"The Evil Slave Class"...I've never heard of that term before.
The new view is that the "evil slave" can ONLY be applied to anointed christians.
Even when demonizing people, JWs must create an artificial hierarchy {sigh}.
one thing that either i've missed or didn't catch a discussion on is about " the evil slave class ".
thats a labeling they placed on people that voice disagreement in public or privately against jws doctrines and their organization.
does this refresh a few memories.
"The Evil Slave Class"...I've never heard of that term before.
The new view is that the "evil slave" can ONLY be applied to anointed christians.
Even when demonizing people, JWs must create an artificial hierarchy {sigh}.
i have heard witnesses proudly say that are the only true religion following the bible.
they put down anyone else that claim to be christian, stating they are merely "counterfeit christians".
jehovah's witnesses believe they alone can rightfully be called "christian".
Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult of Christianity. They may have the appearance of conforming to Christianity, but upon closer examination, we see the basic tenets of their religion belie that claim.
John 3:16:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
However, as Hamsterbait, Outlaw and Undercover state (and Blondie references):
The fact that they deliberately disobey Christs command to take the communion bread and wine means they are not practising true first Century christianity.Nowhere in the NT is any distinction made, or is anybody told not to "take, eat."
How can any JW consider themselves a Christian,when their mediator is not Jesus?..It`s the WBT$
But therein lies the issue...according to some* of the publications/articles, the Christian Congregation is made up only of the annointed. The Christian Congregation is only 144,001 (including Christ) strong. All others (others being JWs) are companions to the true Christians. They worship Jehovah and they live a Christian life, but they are not part of the Christian congregation.
It is their unscriptural beliefs that make the Jehovah's Witnesses the counterfeit Christians. They are Christians without Christ.
This is the primary reason why I left.
happy new year to everyone!.
thanks, simmon for the new site.. the sage!.
I wish everyone health and happiness for this New Year!
i learned so much about blood because of my mothers poor health.
so many lies by the wt.
if i had followed my "jw christian conscience", my mother would have died.
WH, I am happy that "accurate knowledge" saved your mother's life!
...and here's what i had to say; http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/430149/markatkbc.mp3.
one local jw heard that i was speaking about leaving the wts in church and quickly labelled it, in ignorance, as 'witness bashing'.. .
have a listen and judge for yourself.
PWP, that was excellent. I heard no bashing.
For many, it is comforting to be spoon fed their faith.
But faith was never meant to be stagnant. As beings capable of critical thought processes, we were meant to examine and question our faith. If you are a JW, you are simply not allowed to be critical of the WTS in the least, while they themselves damn everyone and everything that doesn't agree with them. Now that you've cast them off, there is nothing that stands between you and God's love. Nothing.
Marjorie, how sweet. I believe that is the sweetest, most romantic story I've heard.
Merci, FHN - that's because it's about a really sweet guy.
Whenever someone says that there is no such thing as love at first sight, I just shake my head and smile.
Mate ...
If you're inquiring about how I met my husband, we met while I was wrapping up a babysitting gig. He was a friend of the husband's, and as soon as he walked in (with the husband), my little charge went all gaga upon seeing him! He performed little magic tricks for her, and produced a miniature book as a gift. He even brought flowers for the wife. I remember thinking about how gentle he was towards the little girl, and how he seemed to have a genuinely kind nature.
When he learned that I lived just two blocks away, he decided to gallantly escort me home. It was late, he said (it was around 4:30 in the afternoon), and dangerous (since it was summer, there was still plenty of daylight). He walked me to my door, and made sure that I got in safely, then we talked at the door for an hour (he did ask for my phone number), and then we said our good-byes. He kissed my hand.
Seven days and seven hours later, we decided to get married. We would have gotten married right away, but I wanted to be romantic, and get married on the anniversary of the day we first met. Which is exactly what happened, one year later.
That was 26 years ago. You would be hard-pressed to find a more gentle soul than he.
a couple of hours ago when i got home from shopping the telephone rang my son answered it he said, "mom, aunt mary just called and uncle richard just passed away", i was just devasted.
it isn't sinking in.
my mind isn't somewhere else.. i believe i mentioned about him in a post a few days ago that he was just diagnosed with pulmanary fibrosis, i am in total shock, as the doctor told him he had about one to three years to live.
I'm so sorry to read this, Orange.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences to you and your family on your Uncle's sudden passing.
george bush had a shoe thrown at him as a middle eastern sign of disrespect, so would you throw one at ted jaracz and what would you yell before the bethel heavy's grab you?
if it missed they would claim "jehovah's protection.".
"that's for the 1914 generation!"......
No. Throwing shoes at the GB would only feed into the persecution complex that the WTBTS inculcates into its members.
Discovering ways to slow down the influx of new converts - thereby drying up the donation/slave labor well - now that's an action that will bring true satisfaction.
yes as a young man on 20 out witnessing with the special pioneers one brother said his bible study wasn't home...."oh that sucks" said i......well, you would have thought i said "that sucks balls" three pioneers completely freak out and as a "trinity" start telling me off...i didn't think it was a swear word....anyone else?.
once the c.o used the term "peeved off" during his talk...well, everyone did research on the word to see if it was the same as "pissed off.
"God bless you" - number one on the JW hit parade.