What is worse DA for saying not believe that they are the Channel of God or DF for apostasy?
I believe that maybe DA is worse. That's my case.
in official jw think, is there anyone worse than an apostate?
jws are supposed to believe that apostates are worse than serial killers, or child molesters, or even hitler, right?
it's been a while for me so i may not remember this exactly right or what i remember may now be "old light" so i'd appreciate it if anyone could provide an update on the latest jw position on this.
What is worse DA for saying not believe that they are the Channel of God or DF for apostasy?
I believe that maybe DA is worse. That's my case.
i don't know what eles to call it , i guess it is the user name....lol.......so what does yours mean?.
i think awhile back i might have asked this,,,,,,,but it was way back and so many new ones here that i am just getting to know, and ones who came in here while i was not here as much.
there may be a thread on this in the last recent months, i am not sure,,,,if so, if there are any new ones who want to tell why they choose their user names,,,,,please do.. i will tell you why my name is lyineyes,,,,,many have asked me that here lately.
Knowledge by experience en Greek Koini
in official jw think, is there anyone worse than an apostate?
jws are supposed to believe that apostates are worse than serial killers, or child molesters, or even hitler, right?
it's been a while for me so i may not remember this exactly right or what i remember may now be "old light" so i'd appreciate it if anyone could provide an update on the latest jw position on this.
Only Satan the "father" of all apostasy.
For me is fascinating that Jesus didn't answer this question to Pilate.
I have the "felling" that THE TRUTH that Jesus was talking about was not a thing, but a person. At last THE TRUTH, as an isolated question doesn´t have any spiritual importance. It has a meaning in a context, for example: What's THE TRUTH about life after death? On the other hand, the only meaning that I can see about THE TRUTH as an isolated question is something like the M Theory (The physical theory of everything).
The only way in which I can undestand why Jesus didn't reply, is because Jesus was talking about a person, an Pilate was asking about a "thing"
Jesus taught I am THE TRUTH.
revelation 13:18 here is wisdom.
let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six.
so, does anybody have understanding here?
I don´t have any idea about the meaning of the 666 number, but I found interesting that if you sum the numbers from 1 to 36 you'll find that the total is 666, and also that you can put the 36 first numbers in a square of 6 by 6.
So you can get a square of 6 by 6 with the first 36 numbers that sum a total of 666.
It's less important but also interesting that the 6 first digits un Romans Numbers represent the 666.
DCLXVI = 666
hi guys, men, former-elders:.
the last leg of the legal project is afoot.
it is good, no gooder, no great!!!.
I was an elder in Peru for some years.
for anyone who does not live in the us, canada, great britain, europe or australia i don't want you to feel left out.
this might be a short list buy hey we can't leave you out.
central and south america - 1 person so far .
Lima, Peru
i have run into the ultimate brick wall with a jw family member.....this person has listened to my spiel about false prophecies, un, pedophile cover ups, etc, etc.
and after agreeing that there have been "mistakes", and "adjustments in thinking" etc, it has all come down to this:.... the governing body are god's representatives on earth, and regardless of the past mistakes they have made as mere "humans" they are still jehovah's channel of communicating with the congregation.
when i asked why the gb differs so much from the first century cong., the reply was: 'yes in some ways, but this is god's organization, and if they feel like changing thing's it is jehovah's will'.
Must a JW put faith in the FDS?
If you quickly ask this question to a JW friend, you'll probably receive a Yes for answer. I believe that several JW will quickly ask Yes. But then you can ask: Is it proper to put faith in a human organization?
I never tried this approach because actually I'm DA, but who knows, maybe could work for some JW's.
last year on july 15th, 2002, my cardiologist gave me less than a year to live.
with the 14 remaining blocked arteries, there was not much hope.
even a by-pass would only correct 3 or 4 arteries and give me a slight lease on life.
I´m happy that you´re with us in the forum.
Only a little idea about yur treatment: Have you heard about Coenzime Q10 ?
I suffer from high blood pressure, and it works great for me. As I know it works like an antioxidant specific for the hearth. Maybe you can ask your doctor about it. I use this URL: www.lef.org for healt prevention.
things that the wts could never get away with putting in print but have free reign to say verbally
heres my summary of the dc after recently having the veil lifted from my eyes re the wts
part 1/6
Thanks for your excelent summary.
In your time you must have been an excelent JW. LOL.