That is great news!!
I have missed your humor here. Drop in when you can.
Who had to edit this silly post, twice, whilst barking at her little darlings to brush their teeth! I guess I can't do two things at once.
the producers saw a baltimore sun article me and my friends were in nd they want us to film a promo for the sequel to 'that 70's show' which is called 'that 80's show' .
we are filming the promo next wedesday, ill letcha guys know the details as i get em!.
That is great news!!
I have missed your humor here. Drop in when you can.
Who had to edit this silly post, twice, whilst barking at her little darlings to brush their teeth! I guess I can't do two things at once.
Well, as long as you don't snore, no one would know you are sleeping.
Might make a great Bible study aid
I'm signing this way, since everyone calls me that anyway
Old labels die hard.
it seems nothing gets the good people in here so upset as lies.
we all seem to be extra sensitive to lies and damned lies because of being victimized by one of the biggest lairs around, the wts.. but have you ever really tested yourself to find out if you are really snow white yourself?
you got the guts to find out?
I'm an average liar.
Is anyone completely honest ALL the time?? Especially men???
I would question their sanity if they were.
Wife: "Honey, do these pants make my butt look big"?
Husband: "Yes, dear, if your butt were a mountain, it would be called
The next sound you will hear is the agonizing cries of pain coming from the husbands hospital bed.
i'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when i'll be back again, oh babe i hate to go.. that song is going through my head, and i can't remember who sang it.. made ya look you dirty crook.
hee hee
I KNEW this was a setup!!!
i noticed in a couple of threads people discussing the impact this board would have on jw's with doubts coming here and reading the messages.
it got me to wondering where most people that post here were at...what stage in their jw/ex jw process...when they started reading and/or posting here.
also curious, when you did come here what was your main focus?
How I came to this board. My Story.
I wasn't a doubter or a current JW. Just searching the web for JW related sites. After 20 years of no contact, the very large JW contingent on my Mother's side decided they wanted to know us again.I guess they figured because "The End" hadn't come yet, and that inspite of being JW's, they had has many problems (if not more) than us heathen worldlys.
So, I type in Jehovahs witnesses and was amazed at the amount of X-JW sites on the web. I suppose I just wanted to get a clearer picture of my extended family. My Father is a JW, but he never shunned me. Even after I made it perfectly clear that I would eat my spleen before becoming a JW. Anyway, our differences go way beyond the Org.
I found Randy's Freeminds site. I just kept reading and reading. I had no idea how insideous the WTS was. I only had my childhood memories of no holidays, birthdays, and arguing with the neighborhood kids about the existence of heaven.
I lurked at H20 for a while. Never posted. Then, I sort of lost interest. After several months, for some reason, that I don't remember now, I started taking an interest again. Went back to Randy's site and through that, I found this place.
Like you, Xena, I also found the candor refreshing. I really enjoyed the humor too. Decided to make my first post on the infamous "Noah's Ark" (Do you want the REAL truth or not? )thread.
Anyway, I have never been a baptisted JW. When I got here, I already thought that the doctrines were pure bull. However, I never realized what an evil cult they are. I have also come to understand, and not be so resentful of, my JW family. I possess a much clear view into their mindset. I don't like it, but I understand it. My JW baggage is very light compared to so many of the people here. I admire the guts it takes to fade, walk away, and DA.
old-ish one, but still very amusing!!!.
background: .
laura schlesinger is a us radio personality who dispenses advice .
Regardless of my opinions of Dr. Laura, now. I also think it would be a very good idea to clue her in about Silent Lambs.
Also, in my post, I stated that I "liked" her stance on the welfare of children. Correction: I am still very much behind her on that issue.
as most of you know i usually write about sexual matters, but i would like to take this time to write about something serious.
after two months of writing posts and reading others people's posts and have concluded that the jehovah's witness organization purposely prevents people from contact with other people, because that way it is hard for someone to leave the organization.
if everyone you know is in the organization then how can you leave?
There are literally thousands of people in the position that you describe. So many that are forced to live double lives. I have a family member that lives like that. She comes from a large family and was DF'd. The one reason she sought reinstatement was she wanted her family to be able to talk to her and feel comfortable with her.I see the stress that it causes her. However, the price is just too high for her to walk away.
You are justified in your anger.
without being slagged off for opinions expressed, without being ridiculed often, without constant smart ass one liners and put downs, how could we given the opportunity get along better together?
not utopia, not this, not that, just a simple question in need of simple upbuilding replies that enable this place more to reflect the care for others it supposedly sets out to achieve.. any comments?.
here we go (rolling his eyes) .... peace.
I agree with you Tatiana that there is a difference between outspoken and plain mean. Like I said, ideas, no matter how strongly one holds their views, and the delivery of such views, it is quite different from taking exception with the personality of the poster themselves.
That is the thing that long drawn out, pointless, flame wars are made of.
i live in northern california.
most of the conventions and get togethers i have seen posted are in the midwest.
am i all alone out here?
I'm in Cali, but I'm a southerner. Out here in the desert near Palm Springs.
without being slagged off for opinions expressed, without being ridiculed often, without constant smart ass one liners and put downs, how could we given the opportunity get along better together?
not utopia, not this, not that, just a simple question in need of simple upbuilding replies that enable this place more to reflect the care for others it supposedly sets out to achieve.. any comments?.
here we go (rolling his eyes) .... peace.
How about we concentrate on discussing ideas, instead of personalities?
What I like to call "Discussion Board Pseudo Interventions", don't work! What is that, you say?? Well, that is when a group of posters decide to gang up on one poster in particular (usually someone outspoken) and try force a change their behavior. As has been shown here, the outcome is usually the opposite of what is desired.