Interesting board. Part of the old crowd doing their thing. They're talking like in hushed tones. There's fear in Watchtower land.
okay.. a jw actually did the "apostates" a favor.
click on the link below for the theocratic ministry school book 2002- online.... anyone want to set a pool on how long that link stays with out threat of lawsuit?.
Interesting board. Part of the old crowd doing their thing. They're talking like in hushed tones. There's fear in Watchtower land.
much to my surprize, i received an e-mail from a webzine this morning, telling me that one of my articles was published.
they must be very hard up for material.. it is on the subject of "the women of the bible".
it outlines some of the gender discrimination of the bible, and highlights a few inconsistancies in some of the bible stories that mention women.. if anyone is interested, it can be found at:
I see that... But someone might take it serious, like making valid points with humour. But its correctness should be solid. If there's any possibility for error, it might cast some shadow on credibility. I didn't mean to nitpick.
much to my surprize, i received an e-mail from a webzine this morning, telling me that one of my articles was published.
they must be very hard up for material.. it is on the subject of "the women of the bible".
it outlines some of the gender discrimination of the bible, and highlights a few inconsistancies in some of the bible stories that mention women.. if anyone is interested, it can be found at:
I didn't see Lari's post. But it's fine still.
Y'know, since you say we can't be sure who it was that was taken into exile, we might not then conclude it was Mordecai, not so? Using the Esther story would then have the possibility of error. What do you think? If the numbers could show a grave discrepancy for Kish, then we might have a good argument. What do you think?
anti-americanism has taken the world by storm .
the us has an ideological enemy harder to defeat than militant islam .
salman rushdie.
America did not become effective yesterday. The country has almost always been a spectacle. But arrogance never makes friends. President Bush’s utterances have hurt the sensibilities of many decent people, and has helped the Anti-American cause. The threats to go after countries, the ‘with us or against us’ speech cut a peculiar picture of America, as seen through the behaviour of the leadership. IF Anti-Americanism is rising, then the American people should look within.
much to my surprize, i received an e-mail from a webzine this morning, telling me that one of my articles was published.
they must be very hard up for material.. it is on the subject of "the women of the bible".
it outlines some of the gender discrimination of the bible, and highlights a few inconsistancies in some of the bible stories that mention women.. if anyone is interested, it can be found at:
Thanks Runningman.
If you'll let us look a little bit more closely at that story about Esther and Mordecai. At Esther 2:5-7, could it be that the construction 'Mordecai was son of Jair, the son of Shimei, son of Kish, a Benjamite who had been taken to exile from Jerusalem with the deported people who were taken into exile with Jeconiah, the king of Judah...' allows for the possibility that Mordecai was born in exile, that Kish was the one taken to exile?
much to my surprize, i received an e-mail from a webzine this morning, telling me that one of my articles was published.
they must be very hard up for material.. it is on the subject of "the women of the bible".
it outlines some of the gender discrimination of the bible, and highlights a few inconsistancies in some of the bible stories that mention women.. if anyone is interested, it can be found at:
could you please cite the verse(s) in the 3rd Chapter of Leviticus that you referred to?
Thank you.
today's wt.
study - they started talking about mercy.
and rules and pharisees.
Thanks Metatron. It's clear who the modern-day pharisees are. Why JWs are blind to it beats the imagination.
yes, i would like to introduce a long standing friend of mine who has stopped attending meetings.
he missed out on education opportunities because he pioneered at 16. he stopped when he was 24. by then it had taken its toll.
it had cost him his marriage.. isp
Welcome Rummy. Welcome.
much to my surprize, i received an e-mail from a webzine this morning, telling me that one of my articles was published.
they must be very hard up for material.. it is on the subject of "the women of the bible".
it outlines some of the gender discrimination of the bible, and highlights a few inconsistancies in some of the bible stories that mention women.. if anyone is interested, it can be found at:
Brilliant work you've done there!
does anyone here take the creation story literally?
if yes, did u do ample research and think carefully but still believe in it?
if u don't think that the story should be taken as literal, what is your reading of it and do u still believe in the bible as the inspired word of god?...thanks in advance..
you've succeeded in hijacking this thread with your mentally challenging posts. That's not a happifying result for some.