This just reminded me of a meeting in the mid 70's with the brothers telling us how our brothers and sisters in South America were being thrown in prison and that we should all prepare for that to happen to us in the U.S. It was the scariest thing. I remember having nightmares about it.
JoinedPosts by conanne
E-mail from friend alerting me to emergency instruction from GB
by Wasanelder Once inhere's a paragraph from a friend who is active.
they say it's important that we fill out this form about emergencies... poor fools.
"hi, i have been meaning to tell you that the society is telling us to fill out an emergency form that the book study conductors have and return it to them in case of an emergency.they will then give us a brochure to have that will tell us where to meet and what to have in our bags so we can grab them and leave in a hurry.
Young PPL Ask: Growing Up Jehovah Witness Video
by XOCO ini've decide to take a small break from studying (see last post) since i'm up this morning i've decide to watch some videos on youtube such as:.
hopeful athesis.
rick fearon (so damn funny but serious lol).
Well, that was my childhood, but we didn't go out in service only once in a while. My parents were considered "weak" because my mom had a drinking problem and my dad never did try to put in more time or reach out for a higher standing. We'd watch mom get drunk and fight with my dad, but the next day have to go sit at the kingdumb hall and pretend we were the perfect witnesses. When I was little I had to wear old crappy garage sale clothes that half the time weren't washed because my mom was too hungover to keep the house clean. All she did was drink and go to garage sales, she didn't have a job or go out in service. And that just made it so half the time we never got invited to Witness parties either. My grandparents would try to make up for lost Christmas by bringing us gifts a week or two later and were so confused by the beliefs that they would wrap them in newspaper. hehe. Oh happy childhood memories...
HDR photography anyone? (pics inside)
by Jourles indoes anyone employ hdr(high dynamic range) photography in their bag of tricks?
in a nutshell, you take several photos of the same scene but at different exposures - from dark to very light(your aperture needs to remain exactly the same).
you then merge them together.
I just bought a new Nikon D80 and am going to try this Jourles! Your photos are gorgeous. (Hi, it's me Anne/Lutece/Pierced Angel reporting back for duty)
HDR photography anyone? (pics inside)
by Jourles indoes anyone employ hdr(high dynamic range) photography in their bag of tricks?
in a nutshell, you take several photos of the same scene but at different exposures - from dark to very light(your aperture needs to remain exactly the same).
you then merge them together.
Elder Pedophiles that you personally know of . . .
by JK666 inafter the ambiguous response by the wts to the nbc broadcast, i would like to know how many of you had an "elder chester molester" in your own congregation?.
we had an elder that molested his daughter's best friend when she was 14 years old.
the elders in the congregation tried to keep the matter quiet and handled the matter privately.
An elder in a northern Michigan congregation not only sexually abused his daughter, but killed himself in her bedroom when she turned him in. And, in a Bay City, Michigan congregation there is a brother that has abused his own daughters and another relative and yet all he had was some restrictions placed on him (not giving talks or answering at meetings for a short time). I'm sure there are more, but I haven't been to the hall in years.
$1000.00 Birthday present for D/F'd son today...his first at 22
by oompa inyep that's right and it was cash....and i took him to dinner too....what a blast.
my son has been a real pain in the @ss for years, but i love him to death and know that tons of his problems were jw related.
i am a recent fade remember and was a little worried dubs would be at the place when the wait staff sang happy birthday and all.
Isn't it great to love our kids and celebrate their birthdays and be there for them? It's such a blessing!
There is so much pain...
by justhuman ini don't know why things in life happened...i don't know why i was born in the most destructive cults ever existed.
my childhood was so not nice to see the other kids at your age celebrating xmas and birthdays and other holidays.
my whole world was somewhere between kindom hall and field service with my pioneers parents.. i hardly finished high school because i was supposed to live in the generation that by no means will pass way.
Time helps heal and so does music, friendships, goals and lots of learning. Make the most of your time with your kids. If you can't see them, make sure they feel your presence in whatever way possible. You be their place to run to when they get tired of JW life. Allow yourself some time to be a kid again...just watch out on the teenage years. When I left I got a little crazy with the "dating" thing. It all worked out in time. I'm happily married to an atheist who has a heart of gold and we're all living a normal happy life. It can happen, give it time.
Are you a happy ex-JW?
by Burger Time ini was thinking it might be a good idea to come up with a website like where we record a short video of ourselves saying we are now happy and briefly explaining why.
kind of like the atheist group who's members blaspheme against the holy spirit.
I used to post on this board in the past as Pierced Angel and Lutece. I take breaks, mostly because I'm too busy with other things, but at first it was a great help to have this board and others to share experiences, etc. Anyway, I'm back, peeking my nose in to see what's up. Hello! To answer the question... I'm much happier and after several years I do not recognize my old self anymore. Having been a witness sort of embarrasses me, but I also feel protective of the old me. I feel it was part of my path, maybe to help heal others and be more tolerant and understanding. Freedom to think and live as I want has given me greater happiness than I ever imagined. I really feel sorry for my old buddies and also realize that we weren't that close after all. I haven't really missed anyone and have met some really great people who find it fascinating that I once belonged to a cult. A