Hi Tatiana,
My daughter was barely out of infancy when she was diagnosed with Leukemia, which is very different from the form a cancer your friend has. With Leukemia, there are no tumors, but malignant white blood cells that have gone haywire.
The following information will most likely be of no use to your friend, unfortunately. The "experiment" on my daughter, and 49 other kids participating in the study, is receiving NO radiation. Radiation was standard in the treatment of Leukemia until this study.To replace that, she had increased doses Methotrexate by lumbar puncture (spinal tap). The point is to save kids, while decreasing the brain damage that is done to children by radiation. The study is to compare these kids with 50 others that received the standard treatment, which includes radiation. I am assuming that your friend has had plenty of radiation?
I wish I had answers for you, April. There are no other proven therapies out there to help your friend? Sometimes the Drs, themselves, are not aware of everything that is out there. Keep researching, you may be grasping at straws, but at least you are trying.
Closed minds always seem to be connected to open mouths