I would think it's safe to say we all like our own, at least I would hope so. :)
Posts by feenx
Whose name on here do you like...
by My Struggle inthere was someones name on here that i thought was great, but cannot remember what it is.. what are some of the better screen names?.
How Many Here Have Any Ties To JW Relatives or Friends?
by minimus inare you completely jw free?
The only active dubs I have any contact with are my parents. My father is an Elder and they go to a Russian language congregation. I do however have other ex-dubs that I keep in contact with, including my roommate who I've known since she was five. I also have a life long friend who I lost contact with after I was DF'd, but found online. She now too is DF'd and has since come out of the closet. It's crazy to see other people that you knew your whole life but have also gone on their own journey after their exodus.
Even active witnesses think this is way over the top.....
by yourmomma inthere were gasps after watching this.
i heard the anti college talks at the dc this year, and while many people i know didnt agree with them, this following video stunned many of them.
there are many people on this forum, many have gotten to where they are many different ways.
That is absolutely disgusting!!
Whose name on here do you like...
by My Struggle inthere was someones name on here that i thought was great, but cannot remember what it is.. what are some of the better screen names?.
I like all of the above, and I also really Like "Burntheships". Awesome concept for her(?) name.
Adams wife before Eve
by LouBelle ini was watching something rather interesting on the history channel last night with regards to lost scrolls, scrolls that hadn't been included in the bible.
there were three characters that stood out for me.. lillith - she is only mentioned once in scripture - isaiah 34: 14 - some versions may be different.
wildcats shall meet with hyenas, goat-demons shall call to each other; there too lilith shall repose, and find a place to rest.
WOW that is fascinating! I will totally have to check into that. I don't remember her being mentioned in the The Gnostic Gospels. I also have the Nag Hammadi library in English, but haven't read too far into it yet. Did the show say which documents contained her name?
Fun with the special "Awake" mausurbation issue!
by MinisterAmos inanyone who is active has already gone through the december masturbation isexsue and received the enlightening newsex.
now, the undercover org haters amongst us have noticed all those blanks in the article, like "what do you do to reduce the frequency of viewing porn"?
and "what do you do when you find pornography?
what did the awake article say?
Any tech nerds out there? I need help :/
by feenx inok so on of my nerdy things is that i'm totally addicted to new cell phones.
and since i totally believe in beating "the man" i use cricket service and get flashed phones.
well i recently got a new one, a samsung sch u740, and am needing to change some settings on it to get the wap and mms to work, but i need the correct version of qpst, as well as samsungpst (not samsung pstlite, but the full version).
no, to my knowledge you can 't use GSM phones on a CDMA network.
Any tech nerds out there? I need help :/
by feenx inok so on of my nerdy things is that i'm totally addicted to new cell phones.
and since i totally believe in beating "the man" i use cricket service and get flashed phones.
well i recently got a new one, a samsung sch u740, and am needing to change some settings on it to get the wap and mms to work, but i need the correct version of qpst, as well as samsungpst (not samsung pstlite, but the full version).
hey there,
sorry if mis typed anything. Cricket is still on CDMA. The type of phones you can use the mobile web on vary depending on who you talk to. The first flashed phone I ever bought the guy at the store told me that it wasn't possible for any phones to use data. NOT true. This latest guy I spoke to said my particular phone can't use data. NOT true. There are people I've found in forums that have everything working on my phone. If you're looking for an easy switch, the LG phones are good to get, or yes a smart phone. There is a guy here locally who got some piece of hardware that enables him to even put Cricket clicks on phones. He has done this on the Chocolates. So it varies on the phone yes, but also who you talk to. check out Howard Forums to get a better idea. -
Any tech nerds out there? I need help :/
by feenx inok so on of my nerdy things is that i'm totally addicted to new cell phones.
and since i totally believe in beating "the man" i use cricket service and get flashed phones.
well i recently got a new one, a samsung sch u740, and am needing to change some settings on it to get the wap and mms to work, but i need the correct version of qpst, as well as samsungpst (not samsung pstlite, but the full version).
Any torrent that I have been able to find isn't active anymore :/ I'll check that link. Thanks! and I'm checking the shareminer too. -
Any tech nerds out there? I need help :/
by feenx inok so on of my nerdy things is that i'm totally addicted to new cell phones.
and since i totally believe in beating "the man" i use cricket service and get flashed phones.
well i recently got a new one, a samsung sch u740, and am needing to change some settings on it to get the wap and mms to work, but i need the correct version of qpst, as well as samsungpst (not samsung pstlite, but the full version).
ah yes...beating the man. Well Cricket isn't in all cities as of yet, but they have been growing quite a bit actually. And I believe there are similar cell phone services in cities where there isn't Cricket. Cricket offers a flat fee for your wireless service, so it's unlimited. I pay $60 a month and have unlimited everything. Phone, text, pictures, web etc. etc. They don't count minutes, and there's no contract. Sounds pretty sweet right? Well the only thing is because they dont off a contract they rape you on the phone prices. And the phones they sell have been known not to last as long as phones through another service. It's up for debate whether this is because the quality is not as good or because Cricket phones, since minutes are unlimited, are used much more and hence have more wear and tear.
After I had to shell out $55 to repair a 9 month old phone that Cricket wouldn't replace, I found out that the type of network Cricket has uses the same type of phones as Verizon, Sprint, Qwest etc. Basically, if a cell phone doesn't use a SIM card it can't be programmed to work on Cricket. So now your selection of cell phones greatly increases. In addition, since Cricket offers unlimited mobile web for only $5 a month versus the per minute charges like other services you get quite a lot more bang for you buck. AND on the last phone I had I set it up to tether it to my laptop, so I literally got unlimited web access, on my computer (granted it's slow) for only $5 a month.
I personally just get tired of these cell phone companies and there gimmicks to get more and more of your money, for something that doesn't cost them anything further to provide services that they rake you over the coals for if you go over a set amount. It's retarded.