Bonafide.......Cudos to you my friend! You are in an excellant position to HELP others that can't help or think for themselves. I would carry on just like you. If it isn't in print as a definate NO NO, don't worry about it. Yes, you may think that you wasted a lot of time but look at it this way. You now know the TRUTH about it all. many of us like yourself were born into it, led to believe it to be the truth. Perhaps in your own spiritual mind you do have a belief system in a god and creator, but you don't have to believe in an organization. They deviate from what is written in the scriptures and turn to their own desires and needs at the moment.
Build upon what you KNOW to be true, not what the wts wants you to believe. Continue to read up on jwd about the U.N. affair and the pedophile issues. I am sure that in a matter of a short time you will lose this romantic notion of the wts being the only channel to salvation.
I was raised as a jw and practiced it for 43 years. I had had my dobts but had too many relatives in to make any waves over doctrine. Now, like many here, I no longer practice a belief system. Life is too short. Enjoy your new found mental freedom and push ahead to realise the real you. You hace alot to live for in this new life, don't waste too much more time. I. myself have been fading now for 4 years. No kh, no assmblies no nothing.
Take care of yourself