinating idea to me.
And it's something that I see still displayed today with JW's, obviously. Today instead of questioning God direct it's the FDS, and the rest of the world is the same as the tree of knowledge, and anyone taking from that tree, thereby disregarding and not putting blind trust in what has been given to them, is following the course of the Devil, which is inheritantly evil. Again, rather than knowing for yourself you are to trust what's told to you, because the source is pure. Well we all know the FDS is NOT pure, and the concept that Jehovah is unpure as well despite being a creator is very mind opening.
What are your thoughts on the Gnostic view of Jehovah? -
Disfellowshipped Son needs opinion UPDATE
by feenx inhey guys,
in a previous post (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/146022/1.ashx) i had mentioned talking to my parents about interviewing them for a book.
well i ended up talking to my mother about it today.
Hey guys,
In a previous post (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/146022/1.ashx) I had mentioned talking to my parents about interviewing them for a book. Well I ended up talking to my mother about it today. I had tried calling her last night because I had a recovered memory of abuse come up, and I wanted to ask her a question about it. She didn't answer, but I spoke to her this morning about it. I figured as long as I was talking to her I may as well throw the question out there. She was very receptive and said she absolutely would answer any questions I had, even tough ones, as best she could. She something along the lines that I deserved that much. Or I was owed that much. Something like that.
So she is going to talk to my dad about it. I told her that it may or may not get published, but that I wanted to tape record the conversation and take notes, and that anything they say could one day end up on a book. I told her that the book dealt with my childhood, abuse, her issues, and growing up as a Witness. I didn't get too far into the Witness items that I intend on putting in the book. I figured I'd leave that for a later discussion. But she does know my life as a Witness will be a topic.
She seemed very excited about the book in general, and somewhat impressed that my therapist is personally and professionally backing it. So despite the unpleasant reason for calling her, I at least felt somewhat positive about our exchange in regards to the book. She was actually quite supportive in general. Was very apologetic about not hearing her phone last night, said she will keep it by the bed from now on, asked if there was anything she could do to help. And I'm pretty sure that even if my dad doesn't want to sit down she will be willing to answer my questions still.
So there my updateThanks again to everyone for your support on that last post!
SCREWED up...simply because we were DF'd
by feenx inhey guys,
i am pissed and need to vent.
so i have been df'd for 5 years now.
Hey guys,
I am PISSED and need to vent. So I have been DF'd for 5 years now. A while ago in a sporadic conversation with my mother she told me that she had heard through the grapevine that a VERY good friend of mine, who was also DF'd, had been found dead in her car, and that it appeared to be suicide. But that she didn't know for sure. At the time I really didn't know how to take it. We all know how reliable JW gossip is, plus I also knew that her ex husband and his family, who are all still JW, were very unhappy with her and said a lot of untrue things. Her own baby boy had been caught numerous times saying that "mommy was a slut." This from a toddler. So I didn't take it as fact and told my mother to find out everything she could. Which wasn't anything further. In the meantime I've been trying to find out what I could, such as online etc. And today I was finally able to confirm that yes she is dead.
This woman was more than a friend. She literally was an adoptive older sister to me. When my parents, my mother specifically, was going through terrible times (in and out of psyche wards, hospitals, cutting herself, suicide attempts) she was there for me. She took me out all the time. We went shopping, to movies. She took me to R rated movies, gave me work to do with her husbands business so I could earn extra money, made her husband sell me his old car for a really cheap price. She said I was her family, and she did everything she could for me. I wouldn't have made it through those years without her.
Then she hit some hard times and everyone turned their back on her, when she was the one who was ALWAYS helping people. She got DF'd before I did, and I was never able to re-establish contact with her. Then I heard that she killed herself, well after the fact, and only confirmed it, MYSELF, now. I didn't even get to go to her funeral, to say goodbye, nothing. She was one of the most important people to me and because of religous rules she didn't get the help she needed, and I never found out about it until it was too late.
I absolutely LOATHE and DESPISE the organization. They are most disgusting bunch of heartless, vile wastes of so called "humans" I have ever heard of. -
Are You A Witness In Good Standing?
by feenx inhey everybody :)
so i am curious about the jw's on here that are still in good standing.
even after i was df'd i still had the brainwash in my head telling me not to go onto an internet site discussing jw issues.
Hey everybody
So I am curious about the JW's on here that are still in good standing. Even after I was DF'd I still had the brainwash in my head telling me not to go onto an internet site discussing JW issues. And I know there are active JW's on here. So I'm curious, to all those active JW's in good standing, what makes you come on here? Curiosity? A bit of revelry in rebellion? Seeking answers to questions that aren't being addressed at meetings or in the publications? Are you an apostate staying within the ranks to cause divisions (graphic)? Are you unhappy and in need of an outlet, perhaps for the time being you are "stuck" in the JW's? What is it? -
homosexuals and JWs
by solidergirl ini have no problem being around gay people.
but bring it up a car group and omg its like the number 1 sin in the world.
it got to point where i wanted to stand up for them.
homosexuals and JWs
by solidergirl ini have no problem being around gay people.
but bring it up a car group and omg its like the number 1 sin in the world.
it got to point where i wanted to stand up for them.