Happy Birthday to you too, Bob! I am a mother of 2 and a grandmother of 2 little granddaughters. I am also a born-in, and recognize how the lack of recognition we grew up with has contributed to a lifetime of issues with self-worth, feelings of inadequacy, no inclination to trust my feelings and judgements, and generally no self-love. I have spent many years (at least 15 since I stopped being a JW) in patching myself together, with the result that I am comfortable with who I am today.
The constant JW admonitions that we were "good-for-nothing slaves" who could not even trust our own hearts and who never were good enough or did enough for a constantly demanding God, did a number on most of us. That is why today I am a strong cheerleader of the value of each and every member of my family. I make sure that their birthdays are remembered, to give them the recognition that every person deserves of how special they are. I keep a list of the dates so I can send cards, gifts and contact them by phone with words of love. To me, everyone should be made to feel special on their day.