Even JWs know that Brother J.R. Brown has been lying a lot recently.
j.r. brown, a national spokesman for the jehovah's witnesses, confirmed that the four had been called to the hearings, but he said the proceedings may focus on "sins" unrelated to public comments on sexual abuse.
he provide no specifics.. now isn't that a pr move!.
Even JWs know that Brother J.R. Brown has been lying a lot recently.
i received this today from a confirmed source.
i am sure someone will have the actual scans soon.. .
united nations nations unies.
Messanger, thank you.
But where are the scans?
i, like others on this website and within the jw religion, would like to see the policy on molesters changed so that all accusations are placed in the hands of the authorities to let them investigate.
this aside, it seems that many are intent on attacking the jws over their lack of such a policy.
there is a big difference between reform and "tearing down.
Dear Brother amac,
I, like others on this website and within the JW religion, would like to see the policy on molesters changed so that all accusations are placed in the hands of the authorities to let them investigate.Fine. That deserves an applause coming from one of us. But that should also mean you're aware of the current policies. Do you serve as an elder or in a more responsible capacity in the Organization? What particular aspects of the current policies would you like to see "placed in the hands of the authorities to let them invstigate"? This admission seems to mean that you think that somethings aren't certainly being done right, no?
This aside, it seems that many are intent on attacking the JWs over their lack of such a policy. There is a big difference between reform and "tearing down."The mix-up is almost always avoidable. While many apostates, opposers and those dissenting (like you are obliquely doing) usually mention "JW", what is really meant is the Watchtower Society machine, the organization behind the name of Jehovah's Witnesses.
It seems that the JWs current policy about dealing with cases of molestation are even more strict than many other religions. Check the article at http://www.courier-journal.com/localnews/2001/02/04/ky_chur.htmlIt may seem so. But dear brother, that is not the point. This is Jehovah's Organization, isn't it? Can the current policy stand the test of the words of our PR man, the one who said the policies are aggressive if favour of the protection of children and victims? This is not about numbers, brother; but then it's also about numbers. It's about those children whose lives have been ruined, the parents who cry for justice, the helpless and downtrodden, who, through thteir total submission to the dictates of our religion have come to harm.
If that is the case, why single out JWs? Why wouldn't you campaign for all religions to update their policies?Let's say that is the case. There are others fighting this crime of religion in other places. The JW religion happens to be the primary constituency of Bill Bowen and others on this board. It must start somewhere. And why not in Jehovah's house?
When these concerns for abused children come from those who also seek the demise of the entire Watchtower organization, it is hard to determine if they truly want a reform to protect children or if they are simply using this as a tool to destroy an organization they bitterly despise.It's probably hard to. But what's your concern here, brother? There must be persecution, not so? The ultimate liberation of Jehovah's people will result from a planned attack from those who wish to destroy it, not so? So this may truly be the time! If the organization will be destroyed by some allegations, like this one, then it must be Jehovah's will, not so?
When the concerns for the restoration of paradise come from those who seek the demise of 99% of the human race, it is hard to determine if they truly want righteousness or if they are simply using their religion as a tool to detroy a people they utterly despise.
i did a search on bill bowens postings in this forum.
very interesting.
Individuals may have been mistreated by local elders.You're an idiot.
I am a JW. And I know.
And you're inventing new ways of being stupid.
Prove that the numbers of molested children among JW's is higher than a similar cross section of the general population.What's this statistical nonsense about? It's all about numbers to you, right? How many, only a few, eh? JW policy protects child molesters. There are children who have been abused; just one is snough, or don't you get it? The religion is a haven for child molesters. Your elders knwo it. The GB and Brooklyn guys know it. And you come here and talk rubbish about justice. What is justice? The disfellowshipping of those who're speaking out? The silencing of Bill Bowen's silentlambs? Are you a child molester yourself?
Individuals may have been mistreated by local eldersThe Watchtower Society provides the infrastructure that supports that mistreatment. The local elders are their tools. And they use them to the full.
Sue their behinds. Sue the GB if you can.Good recommendation. May be later. Thank you. Newspaper reports hurting you eh?
But don't attack the religion...Dirty Watchtower-supporting child molester. You can run, but you can't hide.
do you think it was stupid or smart for the watchtower to call brother bowen and the others in before this scandal goes very public.
this theocratic warfare i believe was a stupid move if you look at the situation from a jw perspective.. beans.
Bowen and his associates are NOT JW's.
i did a search on bill bowens postings in this forum.
very interesting.
You say Bill Bowen has no absolute numbers. Do you? But then you conclude that he doesn't, and that in capitals. See, it's either you have the numbers and put them up here (you must have access to them since you're so sure it's not as bad as Bill says), or you return to your masters.
Jehovah's Witnesses condemn child molestation. They have policies that protects child molesters. Bill is saying this is wrong. And he's got people, real people who've been abused to challenge the position. You have a problem with that? Are you afraid of the aftermath of the child molestation thing? You have anything to hide or anyone to protect? Produce hard facts of Bill Bowen's hypocricy, and stop personal attacks. He's got enough motivation for what he's doing; you don't like it, so what?
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?.
2.do you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
1. Are you allowed as JWS to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?
No, No.
2.Do you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?
A brother knows. And a sister too. But then when a sister knows, then everyone knows too...
3.Do you count your time preaching on this board as service hours and if so, do you let them know where those hours came from? And do you count reading what other people post as service time too?
Sometimes. Well, frankly, Yes. Anytime spent talking about JW or religion counts now; whether pro or anti, but to a maximum of four hours. It's like when pioneers go for volunteer service other than preaching, you know, like doing cleaning and all that, they can count some hours, can't they?
4.Do you feel this is a good place to get your spiritual food and that coming here is bringing you closer to Jehovah and his organization?
Spiritual food? Nothting like it. Spiritual food... Manna was the closest thing to spiritual food, so I don't get it from here, or anywhere alse; not at the meetings too... Closer to Jehovah... if that means peace, and Christian freedom, yes, I have more of it now. And, I don't call God Jehovah again, at least not willingly. Jesus didn't call him that, why should little me here be presumptuous...
5.Do you think that you may plant something in someones head that will change their mind about the organization, perhaps something they have not heard a billion times before when they were in the organization?
Yes yes yes yes. I am.
6.Have you ever considered that if the people here wanted to hear what you have to say, ummm they would ask one of you? You know, "don't call me, I'll call you". Trust me when I tell you, we could all find a JW pretty much anytime, whether we want to or not.
They always want to hear. Don't you see what happens when You Know, or Fred starts a thread? Flames everywhere. That's what JW 's about...
7.Last but not least,have any of you tossed around the idea that you just might be brain washed?
Yeah. JWs are probably collectively being brainwashed. But me?
does anybody have a list of quotes where the watchtower has quoted from the guardian news paper?.
i really dont need any jws that i show info about the un scandal to ask me if the guardian is an apostate newspaper.. so can anyone help with watchtower quotes mentioning the guardian.. some info on the guardian would also help since i dont know much about it.. thanks .
The April 22, 2002 Awake! Issue has the following:
Page 6, Paragraph 3: Regarding the decline in believers in Britain, the newspaer The Guardian says: "Christianity has never looked worse shape."
Page 6, Paragraph 8: The Guardian makes the following observation: "The Roman Catholic church had a deplorable record of colluding with fascism throughout the 20th century, form the congratulations it bestowed on General Franco after the Spanish civil war, to its recent efforts on behalf of General Pinochet". The Guardian also noted that Pope Pius XII, the wartime pontiff, "was happy enough to come to an arrangement with [Hitler] and steer clear of potential embarrassments like denoucing the Holocaust."
Page 11 Paragraph 3: Many have complained, as The Guardian noted, that "priests are more interested nowadays in raising money than in pastoral visits."
in the thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=21916&site=3 mad apostate brought the watchtower magazine of june 1, 1991 pages 15-20 their refuge-a lie!
to our attention with respect to the united nations scandal.
in particular, mad apostate made reference to paragraphs 10 and 11 from this wts rag.
Hawkaw, thank you. Mad apostate, thank you.
When the Society says 'A recent book' and fail to mention their source, then there is much work to do for whoever tries to find out who the writer is. It was pretty very recent in 1991, at least the latest published version was then about 7 years old... You've done a great job fishing this out. Thank you again. The hypocrisy of the Society is high as heavens, and I think this should be interesting to my elder friend who still cannot believe the UN matter.
.....have already died.. they have given over any semblance of a normal life to a kult korporation that just continues to feed on their fears.
they might as well be dead.. many of the millions who were alive when that statement was made *did* die, waiting in vain to get the don lapre shortcut to financial prosperity and happiness.
they mistakenly thought if they just put in a little more time here, host another co there, they would get the house of their dreams in the real soon now paradise that is perpetually "just around the corner.".
YOU are responsible for your own spirituality.
Blessed you are!
When I was studying, that brother, the elder, loved to quote I John 4:1. It was a great scripture that justified the enquries we wee making about the Church and Christendom. Now, he says to surrender it all to the Governing Body; to stop thinking, to stop asking... The same pharisaical Governing Body that practices not what they preach. Of course they don't speak for God; they blaspheme him, make people lose faith in him.
Lisa, you sound mad at Watchtower, something new?