sir82, take this:
Now next time you see your CO ram that up his ass and let the holy stake burn his sexist body because sexism is the work of the Satan. Therefore he is a DEMON. My logic is unflawed!
our co came galloping into town this week.
in his tuesday talk, these were his comments (not word for word, but more or less):.
"i imagine one of the biggest problems in your territory is not-at-homes.
my wife's maid of honor at our wedding- married a worldly guy and left the religion .
after years of pioneer service.. my wife's former best friend from her single days as a teen- grew up to leave the .
religion entirely, came back for a brief stint, left again.. my wife's most current former best friend- is now a fringe jw, as she has been .
Chipping with the pick axe of freedom and common sense.
And the JW is a cult/corporation that hangs off Christianity like a parasite, leaking atheists like a tap. It is not a religion and never will be.
) take them to your church and encourage them to learn about other faiths too..
) don't teach them anything about religion..
) encourage atheism..
I would show them all the isms. Both theism and atheism. I would try my best to allow them to decide from all the major belief/non-belief systems. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Atheism, Sikhism, etc. I would make sure they know and avoid the nasty ones like the JWs, Scientology, the Cult of Satan, Satanism (yes, they really are two different things, one is a commie/bigot/business religion the other is the proper thing), any anti religion organisation (Anyone that is set to, wants to or wishes they could destroy the beliefs, faith and hope of the World are just plan **** heads.), suicide pacts (yeah, some of these I would save for a later age that is more ideal for education in the subject of the particular organization/belief system), neo Nazis, etc. I would want my children to know about everything, know the good, know the bad, and then decide what is right for them. And if they want to be agnostic then so be it. Whatever they would want I would support them through. I would want them to have a sense of justice, positive morality, strong common sense and to know what is right and what is wrong.
I would give them a choice. The freedom to choose without having to suffer one sided comments.
i wish to thank writetoknow for prompting this question from his thread "hating religion is it bigotry?".
what has been your personal experience?.
consider the impressionable mind of the infant.. is it fair to indoctrinate them with dogma?.
Asking the question 'Is all religion abusive in some way?' is the same as asking the question 'Is all atheism abusive in some way?'. A lot of people here are atheists and the question was brought up and answered by a lot of atheists, so there you go. You can answer your own question.
dear jwders.
as i continue to question all that i have ever known, i am now at the subject of the anointed .
was there ever anyone really anointed after pentecost?
If the anointed are real then that makes me a ultimate being. I believe therefore I am. -flaps arms and runs in circles-
so tonight i recieved a few phone calls that have done nothing to lighten my already heavy mood... .
i am starting to think that disfellowshipping is a way to protect us (the ex dubs) from them (the deluded existing jdubs!
) (joke!
What is it about xmas that brings all the jdubs out of the cracks??
The bountiful supply of leftovers out back.
i just saw a short segment on fox about an incident this afternoon on the ny subway.
a jewish couple were getting on the train when a group of about 10 others were telling everyone in the car "merry christmas!
" the jewish couple replied "and happy haunikka to you!
Its good to see Muslims doing good in the world to make up for the actions of their extermist counterparts.
i think i found a guy that knows what he is talking about.
this article is great and pretty much sums up everything in the bigotry and tolerance sector of the topic of atheism and theism.
I think I found a guy that knows what he is talking about. This article is great and pretty much sums up everything in the Bigotry and Tolerance sector of the topic of Atheism and Theism. A good read. It is good to see someone that is not on a particulier side taking the subject with non biased views. This guy pretty much speaks the dam truth actually.
journey-on, this time it was a anti-religious extremist with the blood on his hands. You drab the memory of those that were killed with your post as it was someone that wanted a world without a certain religion that ended their lives in the name of his ideals. Its almost like going into a topic created to discuss a recent Islamic terrorist attack and posting up a comment about peeps not being Muslims being forced to become Muslims for peace. Try to be more sensitive next time.
He came from a ex-Pentacostal forum aka a ex-Christian forum. Though this is not a ex-Christian forum, merely a ex-Jehovah's Witness forum, it makes you wonder....-shudders- -hides behind sofa-
And the victims of this tragedy have my prayers.