you've done some pretty good stuff on 'hidden things', like on the manual for elders and the misrepresentations per quotes. For those who rely on the the Society to do their research for them, these materials are a very good help. They expose the Society witers as consistent liars, guiltier than Christendom in misleading people, and worse than pharisees in imposing opprpressive extra-scriptural rules.
Posts by Gozz
More ridiculousity!!!
by 2SYN intaken from alanf's website, section "the society tries to censor the net":.
pregnancy is only considered "strong circumstantial evidence" (!
) of sexual immorality, while the word of two witnesses is definite evidence.
Wrath Of God Bible Quiz (part 2)
by sf innot sure where part one is.... < http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0102/wrathofgodquiz.html.
the wrath of god bible quiz - part 2. objective: determine the number of living things killed by or in the name of god in each of the following circumstances.
after taking the quiz, you can find explanations of the correct answers by clicking here.. 1. how many men did god kill because someone decided to peek into the ark of the lord?
problems here. Some people read these accounts in the bible and find it to be inconsistent with their inner sense of justice, they then assume God must be right, and let the matter rest. But your post seems to attempt to justify the acts of killing, as if they need some justification in the minds of those that believe them to have been done by God. By attempting to explain, you seem to say you understand God's justice, you seem to imply that there's some logic in the acts which your humanity understands and identifies with. There's a problem there, because many 'decent' people will not agree with you. Even in cases where people have proved to be worthy of death by our human standards, discussions abound about humane ways of inflicting the capital punishment.
Accounts of prophet Samuel hacking the guilty to pieces before God, 70,000 Israelites dying because of a mistake by King David, soldiers being burnt to death because of opposing a prophet, and a warrior supported by God killing men, women, children and livestock simply do not meet with the current perception of justice by many decent people. You claim to understand why they happened, but your reason seems to be that they were warned, that they had a chance. Perhaps you would want to make one understand better how it is that the justification for the acts is very clear to you, and how it meets with your sense of justice that the children of guilty adults should suffer the same fate as their parents.
Wrath Of God Bible Quiz (part 2)
by sf innot sure where part one is.... < http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0102/wrathofgodquiz.html.
the wrath of god bible quiz - part 2. objective: determine the number of living things killed by or in the name of god in each of the following circumstances.
after taking the quiz, you can find explanations of the correct answers by clicking here.. 1. how many men did god kill because someone decided to peek into the ark of the lord?
Funny! The questions state the facts in a shocking way. And that dialog box with the "Wrong! You Unsaved Moron" message just craked me up.
Question about Blood Card
by Gozz inthere were threads in this forum recently about the issuance/non-issuance of the medical directive cards in some countries, notably the us, uk (and i think, finland).
i'll like to know the position of things.
were the old cards distributed for signing in those countries and elsewhere, or were there new documents other than the usual card?.
There were threads in this forum recently about the issuance/non-issuance of the Medical directive cards in some countries, notably the US, UK (and I think, Finland). I'll like to know the position of things. Were the old cards distributed for signing in those countries and elsewhere, or were there new documents other than the usual card?
The new Jehovah's Witnesses
by compton indo you want to know who the new witnesses will be, they don't even know themselves yet ?.
read all of chapter ezekiel 38 and psalm 83.
Hallo ianao, you seem to know things. You work for the CIA?
new blood cards not used
by Dogpatch inplasma) be given to me...," the june - 2001 version reads "i direct .
that no allogeneic blood transfusion (whole blood, red cells, white .
difference in the cards is the use of the word allogeneic in the june .
Apparently Jehovah's Witnesses in Africa are not exactly brothers, or they're simply out of the loop of developments (Re: Malawi/Mexico). The governing body and watchtower lawyers are playing poker with African lives. The 3/99 cards were distributed to Jehovah's Witnesses for there signatures. The brothers, like sheep, are signing their lives away...
If Adam Had Not Sinned........
by stevieb1 inone of the ways the wt tries to get you into believing you are not going to heaven even if you d not have faith in christ is by saying that if adam had not sinned we would all be living in a paradise earth.
the publication "reasoning from the scriptures" states on page 162: "it wa not jehovah's original purpose for man someday to die.......death was to be punishment for disobedience, not the doorway to a better life in heaven.
obedience would have ben rewarded by continued life, eternal life, in the paradise that god had given to man.
you might want to take a look at the views expressed on this thread, as it relates to your question. 'aChristian' gives a perspective of the Adam and Eve situation that touches on the question you've asked.
' http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=19662&site=3 -
REINSTATEMENT-how long does it take?
by Mollie inif anyone can tell me how long it takes to be reinstated, i would greatly appreciate it.
years ago when i was a witness, it was determined by the individual's progress.
someone has relayed to me that it is now a mandatory minimum of 1 year.
There is no set amount of time that elders need to let pass in order to be reinstate an individual.
Fair enough. You're an elder then, so you know. But at least you state that it's the elders doing it. Humans judging the behaviour of those supposedly their sheep, and carrying out the unscriptural act called reinstatement. So they need to let time pass. Even David, murderer and adulterer during his career as King while sitting on Jehovah's throne only had to admit his sins, upon being reminded that he had sinned by Nathan, Prophet of God (BTW, that took all of nine months, after the germination of the seed of David's sin - I know you know that) and he God forgiveness, or a temporary suspension of sentence until his death. Was Jehovah being partial? Can your elders read hearts?
What a wonderful provision that Jehovah has given his servant in order to keep his organization clean from harmful influences as
Y'see, you keep blaspheming Jehovah's name. It's dubs like you who act like peddlers of what is hurtful. What is Jehovah's arrangement? Whay are you lying on Jehovah? You are, until you provide proof that he authorized this wicked act of telling humans to read hearts. You think the rank and file dubs are the harmful influence? Big joke. Take a walk to Brooklyn. Or better still do some good reading of the stuff that they send down. The way you write, you should be in the writing department.
set out in the scriptures......PRAISE BE TO JAH!!So, who is this Jehovah's servant you mention? Because I don't know, Russell used to be the servant.
Name a 'Bad Elder, CC, DO.' !!!
by Mr Bean insorry.... i'm chicken shit, ok?.
if you think it's a mistake posting the names, you might want to edit then. There's a facility to do that.
by getingout inthere are many of you out there that believes all jws protects child molesters.
i am a jw (for now) and i can tell you , i have never and never will protect a child molester.
i don't believe when i choose to live in society i will be a protecter of rapist or child molesters there either.
What about those of you who support our government how many women and children have been raped in those places? does that make you a protecter or child molester?
William , if you have been doing your research on the system, you must know by now that the justice system will give at most (in most cases) six months to child molesters and they can get out in three months on good behaviour.
It's unfair to call all JWs child molesters. And you make the point in part of your posts. But many wouldn't object to a statement that we live in a society that protects child molesters; of course, the measure of 'protection' is subjective, but all decent people would have a convergence on what could be agreed to be protection. But how can you lump the US justice system with the JW system? The JW system is believed by misinformed JWs and the uninformed public as operating on a code of ethics superior to that of the US justice system. That is especially what JWs will have everyone believe. But the stories from the Molestation projects show otherwise. It could be a bad tactic, but you shouldn't get mad at being lumped with the rest of the JW system; all JWs share the praise of being a 'clean', 'Spirit-directed', 'happy' organization.