Lima, Peru
for anyone who does not live in the us, canada, great britain, europe or australia i don't want you to feel left out.
this might be a short list buy hey we can't leave you out.
central and south america - 1 person so far .
Lima, Peru
i have run into the ultimate brick wall with a jw family member.....this person has listened to my spiel about false prophecies, un, pedophile cover ups, etc, etc.
and after agreeing that there have been "mistakes", and "adjustments in thinking" etc, it has all come down to this:.... the governing body are god's representatives on earth, and regardless of the past mistakes they have made as mere "humans" they are still jehovah's channel of communicating with the congregation.
when i asked why the gb differs so much from the first century cong., the reply was: 'yes in some ways, but this is god's organization, and if they feel like changing thing's it is jehovah's will'.
Must a JW put faith in the FDS?
If you quickly ask this question to a JW friend, you'll probably receive a Yes for answer. I believe that several JW will quickly ask Yes. But then you can ask: Is it proper to put faith in a human organization?
I never tried this approach because actually I'm DA, but who knows, maybe could work for some JW's.
last year on july 15th, 2002, my cardiologist gave me less than a year to live.
with the 14 remaining blocked arteries, there was not much hope.
even a by-pass would only correct 3 or 4 arteries and give me a slight lease on life.
I´m happy that you´re with us in the forum.
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I suffer from high blood pressure, and it works great for me. As I know it works like an antioxidant specific for the hearth. Maybe you can ask your doctor about it. I use this URL: www.lef.org for healt prevention.
things that the wts could never get away with putting in print but have free reign to say verbally
heres my summary of the dc after recently having the veil lifted from my eyes re the wts
part 1/6
Thanks for your excelent summary.
In your time you must have been an excelent JW. LOL.
things that the wts could never get away with putting in print but have free reign to say verbally
heres my summary of the dc after recently having the veil lifted from my eyes re the wts
part 1/6
most powerful people have a number of underlings to do their "dirty work".
this is the story of one of those underlings:.
the watchtower bible & tract society of new york, located at 25 columbia heights in brooklyn, new york was incorporated in 1909 in the state of new york as a private company, by charles taze russell and several of his followers.
Interesting. Do yu have some scans or URL's to probe it?
this could spell real problems......the us forces heading for baghdad seemed to have come across a major iraqi force.
there is a sandstorm so the us cannot call on air support.
it will have to be a ground war.
I have this link: http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/25/sprj.irq.war.main/index.html
... Pentagon officials said some U.S. combat vehicles were lost to ground fire, but there were no immediate reports of U.S. casualties.
And this other: http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/25/sprj.irq.nasiriya.battle/index.html
... CNN correspondent Art Harris is traveling with the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, Task Force Tarawa. Harris said as the battalion drove on the main road, which crosses the key bridges, he saw seven Marine vehicles, including tanks, armored personnel carriers and Humvees, that were "lost."
Two of those vehicles were stuck in mud and abandoned, Harris said. Five others had been destroyed.
Marine sources said four of those vehicles were destroyed by Iraqis, but the fifth was "shot up" by a U.S. A-10 Thunderbolt warplane, an attack aircraft often used to destroy tanks.
Hi Ransek,
I was an elder when the affair was disclosed.
I talked with some elders and this is waht happened:
1. The first on was surprise and shoked, he agree with me, but decided to keep silence because of his family.
2. The second one knew about the topic because was asked by one publisher before, but was also shoked and belived that in some way was a fullfilment of Mat 24:15. He didn't aggre with the conduct of the WT, but decided to wait in Jehovah.
3. The third one only hear me, he also knew about the topic because was asked before by the same publisher. He didn'y reply anything, but I feel that in some way agree with me, but didn't had the courage to take an action or make more research.
I talked with two other elders then, the ones that at last were used as the two witness rule to DA me. An elder member of the Service Desk of my country and a CO, they mantained the position of the WT, but didn't have any answers to my questions, only loyalty to the WT.
The letter from the WT was not of public knowledge of the elders, it was only used by the Branches when a publisher asked about.
jehovah's witnesses were raped and tortured by the thousands in malawi because they obeyed the watchtower society's rules, and they broke caesar's law and refused to purchase a political card in a country that only had one polictical party.
now (since 1999), jehovah's witnesses are allowed to vote in political elections!
i would love to hear everyone's comments.
As I have in my spanish version of the: Pay attention to the flock page 140, we can understand that JW that vote DA themselves. I don't have any note another that the: Six expresion that can't be used in the forms S-77 & S-79. It'll be interesting to obtains a scan of the article.
imagine, if you will, that you are the only thing that exists.
imagine that you need no oxygen, because you had everything you need.
that means that, outside yourself, there is nothing to see, hear, feel or sense in any way.
In a second thought: We can see that light is the opposite to darkness. But is also peace an opposite to evil ? I'll see how the septuagint translate this verse. As you may know some meaning of hebrew words are missing. Following the Strong information for the word translated as peace:
Mwlv shalowm shaw-lome’ or Mlv shalom shaw-lome’from 07999 , Greek 4539 salwmh ; TWOT-2401a; n m
AV-peace 175, well 14, peaceably 9, welfare 5, salute +
07592 4, prosperity 4, did 3, safe 3, health 2, peaceable 2, misc 15; 2361) completeness, soundness, welfare, peace
1a) completeness (in number)
1b) safety, soundness (in body)
1c) welfare, health, prosperity
1d) peace, quiet, tranquillity, contentment
1e) peace, friendship
1e1) of human relationships
1e2) with God especially in covenant relationship
1f) peace (from war)
1g) peace (as adjective)