I am with Dansk. funkyderek is what we call:
JoinedPosts by Trygon
Who on this Board would love to get rid of Organized Religion?
by restrangled inimho....it all needs to go.
its influencing everything in this world every and anywhere.
from the saudies, to the people in irag, iran and anywhere else our sons will need to be sent.. our current president claims he is influenced along with the former prime minister of england by religious beliefs.. there is the huge evangelical influence that got bush and the mess he made who put them in to begin with.. we have the jw's causing absolute havic in anyone's lives connected with this stupidity.. it goes on and on and on.
WOOT! I gots me 100 posts. I am no longer a n00b, that I am not. I actually quite enjoy this site. Its a insight to corruption, hope, joy, emotion, immorality, morality and human nature all in its rawest forms. It has been a pleasure to be here, through the good and bad times through the past month. For I forum I originally joined to see the adult topics as a joke with mates I really have grown quite fond of the people here. The calculating JWs, the angry atheists and the down right nutters, everyone of them has provided a interesting insight to other beliefs that are not Christianity and Islam (then again Islam is being rammed down me throat every hour of every waking day. You'll understand if you’re a Brit like me).
So to the good times, the bad times, and the many more months that will add to my time here as a member of JWD.
~Trygon -
Why Do Atheists Get So Angry?
by serotonin_wraith inhttp://gretachristina.typepad.com/greta_christinas_weblog/2007/10/atheists-and-an.html.
I accept both Science and Religion. Science is how, Religion is why.
The irony of a message from my Mother regarding Christmas
by HalfWayThere inknowing that its almost december, and that i will be putting up a tree, my mum told me today that she doesn't want to be invited over to my place while any decorations are up.
she later sent me the following sms: (edited for grammer & spelling).
"i wanted to say that, as you know all the rubbish about santa claus, when you have kids will you allow them to be deceived with this lie?
Jolly scott! I didn't know JW didn't believe in Jesus's Birthday! If he didn't have a birthday then how was he born?! O_o ...Foolish JWs...
by Dansk inhi folks,.
claire, the children and i will be celebrating our 4th christmas this year after exiting the cult.
we have decided to put our tree up on 1st december.
Possibly during the weekend. I already helped my fellow leaders out putting up the massive Christmas tree in the Scout hut on Friday. Surprisingly it didn't make much mess considering it was a real tree. The worse part was getting the decorations and lights on, which Kelvin and Phil almost killed themselves doing. And I ended up walking under a ladder several times so I'll proberly get smote by bad luck any time soon. :P
by nomoreguilt inas you can see, i haven't been on the board long.
so, i don't know if this has ever been discussed.
so, for my own information i would like to know where and how they stand, wt art.
jaguarbass thinks fossil fuels don't exist ehhh? Well then I am not breathing oxygen right now. It doesn't exist. I am breathing happy gas! And fossil fuel, my golly whats that? All I see is happy fuel! Global warming? Never heard of that before. Hey look, the world is over heating, but I am ignorant so I'll just sit here sniffing happy gas instead.
by badboy init is believed that many objects supposedly dating from biblical timesin museums may be fake.. the james ossuary is one example..
Does Free Will Allow Evil?
by writetoknow inby dr. mark eastman.
" a proper understanding of this issue not only provides great insight into the nature of god, it ties together a comprehensive understanding to some of life's ultimate questions: the answers to my origin, meaning, morality and destiny!.
the christian worldview is an impractical, even phony, view of the cosmos because it embraces a god who is either incapable of stopping evil and suffering, and he is therefore not omnipotent, or is unwilling to do so and therefore a devil!.
Of corse free will allows evil. If we didn;t have freewill and were just mindless drones then there would be no one to carry out acts of evil anyways. But then there would be no one to carry out acts of good. Its about balance I guess. The balance that is good versus evil.
Who on this Board would love to get rid of Organized Religion?
by restrangled inimho....it all needs to go.
its influencing everything in this world every and anywhere.
from the saudies, to the people in irag, iran and anywhere else our sons will need to be sent.. our current president claims he is influenced along with the former prime minister of england by religious beliefs.. there is the huge evangelical influence that got bush and the mess he made who put them in to begin with.. we have the jw's causing absolute havic in anyone's lives connected with this stupidity.. it goes on and on and on.
You want to remove Organised Religion because of conflict it has caused, right? But you’re forgetting that if religion is gone mankind will just come up with a new excuse for war and brutality. Like an atheism V agnostic war or general bickering over who is right about what and what is the correct thing to do in the world. The will to fight is in the blood of every human. Everyone on Earth is guilty of having at least one violent thought about another person that bugs them in some way. Removing religion will be a minor upset. It is human instinct to fight with each other. Ignorant is the name given to people who think taking away something will quick fix everything. And religion will always exist. It represents us trying to explain how things came to be and about the wider universe. To take away this belief is to strip someone of imagination and mind. I mean deep down in every human there is always going to be that part that doubts what seems logical. That’s the best I can do when trying to sum up everybody as a whole, but as a Christian some of my views may be considered biased. But I tried my best to sum everyone up as best as I could.
Why Do Atheists Get So Angry?
by serotonin_wraith inhttp://gretachristina.typepad.com/greta_christinas_weblog/2007/10/atheists-and-an.html.
Don't preach the bible to Athiests, its will make them angrey. :P