Balaamsass, here's what I posted on your original thread:
My most disturbing Bethel experience was when my husband hooked up with someone else’s wife and I was not allowed to sit in on the judicial meetings to hear what he had to say or to keep him honest about the nature of our relationship. And then how he wasn’t disfellowshipped, although he never asked me to take him back and clearly told me of his intention to be with her. And how when I spoke with others like Brother Sydlik and one of the brothers in the Service Dept who was a family friend it was implied that I had been frigid in my relationship. And how every Bethel elder seemed to know what had been said by my husband but I could not be privy to it as a sister. All of that (and more) was very disturbing, but in retrospect I’m glad it happened because it helped to nudge me out. Eventually. To use one of their illustrations, I was like a fan that was unplugged; I was still spinning, but more and more slowly until I finally stopped.