I've never seen this book before, it will be the next one I read when I get the time.
a new version of studies in the scriptures volume 1 is available online for download at google books it is the 1904 1.298.000 edition with the booklet a critisism of millenial hopes examined (starts on page 350 of the pdf).
I've never seen this book before, it will be the next one I read when I get the time.
in his book four strange books of the bible: jonah, daniel, kohelet, esther (shocken books, new york 1967), elias j. bickerman, commenting on daniel 4:15, states that representations of the "sacred tree" with bandings similar to those described in that verse have been found on mesopotamian monuments.. i'm reading a translation of the book that lack notes and therefore i'm not able to trace the information's source.
does anyone here know about this iconography and its possible meaning?.
As alway you are correct. This is quite interesting too.
do any of you have elderly jw parents?
my mom is 89, good health and very active jw.
her world is the local congergation and 5meeting per week.she has her sunday outfits, tues, school dress, and thurs afternoon more casual styles.
I suppose it has to do with the financial situation of each congragation. Our congragation there are people who in their own time they put money and time for the elderly.
i will start with a definition: this comes from wikipedia.
- conscience is a hypothesised ability or faculty that distinguishes whether our actions are right or wrong.
it leads to feelings of remorse when we do things that go against our moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when our actions conform to our moral values.
Revelations spoke of people in their caves, and how Jehovah destroys them. I can see many of you in their own caves like JCanon, well he was just parinoid, or dressing like a woman again.
rutherford--bible scholar--by request!
request from researcher: hey atlantis!
can you scan a page in the back of "vindication 1" that says that rutherford was a scholar?
People, the truth have been always out there. I have seen that the truth comes from God not from Rutheford. He was also a sinner and another man searching for the truth. He was closer to the truth than, say, Catholics!
jehovah's witnesses currently teach that prior to 1914 no one could have predicted what happened in europe in 1914. they teach that the world was heading toward such idyllic stability that the events of 1914 caught everyone off-guard.
so surprised were the people of the time that they looked back with fondness at the calm preceding 1914 as a time that could never be gone back to.. what were the bible students teaching about 1914 prior to that year?
in what capacity did they claim to be teaching?.
You all are stuck in what happened and the whole 1914 thing! Let it go. Look, no one knows when the kingdom will come, not even his own son Jesus Christ.
what constitutes the bulk of the expenses for the wt organization?
is it the printing of the literature?
is it the distribution of the literature?
They want to avoid the likes of people in this forum to adultrate with the clean people who have washed their clothes in the blood of the lamb.
so jehovah and satan are in vegas and decide to place "a bet" that loyal servant job would still be faithful if he lost his money, family, wife's respect and health....and yes, he still praises jehovah!
is this logical?
if god arranged for your family to be killed and destroyed your health and finances would you say:"thank you sir can i have another!
But It was NOT God who did these things. It was Satan who did it. Besides, since Job was faithful, he is going to be resurected with every last one of his children. They will see each other in the coming paradise. And Jehovah God will continue to bless him forever.
i have a question for leolaia.you did an excellent review of last weeks wt study article i appreciated it q13/14.
in the paragragh ""as a class,these anointed ones make up the modern-day "generation" of comtemporaries that will not pass away "until all these things occur" "" see footnote.. my question...if the anointed.ie 144,000 make up a generation of comtemporaries.
would they not be part of a generation say in the 1st century,the 5th century,10th century.15th century 18th century,19th century(1914) providing the proper food at the proper time.if that is so than how can the gb say this generation(anointed ones)will not pass away and that we are living "in the conclusion of the system of things"?
do any of you have elderly jw parents?
my mom is 89, good health and very active jw.
her world is the local congergation and 5meeting per week.she has her sunday outfits, tues, school dress, and thurs afternoon more casual styles.
You guys don't have these things? Wow! Our congragation has a small area where the elderly live and get taken care of. It's not that big but the elderly enjoy it.