I think death as a reality probably is not a terrible thing. The fear that we as humans create and maintain throughout our lives of death is most likely much worse. And I agree with the sentiment Challenging posted earlier, I have to quote from my favorite movie, Braveheart (it's a little cliche, but true): "Every man dies, not every man really lives." Because of the cirumstances when I was young I never even thought I would live to this age. It hit me when I turned 25, and I think since then I've started to and continue to make plans to make the best out of this life I feel right now, rather than dwelling on the "what if's" of questions that no can ever fully answer about death.
Posts by feenx
Death is a Terrible thing...
by KW13 inhas it sunk in for you people that your going to die yet?
i'm still avoiding the thought but it lurks in the back of my mind, i'm aware someday i've got to address it - like many here i didnt expect to live this far in this system, so i haven't any plan for life as of yet.. death frightens me.
i cannot sometimes watch a film with death of a character in a tragic way - there one moment with family/friends and a life and then not...i read the story about challenger the rocket that exploded and how the crew onboard that shuttle may well of been aware they were going to die.
I was considering voting as well, however the deadline has now passed in my state to register :/
Are Witnesses really persecuted?
by Robert7 inyou know we hear it all the time.
witnesses are persecuted by satan, and this is one of the signs of the 'true religion'.
they love to quote wwii and the concentration camps, but really only 5,000 died versus 6 millions jews.
totally self inflicted! it's like the guy who had beer goggles on all night who wakes in the morning wanting to chew his arm off rather than moving it out from under the beast he slept with the night before and waking her up. JW's have religion goggles on and anything they see is under the veil of "persecution." And I love how everything bad that ever happens is satan's fault. If that's true than "satan" also hates alllllllllll the people in "his world" because the rest of humanity has the same problems as dubs.
a website that NAMES JW child abusers?
by feenx inhas anyone come across a website that people can report and publicly name jw's who have abused them?
silentlambs has the option to report someone and you can check states where reports have been made.
however no names are publicly disayed.
So really it might be something to try and privately collect the info before putting up the site. hmmm......
a website that NAMES JW child abusers?
by feenx inhas anyone come across a website that people can report and publicly name jw's who have abused them?
silentlambs has the option to report someone and you can check states where reports have been made.
however no names are publicly disayed.
So basically the work around could be to get the word out about the site BEFORE it's live, hopefully have a large response before the WTBS catches wind of it, and this info can be circulated by whomever and wherever, anonymously. And doing so we get as many names and locations out there as possible before it has to be pulled down. Is that the consensus so far?
a website that NAMES JW child abusers?
by feenx inhas anyone come across a website that people can report and publicly name jw's who have abused them?
silentlambs has the option to report someone and you can check states where reports have been made.
however no names are publicly disayed.
I am trying to check into the legal aspect of things now. It would take a lot of financial resources for someone named on such a website to track down the actual poster, however I wonder if the WTBS Legal department became aware of it if they would take action to shut the site down based on defamation of character for the organization as a whole...
a website that NAMES JW child abusers?
by feenx inhas anyone come across a website that people can report and publicly name jw's who have abused them?
silentlambs has the option to report someone and you can check states where reports have been made.
however no names are publicly disayed.
Has anyone come across a website that people can report and publicly name JW's who have abused them? SilentLambs has the option to report someone and you can check states where reports have been made. However no names are publicly disayed. Could this be due to potential legal problems? I would think a site that names names could be benefical for victims who want to speak out as well as people who are still active JW's to help protect children. Any web or legal gurus out there tha know the ins and outs of what it would take to start a site like that?
Were You Also Molested by Tom Pulsipher?
by feenx ina little background on my question: i recently was contaced by a cousin of mine who lives out of state because he wanted to apologize to me for anything he may have done that was unkind to me when we were kids (he's a couple years older).
he also elluded to "images" in his head (what i'm going refer to as memories) of doing terrible things to me.
this is the closest that any of my cousins have come to remembering or acknowledging the abuse we all sustained from our grandfather, thomas (tom) pulsipher.
Sure, always up for a PM :)
Were You Also Molested by Tom Pulsipher?
by feenx ina little background on my question: i recently was contaced by a cousin of mine who lives out of state because he wanted to apologize to me for anything he may have done that was unkind to me when we were kids (he's a couple years older).
he also elluded to "images" in his head (what i'm going refer to as memories) of doing terrible things to me.
this is the closest that any of my cousins have come to remembering or acknowledging the abuse we all sustained from our grandfather, thomas (tom) pulsipher.
Well like I said, that's my earliest memory of his congregation. I dont know how long he'd been in Brentwood, it is possible that he was there in 1976. I could ask my mother...
No actually when I was born my parents were in Westwood, then we went to Green Mountain and then finally Bear Valley which is where I was up until I was DF'd. -
Were You Also Molested by Tom Pulsipher?
by feenx ina little background on my question: i recently was contaced by a cousin of mine who lives out of state because he wanted to apologize to me for anything he may have done that was unkind to me when we were kids (he's a couple years older).
he also elluded to "images" in his head (what i'm going refer to as memories) of doing terrible things to me.
this is the closest that any of my cousins have come to remembering or acknowledging the abuse we all sustained from our grandfather, thomas (tom) pulsipher.
Actually, I think he left Brentwood because that's when they moved to MN, and then when they moved back here to Colorado that's when he started Wheat Ridge, but that time frame should still be pretty close.