I am quite keen to understand why anyone would create?
Why lie?
by Crumpet 62 Replies latest jw friends
Illusion is the stuff of dreams.
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
You lost me, Nina (must be the wine)... why anybody would create what? A lie?
Some people have to create to procreate! carmel
LIKE YOU SAY. it must be the wine.
i want to speak.,
I hate liars and fakes.
I understand lying not to hurt someone feelings. But with some people, lying is like a sport (That I can't understand.) and I have no need to be around those people, even if they are family.
I don't know if I hate liars and fakes, but I don't care to be around those who have a tenuous or worse hold on the truth....
I often lay in bed at night trying to wrap my head around the same question. I am not a liar and I guess I will never understand those who are.
"Why lie?" isn't a question that can be answered with a singular,neat answer..different people have different reasons for lying.
People most often lie to escape some kind of consequence,but then again there are people who lie to accomplish an ulterior motive,yet there are still others who tell lies for pleasure,they get a thrill out of thinking they've fooled someone,in a sort of a Narcissistic way,they think they are smarter than everyone else,so they tell lies frequently because they believe the general populace aren't smart enough to catch them.
There was a "brother" who was friends with my friend who was like the latter,he'd tell whopping lies in the middle of a crowd,and because no one wanted to be considered "impolite" the most i ever heard them say was "C'Mon man...".
His motive for doing it,was not only because he liked to be seen as the smartest in the room,but because he also got a thrill out of KNOWING that someone knew he was lying yet STILL didn't have the guts to call him on it..Then he was introduced to me;D
We got into an argument after an assembly in the parking lot one time,he started telling lies as per the usual..i called him on it,then told him how i knew he was lying..he couldn't refute the proof,so he got angry..it started getting heated,so,much of the crowd had dispersed cause they could sense it was gonna go bad..after they left and it was just me,him,and my friend,i went ahead and told him that i didn't appreciate being lied to,and asked him if he thought i was stupid..he said no,so i basically asked him,if he wanted to take our disagreement to "hands",i told him that if he was a bad as he said he was..he'd make short work of me,and prove his case all at once.
My friend stepped in,and called it off because he knew i had been faded for awhile and just happened to be visiting at that point..and he already knew how i'd sometimes appeal to an idiot's sense of pride..and goad him into unknowingly agreeing to an ass whuppin',before i became a witness,when i was just studying with him.
Long story short,the question is simple,yet the answer is complex:P-KS