What Zico and Blues said...
they couldn't go wrong.
Yet they had to revise.
(this is an e-mail making the rounds of jdubs email lists.
my apologies for not having eye and mind bleach available for the after effects) .
vs. holy bible.
What Zico and Blues said...
they couldn't go wrong.
Yet they had to revise.
that would really rock my world as i know it.
after i initially left the jws' i did question the whole "is there a god"" especially when you look around and see all the atrocities - the sick sick things happening in your own back yard.then i put it out of my mind and carried on believing in a god.. right now i choose to believe in a god, whether that god be jesus, jehovah, buddha, allah, shiva, it doesn't matter - i'm happy with the idea that there is a spiritual & powerful someone running things.however lately i've been questioning again - so many posters on here that are atheists really make good arguments & i can't reason my way out of it.. why does god keep so quiet?
why not just let us know - tadaaaa i'm here.
What if God IS a farce?
Then all men will have to acknowledge that their actions - good and bad - are completely their own responsibility.
i told my parents that do not want anything to do with jw's when i was 15, i stopped going to meeting (not that i was really going anyway), stopped going to assembly, even stopped the memorial.
at first it was guilt trips, crying, the whole what did we do wrong why are you doing this.
then the threats started, i will pull you out of public school and get rid of all your worldly friends that are a bad association, then it was well if you want to act like an adult then all you get is room and one meal a day we do not support those who turn their backs on jehovah.
Geez, Andre...I'm deeply disturbed by this, and I come from a childhood of repeated rape and physical abuse...
No, I only got firm beatings with narrow, welt-raising and cutting belts (in a highly ritualized and I would say eroticized fashion) on a weekly basis for not being perfectly still and quiet throughout the meetings. I never stood up for my beliefs or acknowledged anything about myself until a decade after leaving my parents house.
i've been training with some uniquely gifted folks at my place of employment.
life has done some seemingly impressive things with them.
one who's spent numerous years in the marine corps is an excellent asset to the company as are others who've likewise spent time in the military.
Darth: The belief system doesn't allow you to properly go thru the rites of passage of being a man.
I think this is very true. I felt I had never made any milestones, developed into an adult. That took me to a "study" if you will of the part ritual plays in societies, and going through rituals of a variety of cultures gave me an appreciation of what I had missed, and seemed to contribute to my internal sense of self.
my vote for the worst watchtower term is:.
circumcision of the heart!.
i can't believe that there are people who can not only say "circumcision of the heart" with a straight face in front of the congregation, but defend its 'meaning'.. other runners up in my opinion:.
...oh, how do I return my unused portion of Holy Spirit? I'm not completely satisfied, you see...
my vote for the worst watchtower term is:.
circumcision of the heart!.
i can't believe that there are people who can not only say "circumcision of the heart" with a straight face in front of the congregation, but defend its 'meaning'.. other runners up in my opinion:.
You blocked the flow of Holy Spirit
I can do that??? Maybe with a demon infestation? Even if I use Demon-B-Gone?
"Food at the proper time" - I would hate to get cramps. I hate cramps.
But for shear nausea factor I have to go with JK - "wait on Jehovah". What, he's so busy strategizin' how to make Satan look bad?
as i walked into town,so i saw a lady with a baby in a pram with an elderly lady knocking on a door,i thought jws,ater i passe ,i believethe elderly lady pulled out a piece of paper to write on it(didn't actually see her do this,but her actions suggest that what she did)
WD: I love your avatar, BTW.
It's spooky though - I've been in my new digs for 2 years now and haven't yet had a caller of the JW persuasion...could they...KNOW??
dear maturing friends,.
one day, not so many years back, i read that guys like me were "aging young men.
" i laughed and went on with the day's affairs; however, i do recall that i was drawn a little more often to the looking glass, semiconsciously mouthing those immortal words:.
I was a curmedgeon at 12. But I'm told I still look 30. I have always been graceful. Even when tripping over my shoelaces.
as i walked into town,so i saw a lady with a baby in a pram with an elderly lady knocking on a door,i thought jws,ater i passe ,i believethe elderly lady pulled out a piece of paper to write on it(didn't actually see her do this,but her actions suggest that what she did)
is such a dependent yet demanding word that it can't stand alone.
Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no, but yeah, like I so totally get it, or sumfink, or nuffink!
so in the last year two major qfr came out, one on the fds not being any more special than the gc in terms of enlightenment and the second being that 1935 is no longer a "thing".
this was followed up with a change of the generation being the fds.
then numbers go up this year and apparently, alot of the new converts in the fertile lands of mexico are claiming to be of the anointed.
What's next: the GB are the "class" of the 144,000 (now not a literal number) and THEY are going to reign as kings and priests on Earth starting at Armegeddon which actually DID begin in 1975 (as all available evidence proves).