News Flash! this site is off from it's subject! more news after this...
the watchtower meeting (this congregation meets on sat) that i just listened to via phone conference was cut 10 minutes short to have a letter read to all the congregation.
here are the highlights:.
- the governing body realizes that the pressures of this system of things are getting heavier on his people.. - just like the governing body of the 1st century, we do not want to add additional burden to you either.
News Flash! this site is off from it's subject! more news after this...
I will try to inform the general public of the truth that it is written on the bible, not the thoughts of human beings like the WTS or even V. They may say what they want to say and cry all they want to cry, but the truth shines brighter than the sun.
it's amazing to see how all the supernatural beings mentioned in the bible are supposed to have a counterpart in real world, more specifically within the hierarchical wt structure.
a previous wt study pointed out that the governing body corresponds to jehovah in its capacity of sending out representatives.
jesus was said to correspond to the class of missionaries taught by the governing body, just like jesus (or michael) had been instructed by his heavenly father.
Remember that this is all symbols in Revelations. In the begging it said so and that the angels were one for each congragation.
instructions on how to download reduced size pdf versions of the book life everlasting in freedom of the sons of god (in both a searchable format and in an ultra small format) will appear towards the end of this post.. background on the book life everlasting in freedom of the sons of god.
credit goes to:.
I've studied this book, not in a book study meeting but as a personal study guide. I did enjoy it.
wt have always been very discreet about their finances.
in the annual totals the sum spent had great increases every year.
however is the evidence is quite clear about the recent fall of contributions - the result was the cut in watchtower and awake.
Actually, right now they are suffering. Because of the raised prices like gas and food, contributions have been very low.
if you are familiar with the wbts literature, you are familiar with their version of the story of noah.
it's mostly the same as other christian versions except for one detail.. in only one scripture in the bible (2 peter 2:5), noah is called a preacher of righteousness.
this is the only scripture in the entire 66 books that mentions him in this way.
But the question should be why did the people not be interested in what Noah preached? Was it because of the gods that exsisted in that time of year. gods such as the angels that came from heaven and got together with women to bear the giant children the bible explains in Gen. 6? Were they to focused on these gods for salvation that they lost their faith on the real Almighty God, Jehovah?
i will start with a definition: this comes from wikipedia.
- conscience is a hypothesised ability or faculty that distinguishes whether our actions are right or wrong.
it leads to feelings of remorse when we do things that go against our moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when our actions conform to our moral values.
So bring the light, If you are Satan's son, What kind of majic can you preform? Root majic? Black majic? Fire majic? wind majic? rune majic? If you are truly going the direction of Satan, How are you feeding your spirituality? I hear JCanon is gay since he protects the belief that Jesus was gay. He must be queer and part of the present sodom and gomorrah. I'm sure he satisfies his spirituality with gay sexual acts, after all it is said that sexual climax is reaching a spiritual high withyour partner. I'm just wondering.
i will start with a definition: this comes from wikipedia.
- conscience is a hypothesised ability or faculty that distinguishes whether our actions are right or wrong.
it leads to feelings of remorse when we do things that go against our moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when our actions conform to our moral values.
I know this forum stands for discussing the Jehova's Witness. but many if not all of you are out to get them one way or another. You people disscus how to take sheep out of Gods flock. you are out to turn sheep into wolves and you do it in several ways, direct, suddle, and making them think they are right but them turning it on them. You all are who Jesus described as wolves in sheep clothing.
I follow orders as a good little soilder I am. I may be dfwed but the truth is in my heart, burning as the the sun is and my love controls the heat. I have learned much about you the wicked and unfaithful people that think by being alone in this world is OK since you don't want anymore light to shine bright down on you, you all don't wish to eat the spiritual food God has provided to anyone at all for free.
I see it as who is telling the truth. Catholics? Mormons? Lutherans? Bautists? The only one religion who tells the truth is the one you all are against. Mabey because you still are living in the past like the middle age looser guys who still reenacts his high school years. Or mabey because or an accident that another human being did due to inperfection. What ever, the truth can be seen by the quality of love strangers have for their neighbors. These are the Jehovah's Witness around the whole world.
You are so stuck on the past errors, LET IT BE, V!
it's amazing to see how all the supernatural beings mentioned in the bible are supposed to have a counterpart in real world, more specifically within the hierarchical wt structure.
a previous wt study pointed out that the governing body corresponds to jehovah in its capacity of sending out representatives.
jesus was said to correspond to the class of missionaries taught by the governing body, just like jesus (or michael) had been instructed by his heavenly father.
JK666, You haven't read the bible have you? this is why you attack me this way since you haven't read what it says. Well, that was 'inteligent' of you.