Religion ain’t all bad.
The Scout Promise is:
On My Honour, I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and to the Queen,
To help other people
And to keep the Scout Law
The Scout Law is:
A Scout is to be trusted.
A Scout is loyal.
A Scout is friendly and considerate.
A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.
A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.
I guess this means religion MUST all be evil and wicked. End sarcasm.
JoinedPosts by Trygon
Canadian girl murdered by father - she did not wear her hijab.
by sammielee24 infriends and classmates of a 16-year-old girl who police say was murdered by her devout muslim father in a toronto suburb told local media tuesday she was killed for not wearing a hijab.
police said in a statement they received an emergency call at 7:55 am local time monday from "a man who indicated that he had just killed his daughter.
the victim, aqsa parvez, was "rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries, but tragically passed away late last night.
The Steps Between JWism and Atheism
by compound complex ingreetings, friends:.
i recently put up a thread entitled "when can i comment?
" new to the thought process of critical thinking, i have felt overwhelmed by the wealth of information now available to a mind opened up to society-banned material.
Just goes to show that the JWs aren't really doing Christianity any favours. Just pumping out atheists like a factory. Someone just shut the WTS down for good, for the love of God!
How many Christmas yard ornaments is too many I ask? (New Pictures)
by erynw inthere is a house in my neighborhood that has to hold the record for christmas decorations in their yard.
the neighborhood i live in has one road in and out so we can't avoid this eyesore.. i swear, they have every inflatable, plastic, lit up, wire formed, animated yard decoration that has ever been manufactured.
it looks like k-mart threw up in their yard.. they have enough lights on the house, bushes, trees, eaves, roof, fence to signal the mothership into a safe landing from any galaxy in the universe.
erynw, all you need now is a dancing santa and your set.
The Steps Between JWism and Atheism
by compound complex ingreetings, friends:.
i recently put up a thread entitled "when can i comment?
" new to the thought process of critical thinking, i have felt overwhelmed by the wealth of information now available to a mind opened up to society-banned material.
When I was a kid I used to love dinosaurs. I had my posters, magazines, toys, the works. Though I am still Christian, I think dinosaurs and prehistory are rockin'. Drag me round a museum any day. .... Great.... now I sound like a freaky uber nerd.
Real Proof that Zeus exists!
by B_Deserter ini am sick and tired of everyone calling the ancient tales of the great gods "myths.
" what a ridiculous notion!
this world is so complex that it had to have been the result of the great blackbird, nyx.
I am now ashamed to think that I was once an atheist.
So what are you now then? A ultimate-angrey-anti-religion-man-of-super-dooper-ooberness-eist or a mighty-lord-of-anti-god-and-tuna-sauce-eist?
This can only mean that they are building a army again, with robots and cyborgs! Though it can't be a bad thing. They could just stop America's world conquest. And I'd rather be under Japanese control then American. The Japanese make anime, manga and are highly clean and pretty like with the tech and the what not. One day they may make my grand scheme a reality; THE GIANT SPACE BOUND GOLDFISH ROBOT WITH LASER BEAMS FOR EYES AND TORPEDO BREATH.
Canadian girl murdered by father - she did not wear her hijab.
by sammielee24 infriends and classmates of a 16-year-old girl who police say was murdered by her devout muslim father in a toronto suburb told local media tuesday she was killed for not wearing a hijab.
police said in a statement they received an emergency call at 7:55 am local time monday from "a man who indicated that he had just killed his daughter.
the victim, aqsa parvez, was "rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries, but tragically passed away late last night.
Touche, SickOfLies, touche. The debate is yours. GG
Canadian girl murdered by father - she did not wear her hijab.
by sammielee24 infriends and classmates of a 16-year-old girl who police say was murdered by her devout muslim father in a toronto suburb told local media tuesday she was killed for not wearing a hijab.
police said in a statement they received an emergency call at 7:55 am local time monday from "a man who indicated that he had just killed his daughter.
the victim, aqsa parvez, was "rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries, but tragically passed away late last night.
Sickoflies: Unless you want me to post up every scrap of information on Islamic science and then each of the ten dozen sources, it saves space, though the outcome is the same and that is the fact that religion and science are compatible, though I am sure your biased brain will find a way to russel up a few paragraphs of anti religious text to prove fact wrong.
Canadian girl murdered by father - she did not wear her hijab.
by sammielee24 infriends and classmates of a 16-year-old girl who police say was murdered by her devout muslim father in a toronto suburb told local media tuesday she was killed for not wearing a hijab.
police said in a statement they received an emergency call at 7:55 am local time monday from "a man who indicated that he had just killed his daughter.
the victim, aqsa parvez, was "rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries, but tragically passed away late last night.
SickofLies, welcome to the World of none bias fact:
Add your own biblical commandment
by JH inthou shall not turn around and look at the rear end of someone walking by you .
ok, now you know i'm
Thou shalt not create cults in God's name under false profits