FARKEL...........Thought I'd ressurect this for you as I thouroughly enjoyed it. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you first posted it. Enjoy once again, everyone!
the account of adam and eve as a literal event is so full of logical contradictions that it is mind-boggling.
it only takes a minimum of scrutiny to discover that fact, too.. there is something god did not want adam and eve to know.
he didnt want them to know the difference between good and evil.
FARKEL...........Thought I'd ressurect this for you as I thouroughly enjoyed it. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you first posted it. Enjoy once again, everyone!
so, god created adam and eve.
hmmm he also created satan.
hmmmm he placed the pair in the garden, and said that they must not eat of a certain tree.
White Dove...Shamus...
Thank you both and all others for the response.It was exactly my line of reasoning and very well spoken.
If you can believe the fairy tales of any other culture and dismiss them as such, TALES, then the answer to the question of believing the bible is a moot point, isn't it?? Tales to entice one into believing them to be truths.
I have found through out the years that when reality hits to close to home many people have a NEED to be consoled by the unexplainable yet highly doubtable teachings and writings of men. I believe more in the BIG BAD WOLF, which one can see in the wilds, than I do a god who I have never seen. Let alone believe that such a god could destroy BILLIONS of innocents at his whim.
so, god created adam and eve.
hmmm he also created satan.
hmmmm he placed the pair in the garden, and said that they must not eat of a certain tree.
So, god created Adam and Eve. hmmm He also created Satan. hmmmm He placed the pair in the garden, and said that they MUST NOT eat of a certain tree. WHY? He knew that satan was a rebel did he not? And why did satan appear as a serpent? Speaking one at that. Did all of the animals in the garden have the gift of speach? And why wasn't Eve surprised that the serpent could speak?
So, now we have the question......Why did there have to be a test??? Wasn't god setting them up for a fall from the very start? Or was this tale simply that, a fairy tale. Children believe in fairy tales until they reach a certain age, once they realize the reality of life and what is true and what is not believeable.
Surely, one cannot base their faith on fairy tales, can they?
I myself have become a realist. I believe what I can see and what I perceive to be true and acceptable. There is so much written in the bible that I perceive to be just fairy tales. Job, the burning bush that spoke, Cain and Able, wrestling with powerful angels.
What I am getting at is this......With all the twists and turns of the bible that are supposed to be the basis for a world wide belief system, why are people in this enlightened world of ours still holding on to this nonsense?
looking back i don't think i really ever had any good friends being witness, cause if i would have some out of all those people and so called friends i thought i had, you would think one of them would have looked me up over the years.
what a farce.
As a matter of fact, I DO! He's my best friend. We lived around the corner from one another while my ex and I were living with my folks. He and his wife and kids went to the neighboring cong. We became fishing, drinking and yuckng it up buddies. Our 2 older sons became best friends, still are to some degree.
Anyways, over the last 30 plus years we have have enjoyed each other's company. He and his wife quit going about 15 years ago. Their duaghter had a debliitating illness that eventually caused her death, she was 25. During my divorce he was right there for me in spite of my errors. When I remarried, he was my Best Man. My new bride and I still share his and his wife's friendship. He knows it isn't the truth and we have a good time looking back at many of the goof balls we knew together in the borg.
We have them over for Christmas dinner and LOVE it. His son and mine are still friends although my son's wife tries to derail that. My older son is still blinded by the truth or perhaps he's there vecause of his wife's extended family, ???? Anyways, YES, I DO have a GREAT friend even after the lies of the wtbts.
as i announced some time ago, jwd as it is will not continue .... ... but .... it's clear from people's comments that they do like the site and many would like it or something else like it to continue.. one issue was the forum software that was self-developed and not really in a good state to hand-over to anyone but i've been working on that and can now reveal the first release of what will probably be called jwn (son of jwd):.
it is still work-in-progress so not all features are enabled yet but it will allow you to browse the site in a similar way to this one and it is pointing at the same database (although because of the way the caching works, new posts made on this site won't appear immediately).
Simon....GOOD JOB! I believe that this will keep the continuity of current posters and at the same time be a refreshment for any new folks who we all know are in depserate need of this site.
i don't know how, but they found me.
not the feds, and not the irs.
the local elders found me.. i was on my way to meet some people after work when my cell phone rings.
Very interesting post Keyser. I think the give away to the local elders was the Barber Shop Quartet, happens every time. LOL. No, this is not a laughing matter. Like you I have been fading now for over 4 years and as yet have not had any visits at all. I do however believe that at sme point some well intended jw will appear at my door.
I, too, still have family in and if not for that I would have blown some poor jw out of the water now with all the info that I have learned since leaving. These epople seem to think that they wield the authority of God around and that every knee should bend and cowar at their presence. " WE would like to meet with you". Why? What's the point? Are you trying to save me soul from Gehenna? It's their responsibility?
Why don't they just ask if you're happy these days? I know that I am much happier now that I don't have to answer to a publishing company and their representatives. What do they know about matters that impact our daily lives and the emotions that we feel about being decieved all of these years. They have been taught to seek out those who hav strayed and to bring them back in line. Why? To treat us tenderly? Not in your life. Just plant us in a chair at the KH and count the numbers and look good to the CO.
I can understand your concern now that they have found you. Next time they try to contact you just tell them that you are not interested and have moved forward with your life.
usa today everyone has a gun, why?.....to protect themselves...from who?
other folks with guns!.....yes it's in your laws...but they were written when the british ruled you.
one school gun killing every week does not happen anywhere else in the world....maybe you need more guns to protect your kids.....one in the lunchbox.....does anyone else see this.
Bad subject my friend.........Let's talk about guns that are destroying OTHER countries.
1. The Congo. Kids with guns.
2. Somalia. Crazies with guns.
3. Iran. Zealots with guns.
4. Columbia. Drug Lords with guns.
5. Liberia. Child Rebels with guns.
6. Afghanistan. Religious rebel fanatics with guns.
7. Israel. Biblical ancestral zealots with guns.
8. Pakistan. Religious terrorists with guns.
Need I continue? I, too, have a CCW, own 2 hand guns and 2 rifles. I hope that I never have to use any of them on my FELLOW human. HOWEVER! I can and will if my life or my family's lives are threatened.
007........It is quite obvious that you have never visited my country. Your ignorance speaks volumes.
i did many times.
if a family member was well connected, things would be swept under the carpet.
but if you didn't know the right people, you'd be taken into the "back room" and the elders would grill you.
HOLD THE PHONE!!!!!! In 1993 a sleep-over was held at the home of a brother, now long faded. His 2 sons were there , 13 and 17, along with a number of other boys. During the course of the night, one boy, 17, the son of the P.O., performed oral sex on another younger boy, age 13. The younger boy did NOT know this was happening until he awoke to find this other kid DOING him!!! It turned out that the 13 year old son of the brother in whose home the sleep-over was held told his dad that the older pervert had tried to do the same to him but that he didn't understand what the kid was tryng to do and just brushed the kid aside and thought " That was wierd of him". The offender was my older son's best friend and he was mortified.
So, the following Sunday after the meeting, this had all come out by then, the brother in whose home the event took place in approached the elders, who had gathered in the front of the hall. He announced to them his abhorance of what had taken place and the fact that the P.O.'s son had tried it on HIS son also. He told them that this was a CRIMINAL act and that the POLICE should be notified. He expressed himself on this matter to the point of referring to the P.O.'s son as a pedophile.
The elders told him to calm down and that the matter was being HANDLED. No need to involve the public, hush hush.
Well, an announcement was made that the kid had been reproved, no talk about it from the platform. Done Deal!
So, 2 years go by and the kid is appointed an MS!!! YES!!! You read this correctly! Oh, his parents were just beaming! My oh my!! I looked at my EX and made some remark and she said that he was a fine young man and that jehovah accepted him.
OK, so another year goes by and this kid gets accepted at BETHEL!!!! Talk about covering things up, and cronism!!! favoratism, nepotism!!!!
A year or so goes by and the kid leaves bethel, not his thing I guess. By then I had begun to fade and only this last year did I hear from my older son that the kid is now a HOMOSEXUAL!!!!DUH!!! Who'd of thunk????
The parents are no longer in touch with the son but the P.O. never skipped a beat in being the P.O.
or is it just me?...ya...it was wicked hard to deal with and i will never be the same...we had two cute kids at the time, very young, and she was out knocking on doors with a 35 hour a month average....i was never spiritual enough and hated service....and felt there were too many meetings......she truly just disappeared one day...no note...i found her thousands of miles away, not even in the us....ya how is that for weird?.....can anybody top that?....i lost 20 pounds the first month and was already skinny.....i still care for her greatly, and know she was truly mentally ill at the time......cause you would have to be crazy to leave a guy like me!!!
!.....lol.....that line has gotten me through a lot of tough times....she really was ill and on tons of meds.......oompa....this one should be on oprah.
again.....can anybody top that?....step up to the plate....i could not find anyone to help me with that, as nobody had had that happen to them.
A young brother , 30ish, that I had known since he was 10 or so was married to a very HOT looking blond sister. JW wedding the whole shot. Well, she had an affair with a black nn jw guy, got pregnant, and he divorced her. She never married the father of the baby.
Funny thing you bring this up, as I just ran into him this morning at one of my accounts, haven't seen him in 2 years or so. He's doing very well. Not a jw anymore and he has come to relaize what all of us here have about the jw's. He's very happy ...