Our CO came galloping into town this week. In his Tuesday talk, these were his comments (not word for word, but more or less):
"I imagine one of the biggest problems in your territory is not-at-homes. It's not just here, it's all over. You go out all week, and never find anyone at home.
"The world is in such sad shape, that if people only got the chance to listen to us, they'd be joining us. So Satan, rather than try to resist this, came up with a different plan. Keep people out of the homes, so they can't hear our message.
"It used to be that the sisters would go out in the ministry on weekdays, find women at home, and start studies with them. Not anymore. Satan has seen to it that women have entered the workplace, so they don't get a chance to hear our message."
So there you have it, ladies. If you want to get out from under such Satanic influence, you'd best quit your jobs right now and go back home and wait for the JWs to call on you!