I'm new(er) around here,and saw this post pop up,i saw the date,and yeah i know it's old but anyway
I'm sure it's been said before,but that line of questioning is inappropiate in itself,that wouldn't even be allowed to go on in a "worldy" court..that's what you call a perv taking advantage of a persons moment of weakness to get their jollies off.
But wow,i didn't know that's what those guys did back there..i always wondered why the women would come out of there sobbing like they'd gotten a spanking instead of a meeting. That just makes me know even further..the people here are NOT the "Apostates"..the people down THERE are the apostates...but JT,i know exactly what you're talking about with that "brother",with the way his wife looked,and that vendetta he had against the fine sister. It goes on around here too.
I will say though..after reading this..i know how our circuit died,after awhile it just seemed like all the chicks my age just started disappearing in droves,if they had to even put up with a little of that shit when they slipped,i can see them never coming back. What's even more odd is most of the ones doing all the Df'ing of the fine chicks,were the ones who had sons that couldn't get any "time" with the chick,or had been Df'ed,or had daughters that had been Df'ed.
I don't worry about JC's,even IF they caught me doing something...they don't have the balls to call me back there,they KNOW better..I'm naturally a LOT of those things from 2 Timothy 3:1-5..-KS