1) The Reformers are actually winning some battles. They may end up not winning the war, but they sure are winning stages of the battle. Take a look at the concessions the Society has made with respect to blood products. I bet that many in the organization remain ignorant of what products are allowed or which are banned. The June 15 and November 15 2000 WT QFR make those facts clear. The Society is gradually yielding ground. It is impossible to win the debate on blood based on the Society's current position. The efforts of the Reformers, and discussions like the "Question about Noah" thread started by Friend on the defunct Witnet, and others are progressively enlightening practicing JWs about the weakness of the Society's position on blood, both on the scriptural and moral fronts.
The Society will, as usual, tend to give the appearance that the status quo is being maintained. Recall the Bulgarian blood case. "Ordinary" (please, do excuse the use of the word) JWs must continue to think that the stance on blood is the same as it was. No prominence will be given to the changes ("adjustments"). They are only treated as QFR, not as standard WT articles. One reason for this is because the changes are being propelled, not by any scriptural research on the part of the Society, but due to advancements in the medical field, and questions from opposers and reformers. The recent HemoPure breakthrough portend more problems for the Society's stand. And as Lee Elder pointed out, it is impractical to expect the Society to totally and abruptly do away with the policy. Thew cost will be too great. The mills of the gods in the case of the blood issue will grind slowly, but surely. Progress has been made. The question of platelets remain however. That is another stage of the battle.
There seem to be evidence from recent occurrences that the Society will gradually revamp the position of blood. But it would be undesirable for such to be done under pressure from reformers. The changes must not be seen as resulting from efforts of opposers, and non-conformist JWs. Which is a reason why the Society will tread softly. There are loyal JWs watching - many are getting on the Net despite admonition to the contrary.
2) I believe there is actually a reform "movement". May be the "members" of the movement are not so organized as to be so called. But they are a movement, including loyal JWs who wish to remain JWs for personal and other reasons, but who would wish that the current position is changed. There are also others who, by virtue of their consciences, have come to a personal decision on what to do when confronted with a situation regarding the use of "banned" blood products - they would not refuse some of the banned products. So, in principle, they are for the reform, although not willing to be active members of the movement.
The gains of the continuing debate on blood will benefit both the world, and especially JWs. The battle rages on. The reformers have the best interests of their brothers and fellow humans at heart. The blood issue is like a field of thin ice; so safety is dependent on speed. The reformers would want the ongoing changes to take place swiftly. There is evidence that the Society is responding.