Naive. The Watchtower Society and the GB and their institutionalised sychophants cannot possibly conceive of giving anyone outside of themselves credit for intellectual and spiritual achievements, even if they are fully supportive.
That would completely undermine their cardinal rule, ie, that all of the interpretational heavy lifting must be completely left to them as God's appointed channel of spiritual feeding; and any JW who studies the Bible independently, such as Furuli - no matter how impressive their academic credentials - must be ignored as fostering a dangerous mentality of independent thinking.
Same with Greg Stafford, who also rigorously academically defended many of the main Watchtower doctrines but was roundly ignored by the Society. At least Stafford finally displayed a certain measure of genuine intellectual honesty by having the balls to abandon the organisation and do a u-turn on many false JW dogmas that he formerly defended.
I would love to know what Furuli would make of the new grey NWT. To defend it would, in many respects, amount to a denial of his earlier praise of the old edition.
Academica often has nothing to do with intellectual honesty.