Sarah Palin is the retard! I love Family Guy. Did ya'll see the episode where Stewie and Bryan go back in time to the Nazi era and then when they stole uniforms to hide in plain site one of the uniforms had a McCain/Palin button on it? It was perfect!!!
JoinedPosts by FreudianSlip
I turn on the news to see Sarah Palin taking on the Family Guy writer
by dinah ini think she should just try to bring it.
she's out-gunned.. .
Question for Christians
by FreudianSlip indo i have to love god to get into the good place?
let's assume i believe and follow all of the rules out of obligation and not love, is that enough?.
Duh, thanks.
Is there more-
If there is a god, I don't know that he loves me. Also, just because someone loves me, doesn't mean I should love them.
Question for Christians
by FreudianSlip indo i have to love god to get into the good place?
let's assume i believe and follow all of the rules out of obligation and not love, is that enough?.
Do I have to love God to get into the good place? Let's assume I believe and follow all of the rules out of obligation and not love, is that enough?
I know, but some people don't give what they have the capabilities to give.
It's not a pride thing, it's a reciprocity thing. I made efforts for years, why should it remain on me? I understand I can't force him to love me, but I can still be hurt/disappointed that he might not.
I know. I'm just in a mood . I received a call from an elder in my hometown a few days ago telling me my parents are "concerned" about me. And yet, I haven't heard from my mother in months and my father in years. I was content with the distance, but giving my number to this random elder annoyed me. So, when I called my mother to ask what she's concerned about, my father, who's in the background never even asked to speak to me.
You're right. Expecting my JW father to talk to me is WAY too high of an expectation. Thanks!
I learned to read with Dick and Jane and Sally. How about you?
by Fatfreek ini can hardly believe the prices they're getting for pristine copies of those books they handed out to those of us with scalps populated with lice, hands and fingers encrusted with bits of jelly and dried mud.
they're getting between $100 and $200 per copy.. thanks to google images, i couldn't resist taking another peek between some of those charming colored pages as a reminder to what we were actually exposed to in trying to make us literate.. most of these look contemporary to when i went to school -- the 1940's.
one of them may go back into the 1930's.
I recall seeing those growing up, but I don't have any specific memories of using them to learn to read. I was in elementary school in the 80s, not sure if they were in popular use at that time.
Wise words John Doe..
It's just a fact of life that I keep forgetting. Just thought I'd remind others. I know I let people down all the time, too, so I guess it's fair trade.