JoinedPosts by Cangie
How did you feel when they eliminated the Con. Book Study?
by Freeandclear inyears ago when i was "in" i loved the book study.
it was my favorite meeting by far.
mainly because it was a small group.
I'm guessing that the book study was the meeting that resulted in the least amount of money being collected. Therefore, it became a financial waste of time to the organization to produce those books that required all that "research.". And besides...they couldn't allow people to have that much fun at a meeting. -
A question for mothers...
by Bob Loblaw ina human being, your child, was conceived, grew in you, and on one special day you delivered your child into this world.
a truly miraculous thing in and of itself.. when you were a jw, although forbidden to celebrate evil birthdays (sarcasm), did your heart ever ache contrary to watchtower teaching and want to shower your child with love and thankfulness?
i would think that if a religion were to believe in god, then their doctrine should have god somehow responsible for the act of procreation, birth, love, etc.
Happy Birthday to you too, Bob! I am a mother of 2 and a grandmother of 2 little granddaughters. I am also a born-in, and recognize how the lack of recognition we grew up with has contributed to a lifetime of issues with self-worth, feelings of inadequacy, no inclination to trust my feelings and judgements, and generally no self-love. I have spent many years (at least 15 since I stopped being a JW) in patching myself together, with the result that I am comfortable with who I am today.
The constant JW admonitions that we were "good-for-nothing slaves" who could not even trust our own hearts and who never were good enough or did enough for a constantly demanding God, did a number on most of us. That is why today I am a strong cheerleader of the value of each and every member of my family. I make sure that their birthdays are remembered, to give them the recognition that every person deserves of how special they are. I keep a list of the dates so I can send cards, gifts and contact them by phone with words of love. To me, everyone should be made to feel special on their day.
YOUNG PEOPLE ASK Should I Grow a Beard?
by neat blue dog inok, ok, so the actual title of the article released today on jw-org is "young people askshould i get a tattoo?
", but i thought i'd replace some words and phrases from the actual article, as follows:"regardless of the motive, you should think long and hard before deciding to have anything growing out of .
your skin!
"Whenever I see someone with a
I automatically put him in the drinking-and-partying category,” says a teenager named Samantha."Well, maybe it's better if you stop being so opinionated, don't make judgments about other people based on their appearance, and realize that no one has to determine their life decisions based on the opinions of a child?
Best pills meds or other to take before meeting?
by Crazyguy inthought it would be good to share what ones take to deal with the meetings.
"seriously was long ago in a cong where there were a bunch of them running around doing just that....guess they were desperate for even a whiff of the stuff.....pretty sad....."
Probably more a case of "if I can't have a drink...NOBODY else is going to have one either..."
Looking back,"That was crazy, moment"
by MarkofCane ini got baptized later in life.
i was around 21, i had left and went out into the world should of listen to my gut back then, but instead i disowned myself and came back into the fold.
before i could get baptized, the elder who studied with me said i needed to get rid of everything that was contaminated by this world: music, books & clothing,everything.
"We put them up and weird stuff stared to happen like we would get phone calls in the middle of the night they would breath hard then hang up,"
ROFLMAO...the "deemunz" need to use technology now? Do they have a "friends and family" contract? If they wanted to scare anyone (NOT that I believe in them) why wouldn't they just show up in the middle of the night in someone's room like they are always reported to do by the JW's? Will their next trick be to use smartphones and apps instead of ouija boards and crystal balls?
Looking back,"That was crazy, moment"
by MarkofCane ini got baptized later in life.
i was around 21, i had left and went out into the world should of listen to my gut back then, but instead i disowned myself and came back into the fold.
before i could get baptized, the elder who studied with me said i needed to get rid of everything that was contaminated by this world: music, books & clothing,everything.
JW's are so superstitious that it is ridiculous. I've always wondered why, if they really believe in their god's superior power and holy spirit, don't they trust it to protect them from Satan and the demons' lesser power? And why are they so obsessed with second-hand items that were once owned by other people---as if the demons couldn't inhabit items straight from the manufacturer if they wanted to? I have shopped in Goodwill and Salvation Army for many years, along with yard sales and flea markets. I love the "thrill of the hunt", you might say. And I have NEVER been given "deemunz" as a "buy one, get one free" item with my purchase.
I did once have a "sister" insist that I throw a plant away because I was being abused by my ex, and she informed me that the particular plant was used in voodoo rituals to break up marriages. Yeah---uh huh, that was the reason I was having problems...
My experience with the people in my hall
by Freeandclear ini've been awake now for about 6 months i'd guess and a member here for a couple of weeks.
it's been eye opening to read other peoples experiences on here and i appreciate all of you.
i've noticed in many, seemingly most, of your comments that you were not treated well at your hall or you have had very negative experiences in the "org" so i thought i'd like to share mine.. in all my time as a jw i have to say for the most part i always loved the people.
I was raised, married and had my first child in a congregation of JW's who were very much like family. Sure, there were individuals who had problem personalities, but they were in the minority, and that was at least 40 years ago. Years later I was DF'd, and stayed out of the organization for about 15 years, and the congregation that I was reinstated into was like night and day from the one that I had grown up in. But I observed that the organization as a whole had much so that after a tour around the circuit, the CO gave a talk at the assembly blasting the "friends" for their bad attitudes and behavior. Any fond memories of being in the organization were from many years ago. I never experienced the same "love and unity" in any congregation I attended within the last 10 years---in fact, quite the opposite. -
If all the world were JWs....
by Tornintwo inin my former indoctrinated state, i used to yearn for a time when all the world would be jws.
but hang on minute, let's just think about what the world would be like if everyone was a jw,.
first of all, no higher education, so no medical advances, no scientific research, no modern day medicine, infectious disease rife, no doctors, no engineers, so no modern day comforts.
It would probably be like living under Sharia law... -
Can You Feel The Love?
by OneFingerSalute injust heard of an experience that proves what i have thought all along about the unique type of love in the jdubya religion.. an elderly, handicapped jdubya acquaintance was traveling alone through the mid-west recently and found themselves stranded in denver, colorado due to dangerous road conditions.
not knowing anyone, and having no way to get from place to place on their own they made a number of phone calls.
finally they were able to get in contact with an oh so christian "sister" who had with her husband spent many decades in bethel.
Some years ago I moved from NY to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. I had been somewhat irregular at the meetings up until that time, and decided that my new environment deserved that I attempt a new commitment to become active again. When I got settled, I called the number provided for the JW's, and told the sister who answered that I was new to the area and wanted to know where the KH was located. She put me on the phone with her elder husband, who was about as dry, brittle and welcoming as dead leaves. He seemed indifferent as to whether I attended or not, and never offered any personal help like offering me a ride to the first meeting to help me find my way and feel comfortable. I guess it would be no surprise that it put me off going back, and by the end of the 6 months that I lived there, I had never once gone to the KH. Looking back, that was probably the beginning of my fade... -
What Are Your "Senior Moments" Like?
by compound complex indear friends:.
i imagine by now we old timers have adjusted to the fact that we are getting older and, one day, will make our exit.
are your "senior moments" ever a cause for worry to you?
I turned 65 last Saturday...hated it 'cause now I'm officially "old people." During my career I occasionally worked as a trainer (adult education) and was very verbal. Usually the classes were scheduled for an 8-hour day, and I was responsible for delivering material at least half of that time. Now, I can be in the middle of a conversation with my daughter and a lot of it consists of "uh...what's the word for...?" I also call my grandchildren the wrong names---usually the name of my kids or my brothers and sisters. But when I think of how much I hate getting older, I just remind myself that it beats the alternative!