Splash, Watching the live streaming today one of the elders who was woefully under-educated as to current policy and procedures with dealing with child abuse. (WT style just doesn't cut it in the real light of day). Some
not all of the elders they are going to call and in a similar position mindlessly following "the societies directives". The ones that I know of are all blue collar workers, low educational attainment who put on a suit and tie and magically transform into elders with disproportionate power over all and sundry especially sisters. I stayed muzzled by the two witness policy for over a decade even obediently going on a bible study with my child's abuser). So good to see all their elders special books (that even their wives where not to see been shown as all smoke and mirrors in the light of day) Our former prime minister Julia Gillard set up the commission and said
"Australians know... that too many children have suffered child abuse, but have also seen other adults let them down - they've not only had their trust betrayed by the abuser but other adults who could have acted to assist them have failed to do so.
"There have been too many revelations of adults who have averted their eyes from this evil.