Hi Farkel,
I'm not so pretentious to tried to prove the historical fact of a flood.
Maybe in a few years. LOL.
I'm only talking about the posible mistranslation of Mat 24:39.
the last weekend caballosentado ask me to do my own researh of mathew 24:39. .
in the new translation in english said: "and they took not note until the flood came and swept them all... " .
see definition for ginwskw
Hi Farkel,
I'm not so pretentious to tried to prove the historical fact of a flood.
Maybe in a few years. LOL.
I'm only talking about the posible mistranslation of Mat 24:39.
the last weekend caballosentado ask me to do my own researh of mathew 24:39. .
in the new translation in english said: "and they took not note until the flood came and swept them all... " .
see definition for ginwskw
The last weekend CaballoSentado ask me to do my own researh of Mathew 24:39.
In the new translation in English said: "and they took not note until the flood came and swept them all... "
In Spanish said: "I no hicieron caso hasta que vino el diluvio y los barrio a todos ..."
This verse are use by the WT as a condemn to the people who lives before the flood, but as it seems is bad used. The word that are translated in spanish as no hicieron caso dont means any negative point of view, it seems that the correct translation might be some thing like:
In English: and they didnt realized until the flood ...
In Spanish: I ellos no lo entendieron hasta que vino el diluvio ...
Seems that Mathew is talking about the fact that mankind dindt experienced any flood before, and not about any wrong attitud about a message from Noe. Following is my research :
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
39 kai <2532> ouk <3756 > egnwsan <1097> (5627) ewv <2193> hlyen <2064> (5627) o <3588> kataklusmov <2627> kai <2532> hren <142> (5656) apantav <537> outwv <3779> estai <2071> (5704) kai <2532> h <3588> parousia <3952> tou <3588> uiou <5207> tou <3588> anyrwpou <444>
1097 ginwskw ginosko ghin-oce-ko
a prolonged form of a primary verb; TDNT-1:689,119; v
AV-know 196, perceive 9, understand 8, misc 10; 223
1) to learn to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel
1a) to become known
2) to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of
2a) to understand
2b) to know
3) Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman
4) to become acquainted with, to know
See Definition for ginwskw 1097 See Definition for eidw 1492 See Definition for epistamai 1987 See Definition for sunihmi 4920
1097-a knowledge grounded on personal experience
1492-to see with the minds eye, signifies a clear and purely mental perception
1987-a knowledge obtained by proximity to the thing known, cf. our understanding
4920-implies a native insight, knowledge gained through the five senses
Aorist Tense The aorist is said to be " simple occurrence " or "summary occurrence", without regard for the amount of time taken to accomplish the action. This tense is also often referred to as the 'punctiliar' tense. 'Punctiliar' in this sense means 'viewed as a single, collective whole,' a "one-point-in-time" action, although it may actually take place over a period of time. In the
The kind of action (aktionsart) of a Greek verb will generally fall into one of three categories:
1) Continuous (or 'Progressive') kind of action.
2) Completed (or 'Accomplished) kind of action, with continuing results.
3) Simple occurrence, (or 'Summary occurrence') without reference to the question of progress. (This is sometimes referred to as 'Punctiliar' kind of action , but it is a misnomer to thus imply that, in every instance, the action only happened at one point of time. This can be true, but it is often dependent on other factors such as the meaning of the verb, other words in the context, etc.). .
What do you think about ? .. by the way its only coincidence that this research took the greek word ginosko.
wasn't sure if this was posted earlier... i found it interesting:.
Hi SixofNine,
I read the article too, and yes it said 20. But I also studied probabilies in the college: the estimates depends of the proper point of view. I this case you need to evaluate the fact not only of how many James and Jesus brother and Joseph father could be, but how many James and Jesus (as important to be mentioned in the buried) and Joseph father could be. As I understand the article his last point of view was not considered in the probabilities estimate.
If I'm wrong, my apologies.
wasn't sure if this was posted earlier... i found it interesting:.
Maybe is more than 1 of 20 probability, because it might be very uncommon to have a brother named Jesus as important to be mentioned at the same time with the father when one is buried. I believe that this fact might not be common for the Jews. On the other hand, it might be very uncommon to have only one brother in the first century. Of course maybe more studies need to be maked to be sure.
I dont remember, who said something like: if there not God, be might need to invented him. I like Jesus personallity, if Mathew, John, Luke, Mark and Paul of Tarsus invented him they are collective genius. And I believe that if all people in earth tried to be as kindly as the biblical Jesus, this would be a better place to live. (I'm not apologizing any religion movement, I'm defending the biblical Jesus).
By the way the mormons book, and angel Moroni is a good example of invention of the last century with a lot of human advantage: historian and technology knowledge for example, but is very weak and short when anybody compares this book with the greek scriptures of the Bible.
Of course that are a lot of things that could be argued against me, for example: religion is the opium of the people. But I don't see Jesus as opium, I see him as a hope for the mankind, even if he was invented.
I prefer to believe in an historical Jesus, as maybe some of you prefer not to believe in an historical Jesus. But if we all tried to be as kindly as the "historial or invented" Jesus we all could be better friends.
first of all, sorry for my bad english i'm from peru south america.
there's a lot to tell but i'm going in this time to be brief, because i'm very busy.. i had been an elder for almost 8 years and a jh for more than 22 years.. i'm a searcher of the truth from the 10 years old.
i grow as a catholic and got baptized as a jh at the age of 21.. in october of 2001 a jw friend ask me about the un&wt and bulgarian affair.
I made a mistake: KG = KH
first of all, sorry for my bad english i'm from peru south america.
there's a lot to tell but i'm going in this time to be brief, because i'm very busy.. i had been an elder for almost 8 years and a jh for more than 22 years.. i'm a searcher of the truth from the 10 years old.
i grow as a catholic and got baptized as a jh at the age of 21.. in october of 2001 a jw friend ask me about the un&wt and bulgarian affair.
Hi Happy Man,
Nice to know that there's another elder in the world who understand that in the UN@WT affair, there's a big problem. For me at least, all the guys who are involved must be removed as elders, including member of the GB, because of lack of "sound in mind" and because Mt 18:6. And as they didn't show regret, because of the lie in theirs answer to all the branches, maybe even more for some of them. The channel of God didn't applied the same rules for the top of the organization. That's the reason because I realized that they are not the channel of God and began to review all my beliefs.. For this kind of statements I had been DA.
It's also interesting that when they were going away from my home I ask them about how they'll announce this to the congregation, and they replied: Mr. .. has DA himself. I replied that that's was a lie, and they told me that this is noy the way that they saw it. But at last in the congregation the announced that they DA me. I this point I'm very happy with them they didn't lie. On the other hand I do not have any kind of hate to any JW, not even the branch whoe DA me, neither the GB. They help me in some part of my life, and I saw a lot of good mens in thre KG, and I have a lot of good friends JW. I believe that they are honest JW who are trying to do in their beliefs what is good for GOD. The problem is not in their heart or mind but's on the programmer. For me the organization is in some way out of control, not from now, but from the begining, and on the other hand, they are only men, not the channel of God, but any one of them realize this truth.
Regarding your question, I don't know any Sweden missionary in Peru. Maybe there are some one. In my country most of them are from the USA, Canada and Mexico some years ago.
My best regards.
first of all, sorry for my bad english i'm from peru south america.
there's a lot to tell but i'm going in this time to be brief, because i'm very busy.. i had been an elder for almost 8 years and a jh for more than 22 years.. i'm a searcher of the truth from the 10 years old.
i grow as a catholic and got baptized as a jh at the age of 21.. in october of 2001 a jw friend ask me about the un&wt and bulgarian affair.
Thanks all for yours kindly words. I had lost a lot of very goods friends, but maybe I'll will know new ones. On the other hand, I believe that I still have goods friends amongs the JW.
first of all, sorry for my bad english i'm from peru south america.
there's a lot to tell but i'm going in this time to be brief, because i'm very busy.. i had been an elder for almost 8 years and a jh for more than 22 years.. i'm a searcher of the truth from the 10 years old.
i grow as a catholic and got baptized as a jh at the age of 21.. in october of 2001 a jw friend ask me about the un&wt and bulgarian affair.
Hi Mulan,
They disasociated me. Is really hard to believe, because I didn't ask for it. I very clearly express 10 days ago that I didn't want to DA myself. They didn't have any reason to DF me, because I didn't talk with any JW about this topic except Caballo Sentado who asked me originally of the problem, and the elders. That's the reason because I ask to see any write procedure of the WT that permit them to DA a person against his will, they told me that they don't have any document and that this is a verbal procedure. They DA me using to witness the PO and the CO that I dind't believe in them as the only channel of God, and that I myself didn't consider as a Brooklin JW.
first of all, sorry for my bad english i'm from peru south america.
there's a lot to tell but i'm going in this time to be brief, because i'm very busy.. i had been an elder for almost 8 years and a jh for more than 22 years.. i'm a searcher of the truth from the 10 years old.
i grow as a catholic and got baptized as a jh at the age of 21.. in october of 2001 a jw friend ask me about the un&wt and bulgarian affair.
Hola OldHippie,
Me entere de que habian opiniones discrepantes por que el Presidente de mi congragacion me dijo ayer lo que dije en mi post original: El no penso originalmente en desasociarme, pero habia sido una decision de la mesa de servicio de la sucursal el hacerlo. Por otra parte el que haya o no haya habido opiniones discrepantes en realidad es una especulacion. El Presidente de mi congregacion ha sido nombrado hace poco miembro de la misma mesa de servicio de la sucursal, y el preparo el informe de la visita de hace unos dies dias a mi casa. Lo natural es que le hayna preguntado a el su opinion, sin embargo no precise ese punto. Me parece esto un asunto anecdotico y no tan relevante.
first of all, sorry for my bad english i'm from peru south america.
there's a lot to tell but i'm going in this time to be brief, because i'm very busy.. i had been an elder for almost 8 years and a jh for more than 22 years.. i'm a searcher of the truth from the 10 years old.
i grow as a catholic and got baptized as a jh at the age of 21.. in october of 2001 a jw friend ask me about the un&wt and bulgarian affair.
Hi OldH,
They didn't remark about a desagreement in the branch service committe, but I believe that this is not uncommon, in a judicial committe they are also disagreeements in some opportunities.