Chicken Little: "...a-a-and it was shaped like this...and it was BLUE!
Maybe he was hit by a " sign that blew off the nearest KH?
i went to the mid week meeting and looked at the attendance figures on the noticeboard for the three congregations that share the local kingdom hall.
i wrote down the three previous sundays attendances and this sunday (after the referendum) too.
cong c. (95 pubs) 74/82/73/90.
i remember an art project when i was six years old.
the teacher handed out felt pine trees that we glued to burlap sheets.
everyone then attached little pieces of colorful material to the felt trees.
great news!.
we are free!.
as of the 9th of june, me and my dear wife mrs. eden handed over our letters of disassociation at bethel in portugal, thus making official our departure from the jehovah's witnesses.
This is genuine "good news." Thanks for sharing it with us...we are happy for you and your family.
have you ever had a dog that was dumber than a box of rocks?
i have; his name was dave matthews.
we loved him anyway.
Oh Sail Away...thanks for sharing your adorable Stanley with us. But, I don't see what the problem is...I'm 65, have OCD, forget OTHER people's names at times, and don't answer when I don't want to be bothered either. Stanley and I have just learned to "tune out the noise." lol
finish school.. finish my apprenticeship (why are you doing that brother karter you will never finish it in this system).. buy a house.. pay the house off.. karter..
greetings, fellow posters:.
i bought a nearly new 7-speed bicycle at a yard sale for $30 last weekend and took it out this morning on our paved local bicycle/walking trail.
the last time i rode was in my early- to mid- twenties when i used a bicycle to get to and from the kh for my pioneer service.
"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take".
"you always regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did".
"think for yourself, question authority".
"A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows."
Samuel Clemens
he seemed like a decent fellow.
i miss his talks.
(why i love) flowers.
hummingbirds and honeybees will never wear out welcome,.
nor august afternoons of summer rain.. .