I agree with Jehovah God's point of veiw and this point of view is what I time and time keep saying people should follow. My conscience keeps me from staying quiet of the truth, I need to get it out. As far as this validating my belief or not, I know it's hard for some of yoou to understand why I do what I do, really it has more to do with love and responsibility. I love the human race and I whould hate to see suffering in any person or group of people. God has promised to destroy the wicked and stop any who loves violence, I know that when such promise comes true the world will be a better place for everybody.
Not everybody has that spiritual need so not that many will know what I stand for. But mabey if I say it this way; If you are a Democrat, you would have the belief that democrats have and would try to get the voting man to sway to the democratic party. You participate in your community on the Democratic group of people, and would plant posters to get the people to vote for a Democrat President. You would do this because you believe in the Democratic party and you are a patriot to say the least. Even if your party lost, you find yourself knowing you have done what you can to get a Democratic vote across. There is so much you can do after all.
In this same sence I do what I do to get across to as many of you who want to believe or are confused or want answers about our God Jehovah.