Who will believe what I did to you?
You need two witnesses.
this one tickled my funny bone.
can you help me find the perfect caption?
if you are really nice, i will tell you how the wt captioned it..
Who will believe what I did to you?
You need two witnesses.
this one tickled my funny bone.
can you help me find the perfect caption?
if you are really nice, i will tell you how the wt captioned it..
born again, liberal christian, agnostic, atheist, or "other"?.
I became free, able to think for myself.
Not to worry about pleasing some Elder.
Not having to sit through 5 hours of boring meetings a week.
Not spending 3/4 days of my summer holiday stuck in some arena listening to endless talks.
Finding who God and Jesus Christ REALLY were.
Becoming a Christian.
Finding tremendous love and support from people who genuinely cared.
yesterday i got home and i realized i accidentally brought a necklace with a cross on it from my boyfriend's house.. it was in a regular brown paper bag i put some of my things in.
i was lying in bed last night thinking about it wondering if i should take it outside.
i was afraid the demons were going to invade my house.. i decided to leave my tv on all night because we all know the demons will not bother you if your light or tv is on.
I always used to wonder when a JW why we should have been so afraid of demons. I mean we were being constantly told we were in Jehovahs organisation, that as JW's we were the only ones God looked on with favour. We only had to say "Jehovah" and we were protected.
Yet JW's went into apolexy if anything faintly demonic came near them.
Yet Christians I knew, took the view that as Christ was in them, why should they be afraid. God was with them, so no stupid demon was going to get them. If one tried they would put up a fight and kick its butt.
here's three beauties:.
the sayings of u. g. krishnamurti .
"a messiah is the one who leaves a mess behind him in this world.".
It is not a form of religious persecution for anyone to say and to show that another religion is false. It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
WT Nov 15, 1963
i'm curious as to whether the majority of the board's disfellowshipped.
and i'm curious as to whether or not push came to shove, that you would not be overly distressed if you did wind up getting df'd........as time goes on, i am caring less.
I attended my last meeting at a Kingdom Hall, in August 1999. Did not DA or was DF'd. As I was still able to have contact with wife and children. Though when my wife (we are separated) found out I had stopped attending she stopped speaking or having contact with me. But was still able to vist children, two who were baptised JW's.
From August 1999 to September 2001 not one single elder came to to see me. Not even and invite to the memorial. Even though an Elder lived a 5 minute walk away from me, plus a Ministerial Servant lived in my road and one in the next road.
Then in September 2001 two elders called on me, I was not home at the time, though my DA'd son was. They didn't want to speak to him. They said they would call back later. Strange to get a call from them afetr 2 years of nothing I thought. Then I discovered that Elders were being encourage to call on such ones as me to get us back into the organisation. Not out of any love and concern, but pure and simply because numbers had dropped they needed to get people back in. So I wrote to the Elders telling them that in two years none of them had bothered to visit to see how I was or make any effort to do so, not even to invite me to the memorial. That the only reason they called now was because the WT organisation was telling them to do so, just to get the numbers back up. Not out of any spiritual concern for me or others. I also included my letter of Disassociation , with it.
This ina couple of months time led to all contact with my wife, no matter how little it was, ceased. Also that my two daughters (22 & 17) who were baptised JW's could not have any contact with me. So in it just over a year since I have spoken to my daughters and 3 years since I spoke to my wife.
I still see my two youngest children (son 15 & daughter 13) as they are not baptised JW's. But they have to come to me to visit.
the edmonton sun news
monday, may 12, 2003 .
Here in Britain I have never come across any Pentecostals as you describe.
The Elim Pentecostal church I attend, which was founded by a Welshman in Ireland in 1915.
Apart from the speaking in tongues, they've never done any of the over things.
Everyone dresses how they like, as well.
I have noticed how some American "churches" seem so much more over the top than those here in Britain. Not saying that there may be the odd one here that is a bit OTT.
Like "cherjcd" I regard myself as a Christian, which is what I tell people if I am asked what religion I am, I don't say Pentecostal. I go because of the fellowship. Also they gave me the the support I needed after leaving the JW's after 30 years. By the way they were not the first church I went to after leaving the JW's. But I feel "at home" there.
after reading blueblades post above i got to thinking.
who created satan?
this may have been discussed before.
Just like those of us who had children who turned out bad.
We knew from the day they were born they were bad.
So lets get rid of them at birth.
or lets just blame the parent doesn't matter how loving, good, kind, compassionate the parent was to the child.
Its still the parents fault.
The individual is never to blame, must have been his upbringing, environment, those he associated with.
So that lets Satan off the hook then!!
has anyone or do you know anyone who has been attacked viciously by a witness because you told them that you thought there religion was a cult or other derogatory remarks against there faith?
I knew an ex-JW he when he left a couple of years ago. Started having tracts printed warning people about the JW's and thier teachings etc. He went round putting them through doors.
One day he went into a road that the JW's were working. Two JW brothers came up to him and told him to stop. He refused saying he had a perfect right to tell people about them.
The two brothers then attacked him and knocked him to the ground and kicked him. Of course the this brought people out of their houses. So he started shouting that this is how JW's treat people who disagree with them.
Another time he was in a bar and a JW, a ministerial servant, came over and poured his pint of beer over him. Saying if he wasn't careful they would get him again.
Last I heard he had to move to another town. But he still keeps up his campaign against the JW's.
just wondering how long this forum has been around, and if there is a web page or something like that for it.
the only reason that i ask is because it has been years since i left the org.
and have never heard of anything like this, and wonder how word can get out to people so that they do not have to deal with the horrible feelings alone.
Hey Simon,
Where are you based.
USA, Britain, Australia.
Secret basement in Brooklyn Bethel!!