What exactly is the scriptural / moral / ethical / religious reason for dictating what kind of undergarments someone wears?
Scriptural as in some words that actually came from diety, or scriptural as in some words in a book that people choose to live by and think come from god?
Joseph'S Myth was a genius, I believe. Deviant, diabolical, but definitely brilliant. It was interesting to discover how he cunningly brought together opposing parties and had them support him. Example: there was considerable anti Masonic sentiment in his day. There were parties both for and against these secretive groups. JS sought to get both parties.
For the Anti Masons... use the BOM to preach against secret combinations and secret groups. JS also married Lucinda Morgan Harris. Lucinda Morgan's husband had been killed by Mason's for revealing their secret rituals. Lucinda Married a Mr Harris. JS CONCURRENTLY married Lucinda as a "spiritual wife", hoping to bring her anti masonic following with her.
For the Masons: JS "revealed" a new temple ceremony strinkingly familiar with the masonic rites. Along with this, he taught that when Adam fell, God made some Jesus Jammies for them from coats of skin... I've often wondered why garments aren't made from leather????? Anyway, they are supposed to be a (ugly) reminder of the "moral" and religious covenants that are made in the temple and in church. Yes, wonderful promises of protection are made.
All garments are made/sold by the church.
Some people have Calvin Klien on their butt... I have Joseph Smith on mine...( no there's no monogram)