When I read the title of the drama on Sunday, "Respect Jehovah's Authority," all I can picture is:
Respect my Authori-taay!
teachers of god's word.
district convention of jehovah's witnesses 2001-2002
fridayinspired scriptures beneficial for teaching -- 2 timothy 3:16morning9:30 music.
When I read the title of the drama on Sunday, "Respect Jehovah's Authority," all I can picture is:
Respect my Authori-taay!
many of mankinds most infamous leaders have had as their central idea that in order to solve whatever they have perceived as mankinds problems can be solved by genocide.
one of the best know in our time is adolf hitler.
he followed an old european/biblical tradition of blaming the jews for all the problems facing the german people and the world.
I’ve been sorting through my old JW books and found one published in 1951, What Has Religion Done for Mankind?. Skimming through it, a few sections caught my eye.
The Society’s comments about the dangers of the totalitarian “red religion” of communism are hilarious, since they apply to the Society itself. Substitute Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, and Franz for Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin, and Brooklyn for Moscow, and voila! From the chapter, “Red Religion and the Lawless Man”:
One totalitarian system fears another such. One modern development that has thoroughly frightened the totalitarian religious system of the pope, yes, and all Christendom too, has been the rise of totalitarian political power in Eastern Europe. . . .Because they deny his existence, the Reds may deny they worship the Devil. But they have set up a state religion by requiring the people to give their unquestioning obedience to the political state as their highest counselor, guide, provider and protector. In this they attribute to the state what really belongs to the living and true God, Jehovah. For him they have substituted a man-made visible organization. . . . As its Holy Scriptures Communism has the writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin, who are spoken of as inspired writers. “Inspired” by whom?
Carrying our comparison farther, we note that Communism has its missionaries . . . It has its priesthood or hierarchy, that Politburo with all its lesser orders of functionaries for the guidance of the people in Communist orthodoxy and with power to demand and hear confessions and to issue excommunications, to forbid heretical literature and to censor and expurgate books, magazines, movies, stage plays, poetic and musical compositions. It has its shrines and pilgrimages. Moscow parallels the Mohammedan Mecca.
[bolding mine]
pp. 317-318
I was also rather shocked to discover that the Society evidently still believed in 1951 that African-Americans were a race cursed by God:
The infant Krishna, or black god, is represented in India at the breast of the goddess Devaki and is shown with woolly hair and marked Negro features. How well this matches Nimrod who was the son of Cush, whose name means “black”!
p. 194
In a chapter called, “Compromise with Demonism a Snare,” the Society explains that when you know you have the truth, killing those who don’t believe as you do is not genocide or intolerance:
[Previous paragraph quotes Deuteronomy 7:1-5, about how the Israelites shall utterly destroy the Canaanites.]But was this not the rankest kind of religious intolerance as well as genocide? Is this not the kind of intolerance that is practiced in lands today under totalitarian and dictatorial rule? Not at all! This was the divine command and it was in favor of keeping the pure religion alive in the land God gave. The pure and the false could not exist side by side without hurt to his people and danger to their opportunity for eternal life in the new world. They had agreed to worship only Jehovah as God, and he was giving them the Promised Land to possess. Hence he had the sovereign right to determine what should be done to demon religion in the land. . . .
Hence the extermination of the demon worshipers in the Promised Land was no case of religious intolerance. It was not an authorizing of them to go outside the God-given land and invade the outside worldly nations and destroy their idols and wipe out their false religion and all those who practiced it. Neither is this any Scriptural basis for the Roman Catholic religion to torture and kill so-called “heretics” in lands where it dominates and to forbid other religious sects to carry on there. In doing so Catholics are not copying the Israelites example. History shows that in the lands they have invaded they have not obeyed God’s commands to the Israelites to smash the idolatrous images there and to destroy the demon worshipers.
pp. 155-157
I was aghast that they fault the Catholics for not being harsh enough!
the second step is the real target.
on the first step.
i give a little, you give a little.. a second explanation of the ditf that has been given is called, "perceptual contrast.
On the "front page" of Jehovahs-Witness.com, there are spaces for 20 articles. When I logged in this morning, 6 of your articles were there:
May 24, 2001 7:08:31 AM
Selling Ice to an Eskimo
May 24, 2001 6:43:57 AM
Emotional Abuse -what it does to children..!!!!!!
May 24, 2001 6:35:01 AM
Symptoms of Unhealthy Authority and Dependance [sic]
May 24, 2001 6:25:30 AM
May 24, 2001 6:18:35 AM
Influence: How people are sold on anything.
May 24, 2001 5:54:50 AM
Who is the Devil?
The topic of how people are influenced and drawn into cults is one that interests me, too. But six posts on any topic, especially clumped together like this on one day, is a bit much. For any person to take up over 25% of the "front page" is rude, in my opinion.
In no way do I mean this as a personal attack. The information you share is good, and I'm sure you've helped many people. I just believe in the maxim, "Less is more." I wish you'd share one article at a time, let a lively discussion develop around it, and then post another as that one dies out. That, to me, would be ideal. As it is, when I see a string of JanG posts, I feel bombarded and preached at, especially when a topic has 6 exclamation points in the title.
As I said before, I like Jehovahs-witnesses.com because it is self-moderating. I don't see Simon making a three-post-per-day rule such as we once had on H2O. I figured I'd speak up and let you know how I feel about this. I wish I'd spoken up when Focus did it, too. If I'm the only one who is annoyed, I can suffer in silence.
the second step is the real target.
on the first step.
i give a little, you give a little.. a second explanation of the ditf that has been given is called, "perceptual contrast.
I understand that you consider information such as this vital to the healing of JWs and ex-JWs, but isn't it a bit much to spam the board with this, 6 new threads at a time, especially when you have a website?
I was annoyed recently when Focus spammed the board, but said nothing. I am annoyed again this morning. To me it is the online equivalent of someone who elbows his way to the front of a room, yelling, "Hey, everybody! Listen to me! Listen to me! What I've got to say is so much more important than what anybody else has to say!" Other equally informative and interesting posts are shoved en masse down the board, and we must wait for the new clump of posts to disperse.
May I suggest one cult-related post per day with links to your website? I personally would be more inclined to read your posts if presented that way. As is, I usually don't read them at all because of my annoyance.
ever since i started questioning wether the truth is really the truth.
i'm apalled at how much information is out there that just shatters the organization.
one intersesting site out of many is jesus-witnesses.com (the seven points of watchtower indoctrination) anyhow i never knew that rutherford smoked cigars and was a notorious alcoholic.
Dear Fred,
but then again, he was just an imperfect man, right?
after all, he was just an imperfect man.
but he was just an imperfect man.
So that's the drawl back
You Know,
I think this belongs in the "Things Only a Southerner Knows" thread.
Don't you know that this was all prefigured in Bible prophecy? While many look to a seat of worship based in the apostate northern kingdom of the United States, a tiny band of true worshipers look to a twig out of the stump of Freddie in the southern kingdom.
I don't want to fawn and gush over you, but it is certainly fun to have you back among the "rouge" elements.
jesus, save me from your followers!.
i do work for food!
Here's a few of my faves.
been away for a few days, but i noticed that you posted a number of questions about c14 dating.. i strongly recommend that you read all the material you can find concerning c14 on the talk.origins website.
so far as i know, every one of your questions has been answered there, since you're pulling them off a yec website that merely repeats standard and long-debunked yec claims.
you really need to do your own research in this area if you want to understand it, and the talk.origins site will give you far better and more detailed information that will point you in directions where you can do your own research in primary source materials than anyone i know of on our discussion board is willing to provide.
I hate to keep cluttering up the board with private chat. If you are in a masochistic mood, e-mail me at [email protected]
If I don't receive an e-mail within 24 hours, I will post my treasured photo of your Mr. Spunky. He shouldn't take up much bandwidth.
All kidding aside, it is very good to see you again.
yup......check these babies out!.
> http://home.earthlink.net/~kirby/writings/.
Thanks for the link, ISP! I've been looking for something like this.
Some of these writings, such as the Didache and the Egerton Gospel, I hadn't even heard of until I read The Five Gospels. It's great to be able to read them online.
I've bookmarked the site and plan to use it often.
been away for a few days, but i noticed that you posted a number of questions about c14 dating.. i strongly recommend that you read all the material you can find concerning c14 on the talk.origins website.
so far as i know, every one of your questions has been answered there, since you're pulling them off a yec website that merely repeats standard and long-debunked yec claims.
you really need to do your own research in this area if you want to understand it, and the talk.origins site will give you far better and more detailed information that will point you in directions where you can do your own research in primary source materials than anyone i know of on our discussion board is willing to provide.
I must have been a real asshole in a previous life to deserve this.
From what I've observed, you've been doing a great job of being an asshole in your present life.
Don't worry, Dave. I'll be gentle--at first.