If i read and understand correctly this presentation of Gerrit Losch it seems that Babylon the Great is always the false religion, isnt il?
a (conditional) friend sent me some notes from the talk in hawaii.
gerrit was the keynote speaker.
this occurred 'immediately after the tribulation of those days' (matthew 24:29), referring to the destruction of babylon the great.
If i read and understand correctly this presentation of Gerrit Losch it seems that Babylon the Great is always the false religion, isnt il?
did taze when originally created this religion did he plan for the massive cult organization that it has become or was it mere chance and did he plan to prey on the weak and downtrodden people in society or was this originally supposed to encompass all people into "life saving" religion
Well i suppose that taze has no plan he only thought 1914 was the end of the world. after that i certainly not understand what happend exactly
according to the organization with its governing body pronouncements of "truth", the bible was written for and directed to the chosen elite with the heavenly hope and not to the rank and file "other sheep.".
if this were truly so, would that not mean the admonitions to preach the good news of the kingdom would, logically, be directed soley to the chosen elite and not to the the rank and file as well?.
if the governing body possesses that magically spirit-directed message of truth--and they only--it would be irresponsible for non-anointed to take upon themselves work given to the chosen few, would it not?.
Thank you for your interesting post and good reflection.
i just finished reading the "journal" and it mentioned that they have said in the past that the generation meant the unbelieving jews, and then in modern day times generation meant world of unbelievers, now am i wrong to assume that what is mentioned in paragraph 15 of the last study article in the feb. 15th watchtower is that the annointed are the "generation"?
is this now new light?
are we to assume that this is still the truth despite the changes, i mean what if they are and our faith is being tested?
Hello LadyCCC
You can check on various differents post on this forum since november 2007
i have just finished reading the book of romans and i have a question ?
a person cannot please god unless he is controlled by the spirit.
(rom 8:8,9) nor can he put to death the misdeeds of the body except by the spirit (rom 8:13) the next verse (v14) then tells us that all who are led by gods spirit are gods sons.in fact they are adopted as his children.however,according to the wts , these verses only apply to the annointed.so,my question is this.if only the annointed are led by gods spirit,whose spirit leads the "other sheep" ?
I hope that God continue to help you and give you his holy spirit. You made the good choise reading Roman 8 and John 8 also.
God bless you
i did not want to start a new topic but i didn't know where to put it.the wbts says we are living in the last days because god has allowed mankind enough time to prove he can't rule himself,jer.10:23.the wbts was changed their mind on blood by allowing the use of fractions due to advances in medical technology.well you say what has that got to do with the last days.what about the advances in the human genome.if man is given enough time maybe he can fine the defective gene that god put in the first humans.they can fine a cure and correct it.then man can live forever.if god ends this system now,he did not give science a chance.the wbts should not put the blame on faulty gov't, for all the bad things in the world.like i said science is in the first nonosecond of research in the human genome.god has to give them at least 1 billion years.after that he can do what he wants.. bob.
Hello Bobold,
Could you please tell us in which Watchtower or Awake do you read this information regarding scientific's advance.
the generation seeing the sign .
' previously, this journal has explained that in the first century, "this generation" mentioned at matthew 24:34 meant "the contemporaneous generation of unbelieving jews.
not the whole magazine, but this is the new light article.. .
Many Thanks Alpha and Omega
how many of the current gb have been or are currently married?
how many of the gb have had children?
<not in the alleged teddy j sense> .
I check on Watchtower's CDRom. Brother Morris member of th GB since september 1st 2005. Before he become member of the Bethel, he have had two sons, his sons work at Brooklyn headquarter . Brother Lett become of the GB since october 1st 1999 and have had familly before.
Greetings from Switzerland
my family have been members of the wts since the 1980's.
they never went to college,don't read any books besides watchtower material,have no hobbies,don't have any friends besides witness "friends",worked manual labor jobs all their lives,never questioned anything the wts changes,and have never looked into any other teachings besides the wts propaganda.
{ in other words: they are closed minded and not very inquisitive}.
Do you discuss with your familly? In fact your familly are good people for the WT; but in other hand if they are sincere, God love them. I understand you question, but you must be confident in God and Jesus Christ.
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
I read your dramatic story. You need mercy from elders first, help and love. And they manifest only cotempt. They are only elder no shepherd, they dont like the God's flock. Pray God and do what He will and not what they will (JW).