More than 20 years ago, before I baptised, I reached the conclusion that the words of the bible are not inspired by God but only the global ideas. The reason why I reached that conclusion is based on Hebrews 6:18 "through to unchageable things in which it is imposible for God to lie" and the title of a famous book written by the JW. The idea I developed was the following: If there are things in which is impossible for God to lie ,then, by extension there are things in which is possible for God to lie, which is not proper for an ethically perfect God. Years after I tripped with a question that I think is important considering all the doctrinal differences: Why did Jesus didn't write personally some of the books of the bible?. My answer is that our beliefs are not that important and even if Jesus would have written the bible, because of the imperfection of the human languaje, even that way, we would have reached to doctrinally divergent opinions therefore again dogmas are not important. For those who believe that the bible is the word of God, does anyone of you have another solution for this problem?
JoinedPosts by Ginosko
The writers of the bible & Jesus
by Ginosko inmore than 20 years ago, before i baptised, i reached the conclusion that the words of the bible are not inspired by god but only the global ideas.
the reason why i reached that conclusion is based on hebrews 6:18 "through to unchageable things in which it is imposible for god to lie" and the title of a famous book written by the jw.
the idea i developed was the following: if there are things in which is impossible for god to lie ,then, by extension there are things in which is possible for god to lie, which is not proper for an ethically perfect god.
by UnDisfellowshipped in(exodus 3:13) and moses said to god, behold, when i come to the children of israel, and shall say to them, the god of your fathers has sent me to you; and they shall say to me, what is his name?
(exodus 3:14) and god said to moses, i am who i am: and he said, thus you shall say to the children of israel, i am has sent me to you.. (exodus 3:15) and god said moreover to moses, thus you shall say to the children of israel, jehovah the god of your fathers, the god of abraham, the god of isaac, and the god of jacob, has sent me to you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations.. (john 8:24) i said therefore to you, that you shall die in your sins: for if you do not believe that i am, you shall die in your sins.. (john 8:28) then jesus said to them, when you have lifted up the son of man, then you shall know that i am, and that i do nothing of myself; but as my father has taught me, i speak these things.. (john 8:53) are you greater than our father abraham, who is dead?
and the prophets are dead: who do you make yourself?.
by UnDisfellowshipped in(exodus 3:13) and moses said to god, behold, when i come to the children of israel, and shall say to them, the god of your fathers has sent me to you; and they shall say to me, what is his name?
(exodus 3:14) and god said to moses, i am who i am: and he said, thus you shall say to the children of israel, i am has sent me to you.. (exodus 3:15) and god said moreover to moses, thus you shall say to the children of israel, jehovah the god of your fathers, the god of abraham, the god of isaac, and the god of jacob, has sent me to you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations.. (john 8:24) i said therefore to you, that you shall die in your sins: for if you do not believe that i am, you shall die in your sins.. (john 8:28) then jesus said to them, when you have lifted up the son of man, then you shall know that i am, and that i do nothing of myself; but as my father has taught me, i speak these things.. (john 8:53) are you greater than our father abraham, who is dead?
and the prophets are dead: who do you make yourself?.
I can agree that according the bible, we can pray Jesus. But I don't agree that this means that Jesus Christ is the same as the Father. And I also can understand that this last words are very polemics, but is my opinion. As I cited in Heb 1:6 the angels also workship Jesus Christ, but I understand that all this is for the glory of the Father as Phi 2:11 told us. For me 1 Cor 8: 5-6 is enough clear. But again, the Father see heart not knowledge. There are a lot of guys more inteligent than us who try to understand this points in the bible and were unable to explain completed clear to us. Don't worry much about this topic. Try to be a better person and to develop a relationship with the Father.
by UnDisfellowshipped in(exodus 3:13) and moses said to god, behold, when i come to the children of israel, and shall say to them, the god of your fathers has sent me to you; and they shall say to me, what is his name?
(exodus 3:14) and god said to moses, i am who i am: and he said, thus you shall say to the children of israel, i am has sent me to you.. (exodus 3:15) and god said moreover to moses, thus you shall say to the children of israel, jehovah the god of your fathers, the god of abraham, the god of isaac, and the god of jacob, has sent me to you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations.. (john 8:24) i said therefore to you, that you shall die in your sins: for if you do not believe that i am, you shall die in your sins.. (john 8:28) then jesus said to them, when you have lifted up the son of man, then you shall know that i am, and that i do nothing of myself; but as my father has taught me, i speak these things.. (john 8:53) are you greater than our father abraham, who is dead?
and the prophets are dead: who do you make yourself?.
English is not my native languaje and almost always I only read the threds. But in this case I think have some information usufull. But this is only my personal opinion.
I AM from John 8:58 come from the greek EGO EIMI. Exodus 3:14 was writted in Hebrew but translated near 200 BC into greek to EGO EIMI O ON and the to the Englis I AM WHO I AM. In the septuagint there a several ocasion in which the words EGO EIMI are used, for example in Gen 24:34 talking about the aplying to a slave of Abraham. Also wa can see in Mat 26: 25 a Judas using EGO EIMI. Therefore, don't try understand any deep revelation in this words.
Personally I can agree that the JW don't understand completed the role of Jesus Christ, but I don't believe in the Trinity. I also can agree according Heb 1:6 that we need to give PROSKYNEO, but I understand that the Father is greater than Jesus Christ.
On the other hand. Is very hard to be sure about any dogma in the bible. The Father see the heart not our kwnoledge.
How many left over the UN issue?
by seedy3 ini don't know if this q has been brought up on the forum, if so i apoligize, but i was just thinking about this today, and wondered how many here left or are thinking about or trying to leave the b-org as result of the un fiasco?
how many do you know of that left due to this?.
At first I had a lot of emotional confusion, and know I'm not complete free of this emotions. I have one intelectual point left in my head. Left me ask some direct and honest question: Are you as a group better that the JW's ? Are you showing godly devotion acts ? Do you think that you have a better relation with God ? or to the ones that don't beleives in God, Do you have better qualities with your husband or wifes and sons ? Don't give more information about the JW, I think that I have enought, tell me about yourselfs as individuals. Are you happiers ? Do you think that you know God better ? Don't you fell alone ? What do other people that are not JW say about you, do they see that you are a better person ? Because if you are better persons, the people around you would tell you.
How many left over the UN issue?
by seedy3 ini don't know if this q has been brought up on the forum, if so i apoligize, but i was just thinking about this today, and wondered how many here left or are thinking about or trying to leave the b-org as result of the un fiasco?
how many do you know of that left due to this?.
Anointed Experience #1 - Discerning the Body
by Amazing in"thichi" asked in my previous post about some of the 'anointed' experiences i alluded to, especially those that i mentioned that were somewhat painful.
here is one such event that i have relayed before in shorter comments:.
i was an elder at the time, visiting in pennsylvania on business.
Congregations receive branch letter about UN
by cyberguy ini don't know if this has been posted on this site yet, but i came across something that indicates that congregations in germany were sent a letter of explanation (or rather, deception) about the societys un connection.. scroll to the end of page -- .
can someone do a better translation from german to english?
Hi Anewperson
Judah B(en) Schroeder and the Watchtower attorneys used the years of UN liason to appear at and testify to the UN's Human Rights Committees
---------------------------------------------------------------------Can you give us a specific link or evidence of this quote.
what does this verse mean?
by evangelist incan someone from jhw tell me what this verse means to you?.
i ask other jhw and they told me this true god is the father god but if you read and study it carefully you can see plainly that the son jesus is the true one and only god jehovah.. what do you think?.
1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
This is a link in which you can find answers for a lot of question about the trinity.
NEW UN LETTER-Final nail in WT coffin
by messenger ini received this today from a confirmed source.
i am sure someone will have the actual scans soon.. .
united nations nations unies.
Don't be impatient. You need to use emphaty and understand that for every JW the WTBTS is the channel of God. And that to go away the organization is like to destroy all his life and hope of everlasting life. It's a self consistence world. You need more that one point to convince some one mind and a lot more that one day. You need also to know that some JW choose to beleive, but they are really impacted. It's true also that the UN affair will shock more to elders than the new ones.
You also need to understand that you need to give them another world to escape, and they don't see any other religion as consistent, they need to develop an independemt relationship with God, or will fall in atheism, that's a huge chnage in their lifes.
Beleive me, I know what I'm talking about. I'm still an elder... maybe until the new visit of the circuit overseer. You will see a new e-mail from me in some of days.