When will the Watchtower dot their bit?
Posts by Gozz
The Pope Did it!
by Gozz inwhen will the watchtower dot their bit?.
* http://www.msnbc.com/news/661912.asp?pne=msn&cp1=1#body
Can you understand this reasoning?
by uncle_onion ini found this site that says it had the biblical answer for everything!
...www.abundantbible.org so i posed them a question.
he is the dialogue:.
You're missing the point.
During the last days, there will be more earthquakes. We believe we are evidently in the last days, as the evidence clearly shows, so then the earthquakes must have increased. If the measurements show they have not, then the sensitive equipment must be faulty...It was Carl sagan who said something to the effect that beneath fervent religious belief lies the lack of rational enquiry.
by Mindchild inperhaps one of the most problematic psychological traits of humans and other species to analyze by methods of statistical analysis is motivation.
last summer, my colleagues at the university of minnesota published a joint paper with me that started a new field of science known as chronosociobiology, which is a study of social systems over time.
our first study was done on studying the motivation of jehovahs witnesses for a 50-year period.
Ministers do more than Lay People
They do! How true! But I guess if Brooklyn was aware, they would be disfellowshipped.
by JEMIMAH inbelow is an email from a bro i know who has a website to help jws get scriptures and materials they may need, in it you will find the society comments and his own.. .
dear jem this a letter i received from patterson, this morning.
i would appreciate your comments as i know you work on the ****** desk in london.. cheers .
The Society's always knownt he Internet is theeir biggest enemy. They wouldn't even let it be used to propagate their version of the Gospel. As more JWs go on the Internet and access information the Watchtiower Society wouldn't want them to see, there'll be more Watchtower articles and Service Talks about the Inmternet; they're already running scred withthe UN saga. With this letter coming 10 dyas after the UN expose, it's temting tot think there's been a general UN/Internet alert... Down the Tower falls. Deception cannot live for long.
German Response to UN Inquery
by messenger injehovas zeugen.
am steinfels, 65618 selters ot niederselters telefon: 0 64 83/41-0.
postanschrift, 68617 selters.
They're sending the same lie everywhere...
Badwillie's Dad's response to UN scandal
by badwillie inhere's the email from my dad,.
while i acknowledge your statement that your position would not change even if the un question did not exist, i'd like to share some information i've just acquired on that matter.
i do not yet have all the relevant detail but i'll pass on what i do have at present.
I do not yet have all the relevant detail but I'll pass on what I do have at present.
Watchtower Style. That's a line that the Rank and File would have to swallow. They don't ahve allt he (relevant) details.
I understand that the press officer at the office of public information at London Bethel on 10/22 responded to the Guardian article by refuting, point by point, the "factual errors" contained in that article. As it happens the society did apply for DPI/NGO status in 1991 for the purpose of getting access to the UN's library. In 1991 there was no requirement to sign off on a statement endorsing UN principles. In effect they were applying for a "library card". It seems that that requirement came after Kofi Annan's arrival as part of a general tightening up effected by Annan.
Classic Watchtower style. I think when the Writing boys have not much information about a matter, this word comes rolling in......this requirement was slipped in unnoticed.
The brothers in Legal should get some Public Reproof on the Internet for subjecting neglecting their duties in the Courtyard.If the Society is quilty of anything it is that they went unaware of this new requirement.
The Society should be disfellowshipped for being slow about discerning, and slow about acting.Additionally, I have learned that the Society had an observer at the UN sessions for many years.
Society has printed tomes on the UN. Why didn't they mention this?Just as in the case of the press, media or any interested observer it does not necessarily constitute endorsement. I understand that the library access was a more cost effective expedient for accessing UN info...
That's what the Society would want believed. But it's apples and oranges.Hope you and your family are well.
The love of a dad... -
The UN in the Watchtower 01, 2001
by Gozz inof course, the boys in writing could not foresee that there was danger lurking in the shadows before watchtower presses rolled out the december 1, 2001 issue of the watchtower.
the article "develop your heart to fear jehovah", on page 14 opens with the words:.
fear has haunted mankind for centuries.
Of course, the boys in Writing could not foresee that there was danger lurking in the shadows before Watchtower presses rolled out the December 1, 2001 issue of the Watchtower. The article "Develop Your Heart to Fear Jehovah", on page 14 opens with the words:
Fear has haunted mankind for centuries. Fear of hunger, disease, crime, or war keeps millions of people in constant anxiety. For this reason, the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights expresses the desire to bring about a orld where all hunmans will enjoy freedom from fear*.
May be there were plans to submit the Watchtower magazines to the UN too. But it's too late now. And bad timing too. The Society had no problem providing Awake!-style UN support in the Watchtower for the congregations to study...shame.
The footnote reads to the statement read:
The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948
The writer could have added "The Watchtower Society dissociated from the United Nations Department of Public Information on October 9, 2001".
by OhHappyDay ini've just finnished the translation of a letter sent to a single witness.. since not everyone knows where the big thread is, i also post it here.... (the original is available through kent or randy).
association of jehovas witnesses.
scc 2001 oct., 8th.
...it is necessary that the Society is registered at the UN as a Human Rights Organization. This is the only way to help our brothers...
Now that a letter of dissociation has been written, does that mean it is no more necessary ot help the brothers? And will new way be found or not?
However this does not mean that the Society is in any way involved politically with the UN or giving support to their political decisions.
Blatant lie! This is the same words that's been said everytime. It'a lie. The Society agreed, and did so in writing, to support the UN. And the evidence shows they did. The wording is in classic Tower Style. OKay. The Society is involved with the UN, but not politically, right? And the Society has supported UN decisions, but not political decisions? The brothers at this Branch have been well trained in religious doublespeak.
As usual, Paul has been dragged into the issue. Paul was a Roman; did he apply to be one? Did he label the Roman government as the antichrist? It shows there's no limit to what interpretation can be given to bible passages by the Tower.
The same rule applies to this matter you asked about.
Ha ha ha! So when it becomes known what the christian has done, he resigns, uh?... The brothers at the branch should begin to think. They'll get nore instructions from Brooklyn. For now confusion reigns supreme.
Scan of new tract: "Who Are Jehovah's Witn...
by expatbrit ingiven recent events, some of this is almost funny.. side one: .
side two: .
Whatever the cost, Jehovah's Witnesses follow the bible
They have not invented a new religion
They merely follow what is written in the Torah and Psalms
Almost...But are they Israelites or Christians?
"In the abundance of many words there does not fail to be transgression" - Solomon, Son of David, The Bible
Eighty five years ago today
by Skimmer ineighty five years ago today, on halloween of 1916, the founder, first president, and self-proclaimed jellyfish of the watch tower bible and tract society charles taze russell passed from this mortal vale.
some believe that he met his maker on that day.
others say that he met somebody else, and that it was somebody more commonly associated with the holiday.. at the time of his death, the self-appointed "god's only true channel" taught that:.
Yeah, he's in heaven like hell... watching down on mere mortals and smiling. He won't be wearing his beard, or may be he'll be wearing it anyways... the Israelites wore beards...