sorry dorks - but i dont make the rules here - you're gonna have to qualify for uwo (unwelcome one) status by virtue of your own transgressions here as specified above.
ps. u too dude.
ok all you unwelcome one wannabee's here it is - .
unwelcome one at official checklist.
1)has janh & comf overruled charter 19 of the universal declaration of human rights & run crying to simon posting a request for your deletion from because you expressed ideas contrary to their "idea" (singular)?.
sorry dorks - but i dont make the rules here - you're gonna have to qualify for uwo (unwelcome one) status by virtue of your own transgressions here as specified above.
ps. u too dude.
ok all you unwelcome one wannabee's here it is - .
unwelcome one at official checklist.
1)has janh & comf overruled charter 19 of the universal declaration of human rights & run crying to simon posting a request for your deletion from because you expressed ideas contrary to their "idea" (singular)?.
oops goo.
below are various quotes from essies "finals observations" on her "am i unwelcome here" post :.
(please read the thread in it's entirety for context pusposes as space does not allow here) .
essie - from "final observations".
below are various quotes from essies "finals observations" on her "am I unwelcome here" post :
(please read the thread in it's entirety for context pusposes as space does not allow here)
Essie - from "final observations"
But I don't think it was a worthless experiment. It showed, pretty clearly I think, the true colors of many of the posters.
As I said I named my original thread wrong, it should have been 'are we welcome' not I because I was using myself as an example of a new person/h2o refugee and giving my viewpoint.
I'm not worried about how I personally get treated, and I guess that I didn't state that clearly enough. I'm trying to make people consider the newbies...
Yes I agree with you that many people here have been kind to me. I appreciate that. Like I said I was trying (badly, apparently!) to bring attention to a bigger picture.
This is not about me! I was trying to present a bigger picture!
there's plenty more similar thoughts posted by essie down the thread but I think these convey the gist of her intent.
At the time I was "offered viewpoints" on essies viewpoint to my response to essies "am I unwelcome" post by insistant posters other than essie.
here is a portion of my response to essie down that thread -
goo - from "am I unwelcome here"
that is unless you were asking the question in some kind of larger sense essy - because i suspect you know what i'm saying here and why i've responded to your question in this way
to which I received the following responses -
(abbreviated to spare you but refer to the original if you think I'm taking things out of context) -
mommy - from "am I unwelcome here"
Obviously, you have no insight in the feeling of unwelcomeness that Essie is feeling.
essie and I are dear friends,she knows where Im coming from. I have nothing but respect and love for her,and she knows this-so knock it off with the cheap shots.
I've dealt with more adept and subtle trolls than you.
Yes I admit your insight shows mommy and tina so does your expertise in dealing with trolls.
in conclusion to reiterate the point I made down the "am I unwelcome thread"
ps. i'm familiar with essys story and she does not sound like the kind of person who is unintelligent enough to understand what i said nor immature enough to feel threatened by an idea. i give essy far more than that much credit not like some obviously.
goo. stupid troll awaiting deletion class
ok all you unwelcome one wannabee's here it is - .
unwelcome one at official checklist.
1)has janh & comf overruled charter 19 of the universal declaration of human rights & run crying to simon posting a request for your deletion from because you expressed ideas contrary to their "idea" (singular)?.
hi abbadon:
thank you for your viewpoints so far, including this one -
oh, goo, you still haven't bothered engaging in rational debate about the subject you wanted us to all SLAM Jan for
i said it was a slamworthy post - a matter of interpretation - leaving it open for anyone to slam it whatever way they wanted - you'll recall i did not specify who or what should be slammed - i was giving that option to the respondant - the intent of the post.
you chose to interpret my subject title and post content - as an invitation for all to slam janh - and engage in "rational debate" - to my mind your choosing to do so was but one of the many, many interperative options available in responding.
however the interpretation you chose was of interest.
Also i do not feel compelled to let the cat completely out of the bag with the content of a subjects first post. you're viewpoint may be that this is manipulation, mine however is that it isn't.
story tellers work from the end backward and the means used in communicating their ideas normally includes entertaining and positing more than one dimensional polarised perspectives cramped into one post down one thread.
this is as far into a "rational debate" as i'm prepared to go on the subject if you are unable to make these kinds of differentiations.
I hope this helps explain my viewpoint to you in a little more detail.
thanks abbadon for giving me yours
goo. written from deletion row
hi guys given the current exodus just thought i'd post this subject as a place for all those leaving the site today to post their farewell. Thus avoiding cluttering up valuable screen space in the main forum.
hi ginger.
i went to your site and i guess i still need more of an explanation.
i know gilligan is the devil.. i would like to say thank you to everyone who has welcomed me here to this site.. ginger, from your picture, i think you are the ginger from the pilot, not from the series.
hello ginger.
hi ginger.
i went to your site and i guess i still need more of an explanation.
i know gilligan is the devil.. i would like to say thank you to everyone who has welcomed me here to this site.. ginger, from your picture, i think you are the ginger from the pilot, not from the series.
prof & ginger it's so cool having you here, i hope u have a nice stay here and dont end up an unwelcome one like me. if u would both like to know how to remain welcome here i have posted some information which u may find useful, it's posted under a subject called UNWELCOME ONE? QUICK CHECKLIST. if u read that check list and make sure u never let those four things mentioned on the checklist ever happen to u here, u will be welcome. not like me who now awaits deletion.
i qualify for the title of "unwelcome one". one of the criteria for that gaining that title is that the poster be awaiting deletion at janh's request.
i hope u don't mind too much being welcomed by an unwelcome one.
it's only been 2 days and i'm starting to miss all of you (filthy apostates) already.
a lot can happen in 2 days and it has.......job's going ok, the chick got the flick, jw's keep smsing me on my phone (sending me goodluck letters) it's a pity they'd never find out the real story, and my friend has sent my records to me yesterday so i should get them soon.. from 2 days ago and onwards i'll only be online once or twice a month cos of work and the fact i don't have ready access to a computer anymore.
i was thinking about the situation of if someone was df'd for reading apostate literature.
ak - is that all? i thought u were gonna tell us something to do with either the words welcome or unwelcome.
ok all you unwelcome one wannabee's here it is - .
unwelcome one at official checklist.
1)has janh & comf overruled charter 19 of the universal declaration of human rights & run crying to simon posting a request for your deletion from because you expressed ideas contrary to their "idea" (singular)?.
hi bug - nice quote.
abbadon & larc, it's ok guys, i understand, you're both a little cranky and upset you didn't qualify - but hey i didn't make the rules.
goo. 2 days from deletion and counting.
ok all you unwelcome one wannabee's here it is - .
unwelcome one at official checklist.
1)has janh & comf overruled charter 19 of the universal declaration of human rights & run crying to simon posting a request for your deletion from because you expressed ideas contrary to their "idea" (singular)?.
I've seen manipulators online before, and some have been very very good. You're not very good at manipulating. Quit
yea i know abbadon but it seems my "manipulating" is obviously poor enough to work on some around here.
goo. unwelcome one