Man he was at Brentwood for a while. I'm not sure when he started going there, but it would at least be from like 83-93 approx. He switched to Wheat Ridge after my family cut off contact with him, which was when I was around 10. That was the first hall I remember him going to, and I was born in 81. So possibly even from before 81 until around 1991-1993.
Posts by feenx
Were You Also Molested by Tom Pulsipher?
by feenx ina little background on my question: i recently was contaced by a cousin of mine who lives out of state because he wanted to apologize to me for anything he may have done that was unkind to me when we were kids (he's a couple years older).
he also elluded to "images" in his head (what i'm going refer to as memories) of doing terrible things to me.
this is the closest that any of my cousins have come to remembering or acknowledging the abuse we all sustained from our grandfather, thomas (tom) pulsipher.
Were You Also Molested by Tom Pulsipher?
by feenx ina little background on my question: i recently was contaced by a cousin of mine who lives out of state because he wanted to apologize to me for anything he may have done that was unkind to me when we were kids (he's a couple years older).
he also elluded to "images" in his head (what i'm going refer to as memories) of doing terrible things to me.
this is the closest that any of my cousins have come to remembering or acknowledging the abuse we all sustained from our grandfather, thomas (tom) pulsipher.
Greetings all :)
A little background on my question: I recently was contaced by a cousin of mine who lives out of state because he wanted to apologize to me for anything he may have done that was unkind to me when we were kids (he's a couple years older). He also elluded to "images" in his head (what I'm going refer to as memories) of doing terrible things to me. This is the closest that any of my cousins have come to remembering or acknowledging the abuse we all sustained from our grandfather, Thomas (Tom) Pulsipher. As any fellow survivors know, knowing and talking to someone else who has also been abused can be very helpful, for both parties. I would think this would be even more helpful talking to someone who has been abused by the same person. I tried unsuccessfully to contact my cousin again to talk further.
SO the thought dawned on me that perhaps others that he's abused could be on this board. I highly doubt he's restricted his abuse practices to just his family. He remains an Elder, and currently lives in Ohio. He's also lived in MN, and for a long time he lived here in Colorado. In Colorado he was in the Brentwood and Wheat Ridge congregations. He also was in Castle Rock for a while.
If there is anyone else who has been abused by him I'd be interested in corresponding. And even if not, I would at least just like to know that yes there have been others, for my personal information. And if there's anyone else out there who is ready to speak out, I am in the midst of writing a book about my experiences, and you would be more than welcome to share yours as well.
There have been elders meetings about his practices so anyone else that comes foreward would not be looked at in disbelief.
I apologize to all if this comes across as a crazy post, but I am very curious and thought what better way to reach out to others that share my experience than on the JWD forum. :) -
Molesting, Incredibly Sad
by joelbear69 inso many here have been affected by sexual molestation i know.
i continue to be shocked by how widespread this horrible problem is.
i found out yesterday that one of my grandnieces was molested by .
I remember seeing a news story about a man who was a sex offender and felt that he could never truly be rehabilitated and actually opted himself for surgical castration. I think the story came up because someone was trying to stop him from doing it, and he was actually fighting to get castrated. Not something you hear everyday.
I totally agree with capital punishment for perpetrators. Although I am biased, I still think it's the way to go. -
Are we too cynical?
by Princess Daisy Boo inis it a good thing to look for fault in everything the borg does?
are we clutching at straws sometimes in our efforts to strengthen our fight and fuel our anger?.
Perhaps, I'm sure plenty are. However, is it not a natural reaction to at the least be skeptical and the most be cynical of an organization whose policies, beliefs and actions (or lack there of) daily affects MILLIONS of lives? And has done so over the course of generations, literally changing entire families? When I first started digging deeper in the WTBS and found disturbing things I discussed it with my therapist as I wasn't quite sure how to process it all. One remark she made, in reference to the core/leadership of JW's and their history, has always stuck with me. She said, "So, at the very least they are unhealthy, and at the very most they are evil." Each person falls somewhere inbetween the extreme of that spectrum, that doesn't mean however that either is wrong.
Confidential Body of Elder Letters from 1981 through 2006
by Elsewhere inhere it is guys.
this is what darth frosty was talking about in his post the other day (
this is a collection of confidential letters from the watchtower society that were sent to the bodies of elders in the years 1981 through 2006. these are the letters that you were never meant to see or read.. there's all sorts of information in them ranging from the boring and mundian to instructions about how to handle child molesters.. many thanks to darth frosty and others (who i'm not sure can be named) who worked very hard and took risks to collect and scan the information.
Hey, I can't seem to find the 2/15/02 letter in either file version. anyone have that?
Ted Jaracz and/or others?
by feenx inhappy new year to all :)
so i'm curious if anyone has further info/dirt on jaracz or any other gb members (former or current).
i know jaracz was publicly accused of molesting a young girl (now an adult).
Right, I just wasn't sure if that had been confirmed yet. :)
Holy shite. This stuff really boggles the mind, just how many skeletons there are in the closet, and just how long the borg can continue until finally there are no more loopholes for them to jump through and they get nailed. -
Ted Jaracz and/or others?
by feenx inhappy new year to all :)
so i'm curious if anyone has further info/dirt on jaracz or any other gb members (former or current).
i know jaracz was publicly accused of molesting a young girl (now an adult).
Does anyone know the name of the cemetary in NY? Also I think having confirmation on the full name of the deceased would be a big help. The borg has a ton of case history, another name would help a lot.
Ted Jaracz and/or others?
by feenx inhappy new year to all :)
so i'm curious if anyone has further info/dirt on jaracz or any other gb members (former or current).
i know jaracz was publicly accused of molesting a young girl (now an adult).
Any other WTBS attorney's that could have been involved in the case? See the link below. None of the cases mentioned seem to be in the correct date range. -
Ted Jaracz and/or others?
by feenx inhappy new year to all :)
so i'm curious if anyone has further info/dirt on jaracz or any other gb members (former or current).
i know jaracz was publicly accused of molesting a young girl (now an adult).
Wow some awesome information on this thread, very informing!!
Worf, I'll definitely be PM-ing you for more info. From what I gathered on your above posting the cemetary to which she refers was on WTBS property, yes? My guess would be that if that is the case they have some kind of legal rights and hence why they won their case. Has anyone ever been able to dig up court records?
Belbab, thanks for the info, I'll check with Farkel as well. -
Ted Jaracz and/or others?
by feenx inhappy new year to all :)
so i'm curious if anyone has further info/dirt on jaracz or any other gb members (former or current).
i know jaracz was publicly accused of molesting a young girl (now an adult).
Worf -
You met the woman Jaracz molested? wow. Any new developments? I know on the silentlambs video she says there are two other witnesses, have they come forward? Sydlik huh? He's the only GB member I ever met, when I was a kid. I am very interested in that case. The only things I've ever heard was about Jaracz and the rumor that Leo Greenlees was gay.