I too was kind to the disfellowshipped people. In fact, I would boldly pass out pictures of my daughter to them in front of everyone, and intentionally sit on in front of them with my new baby girl and prop her over my shoulder so she could make them smile and laugh during the meeting... I did the gum thing, and when counseled on it pointed out the facts I saw on "Dateline" that when chewing gum, it is proven you retain more information because you are stimulating more brain activity and I was trying to reap more information from the meeting!!!! Take that one elders... Lets not forget the slits too high and the denim skirts that were not allowed... and the "ooops, is there a teeny bit of clevage showing?"
JoinedPosts by burningbridges
What Little Rebellious Things Did You Do When Still A JW?
by Seeker4 inwhere there little things that you did just to express yourself and feel like you weren't just some robot clog in a machine?
i was thinking of stuff i did over the years: .
read whatever books i wanted, even apostate ones over the years.
I Saw My Mother's Time Slip
by StAnn ini took my mother a plate of food today, thanksgiving dinner.
she won't cook it because it's, well, thanksgiving, but she was sitting there waiting for me to bring her a plate of turkey and dressing.
i came in and said, "mom, i brought you some food.
you do what u gotta do, just like they do. Not everyone has it as good as me who has a secret good relationship with an 'in' member who mails me copies of the studies additons. However, if there is anyway u can arrange that, by calling an old friend there (faking new found interest and a desire to study, claiming your mother will not provide u with copies and plead for them to mail them to u) that might work. I was originally told no and not to contact tham anymore but lo and behold three months later the unsigned envelopes started arriving in he mail and keep on coming... I get mine to show my guardian ad litem the college discouragment articles, school activites that are discouraged, ext that are not in the public editions.
Did You See "Coverups" In The Congregation?
by minimus ini did many times.
if a family member was well connected, things would be swept under the carpet.
but if you didn't know the right people, you'd be taken into the "back room" and the elders would grill you.
I ratted out a M.S's daughter once (new to the faith, thought I was doing my duty) You'd have thought they wanted to kill me for it. Turns out he knew what was going on and was forced to step down and they were short on 'brothers' then. Boy were they mad. burning
Apostasy from JWs? That's not what the Bible says...hmmmm
by Awakened at Gilead ini have been called an apostate in the past week by my sil, my stepdad, and my soon to be ex-wife.
it didn't help that apostasy was featured in this past weeks wt study, a point my ex was quick to remind me.... .
i have done a quick search in the wt cd rom to see how many times the word apostate or derivatives appear (i searched "aposta*").. .
Sigh. Im an apostate. An ap-a-who? They dont even know what the word means. The 1980 Watchtower defines Apostate as this:
The word "apostasy" comes from a Greek term that means "a standing away from," "a falling away, defection," "rebellion, abandonment." The first one to fall away from the true worship of Jehovah was Satan the Devil. He was therefore the first apostate. (John 8:44) He caused the first human couple to become apostates. (Genesis, chapter 3) Very early in the history of Israel there was a "falling away" or ‘turning aside’ from true worship. We read:
"Even to their judges they did not listen, but they had immoral intercourse with other gods and went bowing down to them. They quickly turnedaside from the way in which their forefathers had walked by obeying the commandments of Jehovah."—Judg. 2:17.
Later, many of the kings of both Israel and Judah became apostates and led the nations they were ruling over into a course of apostasy. God first punished the northern kingdom of Israel, saying: "Against an apostate nation [Israel] I shall send him [Assyria]." (Isa. 10:6) And just before the destruction of Jerusalem, capital of Judah, by the Babylonians, Jehovah stated: "From the prophets of Jerusalem apostasy has gone forth to all the land." (Jer. 23:15) Apostasy or falling away from the true faith certainly brought no blessings to Israel and Judahwe can see from Awakened's research that that is not what the bible deciphered it as....
Are YOU 100% Out Of Jehovah's Witness Control?
by minimus inas long as you have family still in the jw`s..there`s always going to be problems..it does`nt go away.........................outlaw
Well said about this site!!! If we are still in the mind site today hat we are even here... aren't we to a degree? Obviously Im still not ok.... Today was the deadline to register to vote. I didn't. I didn't want to be party to a crime when one of them screws up later on. Ah ye ye.... I think it will take years, I'm only a year out of my dissasociation...
Being Shunned
by sadfox ini knew this day was coming but i thought somehow there might be a loophole.. i had my "last supper" with my daughter on monday.
i am disfellowshipped, her father and i are divorced, he is a witness, she lives with him and will be 18 on sunday the 5th.
therefore as a baptized witness, she can no longer visit me and must keep communication to the bare minimum.
When I read this post I see my future.... My soon to be ex and I are divorcing right now and going through a horrible custody battle. I dont think he will get custody but with how bad of sneaky bastards the witnesses are, you never know with the tactics they use. I dissasociated and he swears he will not teach her to shun me, but obviously he doesnt need to, the organization does. I tear up and bawl just thinking about it so I know just what you feel like. I am so sorry for you. I can only tell you the quote that gets me through my fears, and that is that God is stronger than brainwashing..... pray for her.... pray that God will open her eyes to the reality that this organization is.
Hello again everyone.... Ive been gone awhile!!!
by burningbridges injust posted on facebook, joined the jwd club, happy to see so many joining :) i already had a profile so i couldn't join under my screen name here, for those of you who'd like to know, you can look me up under "brooke mcgee"
Just posted on facebook, joined the JWD club, happy to see so many joining :) i already had a profile so i couldn't join under my screen name here, for those of you who'd like to know, you can look me up under "Brooke McGee"
Demonstrators at Bethel
by Yizuman inhad any of you seen any demonstrators at bethel when you worked there?
i am curious as to what any of you thought of them when you seen them holding signs and passing out pamphlets to jws as they were all walking by.
if any had seen them, did they have any impact on your life in any way?
I always wanted to go to bethel before... now i want to go to bethel to protest!!!!
Things you are now embarrassed you disclosed on jwd
by rebel8 inwhat are some things you posted here that you are now embarrassed about?
here's a classic.
it totally brought down a funny thread, and totally embarrassed me because others' reactions made me realize how dysfunctional my childhood was.
I felt embarassed at times. I came on here as a newbie with my divorce and custody battle sob stories and all boo whooo ie ish oh certain days. A few times, i looked for the "delete" button. (its not there!) Other days i was angry at the watchtower and just plain mad at what has been delt to me by them, being coerced into disassocating and now being shunned every day. But ultimately, I am glad to vent here
what angers you about the truth
by stillajwexelder inthis angers me .
elders who will not make shepherding calls to comfort their brothers and sisters but as soon as that brother or sister puts one little foot out of line those same f-----g (sorry about the language but it really angers me ) elders can not move fast enough to form a judicial committee and then are so unmerciful - it makes me want to vomit literally
I hate the witch hunts when there is the slightest suspiction of
apostacyfree thinking. I was the target of this and have seen it done to a few friends as well. Can we say paranoid assholes?