I'm not sure this actually addressed my question FHN:
We pay the consequences for bad decisions, those of our own and of others, right here on earth.
Not everyone does. Some very sadistic people get to live out their lives the way they want to and then die. No "consequences" while alive. Even if what you say is true, does this mean (as I asked before) that they will receive a good reward after death?
I have read some interesting books about people going into debriefing and rehabilitation upon death. And some have to work things out through community type service.
Not sure what that means.
But in Universalism, all intelligent creatures will eventually be drawn back to good and love, they won't be able to resist it forever.
Drawn back to good before or after death? I hope you don't mean before death. Some people do vile things their whole lives and then die. Everyone does not die "good".