You are SOOOO going to hell for revealing sacred temple secrets...
.....maybe we can be next door neighbors.
By the way, my temple name is Ammon.
For the rest of the forum, which is MORE true... exJW's or exMo's?
You are SOOOO going to hell for revealing sacred temple secrets...
.....maybe we can be next door neighbors.
By the way, my temple name is Ammon.
For the rest of the forum, which is MORE true... exJW's or exMo's?
i recently starting watching the hbo drama "big love" and was wondering.
if anyone here who is a mormon or used to be one or is connected to mormons.
somehow has seen the show, and what you think of it.. .
OK so you were finally specific enough to say that it was ME you were referencing. Besides this, I still haven't heard any specifics. You mentioned preparatory vs fullness of gospel...OK... when did this or how does this tie into any of our conversations SPECIFICALLY? Where are my "holes". I can show you MANY in the LDS church.
I am soo glad you found the answers because my Stake President still doesn't have any for me. You have reviewed the anti-lds material and have the solutions. Two quick questions:
1. Zina Huntington Jacobs Smith Young. Born 1821. Look her up on the MORMON website http://www.familysearch.org/.
You will see she was married to Jacobs and Smith concurrently AND Jacobs and Young concurrently. This is troubling LDS history. The Morg lies about it's troubling history. At
http://www.lds.org/pa/display/0,17884,5511-1,00.html it says Henry (her first hubby) died and left her a widow. At http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=21bc9fbee98db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=ba0bca99be2ab010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____&hideNav=1 it says she AND the BOYSWERE DESERTED by Henry. Which is it? These are LDS sites remember. Familysearch shows Brigham married her when she was 8 months pregnant--before her second son was born. How could Henry both die AND desert his kids when the LDS record clearly shows Bring 'em Young stole his wife before Henry could have abandoned his son s, one of which hadn't been born yet? 2. How can I believe in the prophetic discernment of the "prophets", when Apostle Albert Carrington had a 14 year affair with multiple women (not his wives) He was exed in 1885 after a husband of a woman he "had" kept begging the first presidency to do something FOR TEN YEARS before Albert was finally exed. How can I believe in the prophetic discernment of the "prophets", when Apostle Richard R Lyman had an 18 year affair with another woman from 1925 until 1943 when it was finally detected and he was exed. I thought prophets were led by inspiration. I thought immorality was next to murder in seriousness. Can such unworthy men be apostles? Google them Albert Carrington and Richard R. Lyman. Why am I here? 1. I can't stand to see lies by cult members apparently trying to move some sheep. 2. If I can show my wife the cult techniques/history/stories of the JW cult, then hopefully she will see the same cultish techniques in the mormon church. 3. I feel a kinship with other recovering cult victims. It feels strangely healing to be friendly with my former mission adversaries. I feel like the opposing WW1 forces who crossed the line and shared Christmas. 4. When I see the dumb ass things JW's were taught and believed, I don't feel so bad about the ridiculous dumb ass things I believed.
i recently starting watching the hbo drama "big love" and was wondering.
if anyone here who is a mormon or used to be one or is connected to mormons.
somehow has seen the show, and what you think of it.. .
You said:
Hey I like the style of the 'enlightened' ones let's see how it goes:
Slam the poster / their belief / throw around a few tough guy words. In particular start defining what the poster's ulterior motives are. Don't bother about alternatives - just make it up as you go and dare anyone to contradict you.
Then in the best twist of all have the audacity to suggest that any defence of the posters (whether it be to correct, balance or merely refute) is cult methodology. You guys don't look in the mirror much.
Hell is both a place (Outer Darkness - please refer to previous posts regarding what that is) and a state of being - thus you can quite possibly create hell here by your attitude and actions or by the environment you find yourself in (it may well not be your choice.) Not achieving your potential is likened to a state of hell and damnation because you will always be aware of what you are (better) than where you are - a bit like a champion runner dropping out of the race due to apathy and having to watch others take the medals. Heaven is split into many 'mansions' or degrees and failing to reach the highest may be considered hell even though each 'mansion' is supposedly very desirable (no more death and pain.)
It really is as simple as that.
You are really talking in vague terms and vague accusations. Can you be more clear on WHICH poster and what they did that can be identified or argued as incorrect? I and other posters have, in the past, spoken of cultish tools used by the Morg and KH. I have spoken specifically of isolation techniques, hope/fear whiplash, rewriting/lieing about historical events, dividing family for non conformity, etc. Others have posted about KH "managing" their history.
It is interesting to see that FLDS leader Warren Jeffs has, on video, admitted he was never a prophet. Still people continue to attend FLDS meetinghouses. I am astounded by the blindness of family members and Mormon posters here. I can have an open copy of Church History in front of them showing lies preached by Joseph's Myth. Lies which hurt the reputations of others. The god I want to believe in does not work that way. Still, believing Morgs refuse to read it out of the own Church History, or JOD, or journals, etc.
Like other posters have said, I am amazed be LIE ving mormons would frequent this board.
I still cant get my Stake President, Bishop, SusanHere, QCMBR or anyone to answer any of thew serious accusations against the LDS church. Could it be because there is no defense? My stake president can't/wont answer my questions. Until he can, he wants ME to refrain from talking to MY kids about the church at all. I call BULLSH1T.
QCMBR, I've heard all the pretzel thought you gave about what hell is-- not having a celestial home as nice as the jones next door, not fufilling your potential, etc. You are ignoring the fact that there are independent descriptions of hell in mormon standard works that are in contradiction to each other. WHY ISN"T THE THREE DEGREES MENTIONED IN THE BOM??? PREEXISTENCE? ETERNAL MARRIAGE? WORD OF WISDOM? TEMPLE WORK? The "nephites" had this knowledge and more... remember they had more light and truth than we... and it's in the sealed portion of the mythical gold plates. They had more truth, yet the HUGE cornerstones of mormonism failed to be mentioned in a thousand year historical "record". BULLSHlT!!
i recently starting watching the hbo drama "big love" and was wondering.
if anyone here who is a mormon or used to be one or is connected to mormons.
somehow has seen the show, and what you think of it.. .
Thanks for your comments Dave. While the specifics of abuse are different, the tools and tactics of our respective cults are very similar. A year ago I never would have thought I would feel such kinship with ex JW's.
The scary admission is... I still go to the Mormon church. If you peruse postmormon.org or exmormon.org, there are actually a lot of us in recovery WHILE WE STILL ATTEND THE CULT--weekly. I go (just to Sacrament Meeting), because my wife is still a believer. Many of us stay for cultural or family reasons. I haven't tithed since June, when the web started opening my eyes. As I begin to recognize cultish tools, it has become increasingly difficult to go without wanting to stand up and scream "bullshit"!!! I am reading some things with my wife, and I think she is starting to think "WTF" on some of the troubling things in LDS history. Wish me luck, and kind wishes in your recovery.
i recently starting watching the hbo drama "big love" and was wondering.
if anyone here who is a mormon or used to be one or is connected to mormons.
somehow has seen the show, and what you think of it.. .
I don't watch HBO. If you want to know whether something they say is really "Mormon", let me know.
Oldflame asked about Mormons believing the Bible and the Hell the bible described... I'm surprised you asked... being a former member and all.
Mormon hell is poorly defined and contradictory. Major mormon themes like the three degrees of heaven, eternal marriage, baptism for the dead, word of wisdom and temple work WERE NOT MENTIONED in the Book of Mormon. Supposedly the BOM was a "restoration" of Mormonism, but failed to include these major mormon themes. (because these ideas hadn't been made up by Joseph's Myth yet). The Bible/book of mormon describe a bipolar heaven/hell. Later "scriptures" revelealed by sMyth detailed a multi layered heaven. And thus, the confusion of hell within mormon scripture.
the mormons are without a prophet today since gordon hinkley 97 who served for 13 years passed away due to old age complications.. his was a quiet term for a president since his predecessor had to deal with the 60's sexual and racial revolution.
{in the late 1960's the prophet told mormons that god now allowed blacks into the priesthood...after years of much contraversey.
I haven't read Becks book. I am currently reading Rough Stone Rolling with my "believing" wife. It is the only book at Deseret Book (LDS bookstore) that even broaches difficult LDS historical topics like JS marrying other men's wives, JS "translating" the BOM by peeping at a stone in a hat, JS treasure seeking with peep stones and a few other gems. The book is apologetic... it attempts to give answers to these vexing LDS problems, but fails (in my opinion). I am hoping that at least, it will show my wife, that problematic events occurred in LDS history and it's not all fabrications of anti-mormons. I am hoping it will give her a "WTF" moment and she'll realize LDS history has been HEAVILY sanitized and "managed" by evil men. Once we finish this book, I want to read other books by former church historians -turned "anti". Milk before the meat, eh, SusanHere?
Wish me luck...
Common human decency precludes people from using false scare tactics and false hopes to extort money, power and fear from people. This IS the legacy of the cult of mormonism. GBH was it's leader. We should be as mournful and respectful of his passing as we should David Koresh, or any other megalomaniac.
I was just reading some posts by former lds members about his death last night. One poster said "He's either finishing up with the handshakes now or he's saying "Oh shit!!""
the mormons are without a prophet today since gordon hinkley 97 who served for 13 years passed away due to old age complications.. his was a quiet term for a president since his predecessor had to deal with the 60's sexual and racial revolution.
{in the late 1960's the prophet told mormons that god now allowed blacks into the priesthood...after years of much contraversey.
I was just reading some posts by former lds members about his death last night. One poster said "He's either finishing up with the handshakes now or he's saying "Oh shit!!""
the mormons are without a prophet today since gordon hinkley 97 who served for 13 years passed away due to old age complications.. his was a quiet term for a president since his predecessor had to deal with the 60's sexual and racial revolution.
{in the late 1960's the prophet told mormons that god now allowed blacks into the priesthood...after years of much contraversey.
I am SOOO lost and confused without a "prophet" telling me what to do. How bout you?
Actually, the blacks/priesthood thing came in the late 70's and under a different "prophet" Spencer W Kimball.
I hope there is an afterlife. I have had experiences which give me a hope that direction. None of my spitirual experiences mentioned the LDS church. With that hope in mind, I believe Gordon B Hinkley is learning, as I write, what a farce Mormonism is. I suspect he knew it before his death too. He has mentioned that either the church and it's founding stories are true, or it is all false. With the tens of thousands of people BEGGING for answers to historical inconsistencies that are now being revealed on the web, the folks at the top HAVE to know of these serious questions/allegations. The "prophets" have chosen not to answer the big charges, rather they rewrite history and lie and publish the same. They then leave "apologists" who then lie "for the lord" and give the most ridiculous of explanations for LDS historical inconsistencies.
Now we'll probably just get the same crap, different prophet.